There are multiple genders, gender is a social construction

Hear me out Sup Forums, I used to think it was just SJW bullshit but honestly they're not wrong. Plenty of longstanding cultures have had distinct third genders going back centuries (e.g. Samoa and the sub-continent cultures) and the roles of the two common genders vary between pretty much every culture on earth. How is it then contentious that gender is a social construct and that there are multiple genders?

It's still flat out retarded.

Men have dicks or atleast XY bodies and women have vaginas or atleast XX bodies.

I honestly wouldn't mind calling a man a woman if they were that way so inclined but don't expect me to suspend my internal beliefs of what you literally are.

There are cultures that had distinct third genders I know but they weren't the western culture of the 1st world and I imagine their 3rd gender probably made up a reasonable chunk of the population compared to how many people want to go by the name xir, che, xo, per, qer or what ever stupid shit you want to make up. It's no less silly than people who say call me an attack helicopter.

There's no basis for this new gender crap other than self exclusion and professional victimhood that is so popular with mindless leftists these days. These are the same faggots who join antifa to bash fascists when they are the biggest fascists in the modern day world.

It's not just wrong and retarded but it's an altogether toxic ideology that promotes division rather than unification.

What sound does a kangaroo make

>There are cultures that had distinct third genders I know but they weren't the western culture of the 1st world
But what does it then say about the nature of gender that there do exist +2 distinct genders in certain cultures? If you accept that multiple gender identities can indeed exist then obviously at some point you have to acknowledge someone just made that shit up and over time these became ingrained in the culture. Whats then to stop people making up their own genders today and then identifying with that?

>There's no basis for this new gender crap other than self exclusion and professional victimhood
Yeah there is, its a social construct

Kinda a hiss

you gotta be a shill, or an idiot.

you are either born with male genetalia or female, it's a biological construct, plain and simple.

of course, some are genetic defects and are born hermaphrodites, but let's not go there.

eunuchs are not even remotely similar to the 32 flavors of made up genders

Gender exists to allow the human race to breed. It's biology. You need a man, and a woman. That's it. There is no need for a 3rd gender, or more - that's made up nonsense by insane liberals intent on destroying western civilization as part of the Marxist global plan.

Male for sperm, female for eggs. That's it.

if you want to suck a dick as a man, go for it - but you still have male genitalia, and you are a male of the species. Nothing you say can change that.

What ever happen to people just being fucking weird? Why does every little mental disorder need its own title. LBGTQIOU and sometimes Y will fragment itself into oblivion

It's not a construct at all, it's basis of the human species and it's survival and evolution on this planet - male and female are the words we invented to describe it, but males and females would not cease to exist biologically if the words didn't exist.

>you are either born with male genetalia or female, it's a biological construct, plain and simple
Gender econmpasses more than just genitalia though. I doubt you'd disagree that males tend to be interested in sports so when gender is spoken of in academic circles it includes such dimensions of ones identity.

>of course, some are genetic defects and are born hermaphrodites
Or several ancient cultures with multiple genders

At some point these cultures just would've made up these genders wouldn't they?