Can someone defend this?
I can't.
Can someone defend this?
I can't.
i just dont really care that much to be honest
Because he's bringing the chinks to heel, they already have less influence now after he's been in office for only 100 days
We can't go after china for now if we want them to deal with the norks. However, every recent president has tried to do this, and china will end up backing North Korea, so trump will really hit them hard with a trade deal. Or maybe he sacrifices a few things to get rid of a nuclear threat
What is there to defend?
What's there to defend?
>Trump calls China out on currency manipulation.
>Somehow convinces China to bend the knee
>China stop buying NK coal
>China starts buying USA coal
>Leftist don't understand that relations have been mended
>Leftists who were pro-china before are now anti-china
It would be like calling someone out, and after a compromised is reached some retard starts trying to stir shit up again.
I can't take all these broken promises. Hold me Sup Forums
Apparently "America First" was bullshit.
He said he'd label them manipulators because they are. That has fucked with our economy.
They won't stop NK. It's fucking bullshit just like the rest of his flip flop garbage.
China was already working on North Korea before Trump took office. Anyone who thinks China actually WANTS the Norks to keep developing their nuclear program hasn't been paying attention. China loved their little client state, but if that client state is threatening regional stability (i.e. threatening the markets or trade) China will throw them under the bus.
>tfw Xi literally got Trump to back off for free
This, I'm tired of this shit. I'm going to sleep.
Seriously, this is exhausting. I'm just gonna go to sleep now.
Thought it was fake.
is this tweet even real?
can't tell if low quality troll or serious.
I should add that the best case scenario for China is to successfully tighten the leash on North Korea or support opposing factions within the North Korean elite, so they can have a nice, docile puppet taking care of things.
How about the fact that he was lying through his teeth when he said he would label China a currency manipulator.
I don't expect you to see why that is a bad thing now that the globalism logic has taken over nupol.
>China better help me against North Korea or I won't so I can appease my idiotic normie base with displays of power instead of this stupid America first trade and Wall shit I lied about
It's called international cooperation.
What a fucking subhuman, he's doing the same bait and switch as every politician, except he's being straightforward about it.
Can you trumpanzees even come up with valid reasons to consider NK a priority in world affairs?
Give me your cuck answers
It's pretty fucking real user.
>uses a now-more-subservient China to bring NK to heel
What's so tough to understand about this shit, faggots? Seriously, Trump is using other nations exactly as he needs with this shit, shills need to stop making this some sort of "issue" and actually focus on something Trump is ACTUALLY fucking up, if they can come up with something he's completely rekt since taking office.
Funny that none of you cunts had been saying "IF HE DOESNT FULFILL EVERY CAMPAIGN PROMISE IN 90 DAYS I GIVE UP LADS" line until now, it just makes the retards and /leftyfags/ that much easier to spot.
Sort yourselves out.
He did label them though, that was your inferred first argument.
Using enemies to defeat enemies != globalist logic
>Is this a bait shill thread or are you actually that retarded?
>Am I retarded for falling for the bait?
Why would he even say this? All he has to do was not say anything. Who is making him do this? He absolutely did call them that, this is only there to bring attention to him lying and backpedaling. If this is a real tweet that is.
I get that he needs China's support because we're about to kill a bunch of North Koreans for very little reason, but why would he post this?
Shill with a different photo, that one makes me nauseous
>What's so tough to understand about this shit, faggots?
What you don't understand is that China was already going to do that. Do you honestly believe China wants North Korea acting all uppity and threatening the stability of East Asia?
It's called giving your voters the finger.
It isn't about them stopping the Norks, it is about them not throwing their troops in with the DPRK like they did in the first fight.
It's real. I'm kind of surprised that he actually said that.
>Why would he even say this?
Because the news ran a bunch of stories about it.
It's a Fucking leaf
Yep. Trump is being fully co-opted by the shadow government/empire, deep state whatever you want to call the globo-homo-mono one worlders. Sad to see that it happened so fast, he'll be just another trained seal of the Luciferian machine soon, indistinguishable except for a few shallow attempts at retaining whatever is left of his humanity.
Because if north korea launches a nuke into Seoul that would be very bad?
Eat shit, Achmed.
Yet more proof that the '@realDonalTrump' is dead and replaced with a poorly programmed syth.
America, you fucked up again.
Sup Forums will be mad about this despite only caring about Chinese manipulation of currency ONLY when Trump brought it up.
Trumps going to give China market economy status in exchange for foreign policy support. It's called linkage.
I love how this is always inevitable. You guys WILL turn on anyone you put your faith in. When your core demographic is comprised of people with mild to severe paranoid schizophrenia/paranoid delusions, they will eventually see you as the enemy.
Putting America first requires putting morals aside sometimes. What would we gain out of lambasting a country that may be about to help us?
Are you fucking serious?
Never question the logic of 4D chess. Donald's brain is on another dimension from ours.
you don't get to call people turning on Trump paranoid when he actually starts going back on some of his major campaign promises
How is this surprising to you? You should have figured out how Donald Trump operates by now.
what would happen if he called them a currency manipulator
What the mother fuck does God damn Korea and Asia have to do with us getting raped by free trade by our own kike companies and simultaneously fucked up the ass with a demographic genocide turning us into literally Latin America?
He never gave a literal shit. Have you ever tried to explain to anyone on the (((right))) how bullshit it is that 1% of an ethnic population literally controls nearly the entirety of our leadership, finance and media? Jesus fuck the patients are running the mental ward.
>Doesn't understand winning.
Look at the recent coal deal for instance. May want to go cram your face in a big bag of dicks.
>this has absolutely nothing to do with us so let's expend political capital to send white people to (potentially) die and waste taxpayers money for another war
Problem: China is a currency manipulator.
Your solution: Have China let you attack North Korea for them?
China do what I want or you won't be my good buddy and you won't win with us, faggot
>What does east asia have to do with free trade
are you actually fucking retarded
>le 4d chess
Heh trump is basically like le based black guy right?
This is a bait shill thread but you aren't retarded because you didn't fall for it. Responding to bait shill thread's isn't necessarily bad if you use a good argument for the benefit of lurkers who might be retarded enough to fall for the bait shill threads.
He implied that they are currency manipulators with that tweet.
>reading comprehension
I didn't know they let abbos use computers now
>Because if north korea launches a nuke into Seoul that would be very bad?
Why would North Korea do that without provocation?
Fucking cuck
You're meant to be mowing the lawn pablo.
You seem comfy with the assumption that your life is controlled for you, and glad to bask in the victory of the taskmasters of your life who want you dead.
Memes are non-arguments bud
Can you stay on one goddamn fucking topic? You faggot b8ers (because you sound like someone trying WAY too hard to fit in on Sup Forums.) China has been fucking with USA trade. This is about stopping that AND bringing NK to heal, a potential enemy. This isn't domestic policy, that is an entirely separate issue that he will tackle. You can't ignore domestic policy, no matter what retards on Sup Forums think.
>Why would I call CHY-NA a currency manipulator when they are withing with us on the NK problem?
Translated - Yes, I called China a currency manipulator on the campaign trail, and I even said it to Xi's face at dinner at my country club. I then went and bombed Syria and came back to dinner. I told Xi he can bend the knee or his shit tier satellite state and his economy will both get fucked. He choose to bend the knee and get NK to simmer down, buy our goal and import our agriculture goods.
>We will see what happens!
Translated - If Xi fucks up, then all economic labels and sanctions will be on the table.
It's like you faggots have never bargained or read "The Art of the Deal" before....
they are when his thinking consists of
>Israel overlords gud, NK bad mmkay
I am amazed by the mental gymnastics I see here these days.
I'm amazed at the faggotry and low energy b8.
Which is a weird thing to care about considering how much he flatout contradicted himself during his campaign, which you all defended as "pivoting" or "3d 4d 10d underwater chess" or whatever. Some of you are still clinging to that. You can't very well get your ass all red due to "broken campaign promises" when he repeatedly broke those promises pre-emptively by switching his stances and showing that he was not a man of his word. That you chose to have faith in him was just your own idiocy.
It is laughable that you claim I cannot assume the posters of this board are paranoid. I'm guessing you haven't been here for very long. I'm not saying "paranoid schizophrenia" or "paranoid delusions" to be funny or as a meme. I mean that very literally. A large portion of this board suffers from paranoid delusions.
are you really this retarded that you can't understand his basic innuendo in his tweet?
>thanks for correcting the record though
If they wanted me dead, I would probably be dead.
I am comfortable with the idea that my life is controlled for me, because if I am being controlled in some roundabout indirect fashion, it's certainly not having a large impact on my personal choices and I would be unable to stop these mystery shadow people from apparently ruining my life.
But I guess since you're "aware" and posting about it on the internet all day, that makes you better than me and not a blind sheep. Keep up the good work, you fucking genius.
show me one instance where he switched his position on a major campaign promise during the campaign
tfw I'm kinda happy trump turned out to be yet another piece of shit in the sewer system that is america
Once again, Libertarianism wins while the retarded sheep fall for the same bag of tricks of SJW or Racist tendencies
Underrated. Its like Americans cant remember anything past Sept 2016
Bombing Syria.
Not golfing every fucking weekend.
Maybe I'm retarded, but I read it as "They're still currency manipulators, but we've gotta work together at the moment, and they better work with us."
It's like saying "Why would I call the media lying kikes when they're outing bankers? We will see what happens!", it by no means takes back what was said, and rather, reinforces the position you have, making them work for you or face the, as evidenced by the first statement, same wrathful sentiment against their sins.
I'm glad we have a resident translator of bullshit on board to help us understand the complicated language that liars and charlatans speak. Thank you for yet again helping us understand that Trump has never lied or gone back on anything he has said, but is simply playing an extremely complicated game of international stratego that involves repeatedly lying and being wrong on purpose. When will this genius ever stop fucking up? On purpose, I mean.
>during the campaign
He's calling people mental cases for turning on him for doing exactly that because apparently he switched his positions all the time while running.
I'm sure he's by his 10th CNN/huff-post article by now trying to find anything of substance.
Honestly I really feel this post. Even IF I and everyone in America is being controlled (which i honestly don't believe to be true any further than just propaganda and basic brainwashing), then what can I do about it? I'm not going to question literally every choice i make and second-guess myself. That would invalidate my entire being for probably nothing.
We are still in a fucking war with then retard. Since the 50's... Go build wall.
Fuck Trump, globalist neocon kike.
Literally who cares about this other than lefties grasping at straws? Is this really all they have at this point?
lmao I was watching "The Five" on Fox News earlier today and nobody could defend it. Eric Bolling tried saying "he made a deal!"
Self-funding his campaign.
Immigration solutions.
Visa status for highly skilled workers.
LGBT friendliness.
defend what? don't piss off people trying to help you? what
What's... a leppo????
Clearly never read the art of the deal. Trust me, there are tables of men in uniforms arguing about the nuances' of this tweet.
A fucking tweet, has one of the largest-oldest nations in the world squirming...
chinks aren't human and don't belong in the west
You don't punish competition when they sell out to you.
Leftists are always against national interests. Globalists get the rope.
This doesn't really mean anything, could go either way to be honest.
>Self-funding his campaign.
He did. You think those internet donations can fund a successful US presidential campaign?
>Immigration solutions
what specifically did he change? It was always about the wall and deporting all illegals to have the good one come back legally
>Visa status for highly skilled workers
He always said there were some people abusing the system
>LGBT friendliness.
Again. What did he change?
Pulling one liners out of your ass doesn't justify your shitty politically driven opinion.
I really don't give a shit what he does about calling China names or fucking up KimJong but this sounds like the dumbest shit I have heard him say. What does one have to do with other?
>Hey China, your neighbor keeps throwing sticks in my pool, make him stop and I wont tell the whole neighborhood you have been fucking around on your wife
Globalists doesn have left or right you dumb burger.
You delusional shit just doesn understand you are played and used in the divide and conquer game.
There's as many globalist that are from the supposed right than from the supposed left.
> Trump needs China on board to be against North Korea's actions
> Willing to make a deal for them to be on board
> Deal TBD
>implying neo-cons are actually right
Why do you leafs always try to act so smart, especially to a burger? Do you think your betters from Europe will throw you a bone and say
>good job clever Leaf!
True libertarians don't support Gary Johnson
>He did.
He objectively did not. You are fucking stupid. You even admit later in the same answer that he received contributions that weren't from himself. Even if this weren't the case, you're ignoring that he did receive funding from actual corporations, even if the contributions were less significant when compared to someone like Clinton.
>what specifically did he change? It was always about the wall and deporting all illegals to have the good one come back legally
Specifics of the wall, deportation, and the scope of these plans.
>He always said there were some people abusing the system
This is fucking stupid. Did you not even watch the debates?
He quite literally blatantly changed his position.
>Again. What did he change?
He went from being against gay marriage to saying it was "fine" and a "buried issue". Waved a rainbow flag near the end of his campaign.
>Pulling one liners out of your ass doesn't justify your shitty politically driven opinion.
You're apparently talking to yourself. You refuted nothing. Just said "nuh uh!! that didn't happen!".
When did he say he was against gay marriage?
>because they are. That has fucked with our economy.
>art of the deal
You know that was ghost written, right?
In your dreams burger man
his voters care more about trade than North Korea.
intel better show that NK is a huge problem, otherwise this is a needless distraction adventure