Jews aren't white?
Jews aren't white?
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jews btfo
the real jews are africans. time for some cultural enrichment
#1 fags I saged this, so don't bitch at me for replying
#2 Ashkenazim are more than 50% European in their DNA, even if their y-chromosomes are disproportionately Semitic. Yes, they're white. but they're still Jews.
Jews are a transracial race. Like, they're a race that crosses races, not like Rachel Dolezal. Ethiopian Jews and Moroccan Jews and Ashenazi Jews are all Jews but they're all pretty different in their autosomal DNA.
kek what
literal autism
>jewish woman only fuck superior white men
>jewish cuckoldry laws dictate their children are 100% Jewish
i hate this meme
are you blind
The real, descendants of Abraham Jews are in Palestine.
Jews are always non-white, no matter how white they look.
If Jews aren't white, neither are Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, etc. Jews are Mediterranean, and feature the same characteristics of all other Mediterranean peoples, whether genetic, cultural, or physiological.
K hans
Mediterranean peoples shouldn't be classified as either European or Semitic/Levantine, as they feature characteristics of both. "White" is also an insignificant concept, as it suggests a commonality between groups as different as English and Russians. If you evaluat people according to their geographic origins, you'll find clearer patterns.
For example, both being Mediterranean, Jews and Greeks are more similar to Turks and Italians than Germans and English. If you look past less revealing traits like skin tone, you can find more grounded associations.
Is that sarah silverman
This isn't wrong. I've know several legitimate jews and they were always shitskins with no hint if being european
no theyre jewish.
pic related is whiter than 99% of Greeks and Italians, I don't care what kind of mental gymnastics you have to do to convince yourself otherwise.
jews arent white.
I swear
Pol is literally just like a SJW feminist
But they replace the patriarchy as jews
I am Ashkenazi who looks like right
But how do you define "Geographic origins"? People have been constantly migrating. Like Europe has been populated by homo sapiens for several tens of thousands of years, but indo-europeans only moved into europe some 6-8 thousand years ago. And even then, they continued moving around Europe. Then they individuals started immigrating to different countries. Place of origin is not a very good descriptor of ethnicity. Maybe culture, but DNA would be better otherwise
By looking at the Y-chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA of a particular group, then seeing the population cluster of which they are typical. There has been migration and genetic overlap since the dawn of humanity but geneticists can still find geographic origins behind genetic phenotypes with accuracy.