>tfw no hitch to destroy the regressive left for their idiotic love for islamofascism
Tfw no hitch to destroy the regressive left for their idiotic love for islamofascism
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I've also had this thought. Whether you liked him or hated him that man had a way with words
milo is the reincarnation
Just had a Johnnie Walker Black in his honor when it was his bday. What a based, literate bro.
He was such an articulate and charismatic man. But Peter's great too. Really the only reason he isn't as popular as Christopher, is his religious fanaticism.
One of the only atheist (((leaders))) to not be complete shit.
t. atheist
Carlin and Hitch die. Left turns to shit.
What do you think about Dawkins?
The regressive left had a surge in popularity right after his death. Now look at where we're at. Things might have gone differently if he were still around to keep the regressive left in check.
Dawkins and Harris are good but Dawkins isn't as forceful and Harris isn't as well known.