Alex Jones, the actor

Since Alex Jones is now a confirmed actor by his lawyer, who on Infowars is the most watchable?

I say Darrin McBreen, Millie Weaver, and David Knight are the most based.

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I knew Sup Forums was satire

Whats the difference between him and John Stewart?

John Stewart is wrong.

Can Sup Forumsfags really not step outside of their little made up world for a moment and see the craziness of their comments?

>Whats the difference between a comedian and a guy who blames the jews for everything?

Are you really this fucking dense?

This whole debacle has really made me question how smart Sup Forumsacks really are, considering how many people actually watch this guy and take his word seriously.

Hes been playing this character since the early to mid 90s then. This is is just legal speak to cover his ass further.

>implying the Jews arent behind everything

Kys kike

He's a MASCOT for the ideas of Sup Forums. If you think we are taking him literally, pls KYS

>whats the difference between people who pander to retarded fanbases for money?

lmao you thought the mouth breathing autists on this autistic board weren't autistic...

>looks at flag
