I'm a brazillian researcher, in the field of evolutionary biology. My english isn't perfect, but i'll do my best.
One of the things that worry Brazil in the last few decades has been the slow whitening of our country. The ethnic composition of most of our population is mixed race, but that admixture isn't 50/50. It is more like 70% white, 30% black and slowly whitening. The powers that be claim that there must be evil nazi racist forces at work behind this, and they hire people like me to do research and pinpoint the exact nature behind these phenomena. Unfortunately, science has a thing for objectivity and factual truth isn't very welcome nowadays. Therefore my findings have been censored. My study was paid for by the government, and they are the ones who choose if this will be made public or not. However, i think you'll find these conclusions fairly interesting.
Brayden Perry
First of all, it must be understood how and why evolution occurs. There are enviromental pressures that compell the species to evolve. These pressures work by making the fit specimens reproduce more often and the less fit specimens reproduce less often. Those specimens aren't individual, however. They are groups. In those groups of individuals who carry a set of characteristics, there are men and women. The men can reproduce with any number of women, both from the ingroup and the outgroup. They have no bearing in the survival of this group, only in the spread of this group to the outgroup. The women, however, have no bearing in the spread of this ingroup to the outgroup, only in the survival of this group. Lets suppose two groups: A and B, with FA for females of group A and MA for males of group A.
When males of group A reproduce with females of group B, they spread their set of characteristics inside group B, but that means nothing for group A. Only by females of group A reproducing with males of group B does the group A acquire characteristics of group B. There is an issue however - if group A is recessive, and group B is dominant, whenever a female of group A mingles with group B the offspring is group B. This creates pressures within group A that select for group loyalty. Those without ingroup preferences have offspring who become part of group B. Meanwhile, the females of group B who reproduce with males of group A have offspring who belong to group B. In a single generation of random pairing, 75% of the offspring belong to group B.
Aiden Martinez
Over time the selective pressure creates females with absurdly high ingroup preferences. This means that females of group A have very strong innate indisposition towards males of group B. While males of group A spread the group, females of group A start guarding its survival. Group B on the other hand have had no such pressures, and continues to intermingle. As the children remain in group B, they are still not under any pressure. But slowly, the mix becomes more and more A.
Add to this the fact that Group A has more efficient non-reproductive traits, and survive better in the society to find the source of the "whitening".
What is happening in the western world right now with this push for interracial marriages is what happened in brazil 300 years ago - natural selection. White women who reproduce with blacks will have black children (however mixed they may be) because white genes are more recessive than dominant. Those children will never be white again, and will never be able to have white children. They will however be able to have black children. They have left group A, and joined group B. Those who remain on group A will slowly be selected against this behavior.
Worry not about coalburners - they are just traitors being weeded off. White women who reproduce with white men will have white children - with even stronger ingroup biases. As time passes, white women will improve as a consequence of this. The worst of white women - the fat, lazy and worthless - will be weeded out. They will become niggers too. Only the fittest will survive - and improve.
Dylan Fisher
bumpity bump
Charles Murphy
Robert Ortiz
Ok, but even if group A females are selected to be loyal, they will still be the minority.
Noah Moore
I thought Brazillians were tri racial Native, Black, and White?
Charles Howard
This is also why jewish females marry jewish males 99.9% of the time. They went through this process for thousands of years - not just because they are recessive (they are in relation to whites, africans and arabs, but mostly dominant in relation to east asians), but because of their very small numbers.
Ethan Carter
pls come 2 brazil
Jack Smith
Your theory breaks down if social pressure reaches a critical mass and race mixing becomes preferred. In that scenario the best women will race mix and leave only the less desirable females to breed with whites. Social factors could swing in that direction fast enough to change the entire gene pool and eradicate the "pure" whites you talk about.