Why are leftists so unrealistic?

Why are leftists so unrealistic?

I don't get it. Fuck what people like?

It doesn't help that she's not actually hitting the TV.

Several reasons but mostly they are just ignorant. The greatest generation and silent generation fought wars and died building lands their children could be proud of and live in peace in while baby boomers were born with a silver spoon in their mouth which lead to the following generations taking their civilization for granted. Now in a digital age where they try and satiate growing narcissism and unearned egos with misguided activism they can't figure out what actually matters in their life since they haven't really fought for anything worth a damn.

One word. Jews.

So close but yet so far

Well put, sir. Well put.

well Sup Forums?

Nigga the "greatest" generation didn't do that by themselves. They did it thanks to "socialism" that the government imposed. Massive public works, reorganization of the economic collapse caused by the depression, forced enlistment.

Left actually looks cuter. While skin looks better on the right she looks more like a typical whore.