Press F to pay respect

Press F to pay respect

Press s to spit


pres h to honhonhon

Why I thought we liked Russia now?

Press V to Va faire te foutre

I still have hope for France. If there's one western nation that can cling to old gory, it's probably her.

But what do I know....

it was the british that supposed to destroy france,never thought they would do it themselves

RIP greatest enemy au riovor!

Bye French native peoples!
Rest of Europe to follow closely behind

Love your greatest rival
مرحبا الفرنسية الجديدة

you are aware a white islamic uk would be more like chechnya than pakistan right?

Incorrect placement of reflexive pronoun


Why whats happened?

Le Pen no longer going to win the first round

(((polls))), but it will all stop in a week when le pen and fillon will be at the 2nd round with 28% and 22%

>the hate bond between Englishmen and French"men" wont exist in a few decades because it will be classed as racism

Le Pen might not even make it to the second round and a maduro-supporting communist or a guy who is literally Trudeau might be elected instead


Yea .everyone I know loves to hate France but nobody really hates them at all,
I guess both France and Britain have earned the right to this bitter sweet love affair

French cucks


I have no respect left to pay

press wombo to wombo


Long live France
