What if the globalist elites are lying to us about how scarce oil is and how the world will collapse when we get all of that oil from the ground? What if there is a shit ton of oil in the world and it will never end and the globalist elites are only pushing the not enough oil myth to make it somehow valuable and make wars for money? Also wtf is rare earths?
>oils getting hard to find >better raise prices I know a little about peak oil and shit, never really thought about this scenario... very plausible... I do think there will be a consequence of pumping that oil out of the ground.. i tend to believe its there for a reason too
Matthew Anderson
Could oil be abiotic?
Landon Stewart
Oil is made from fossils and fossils are made from dead things and things die all the time. So yes oil is unlimited.
Josiah Diaz
Why would they even lie to us?
Adam Turner
The globalists are the ones lying about renewable energy.
Owen Evans
You mean like diamonds? If you truly think the globalists have that big control of the world that they literally control EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY in the world and have tabs on literally all scientists who'd be able to prove or give incentive to something else going on then yeah sure it's possible. But if that's also true we are in much deeper shit.
So no, not likely, I see the sentiment and it's fun but doesn't hold up. If anything, it's impressive how long the oil industry has milked us by being the big player to all developed nations infrastructure and it's scary knowing how powerful corporations are in todays capitalist society.
Isaac Mitchell
There is plenty of oil in the Earth. In fact, we're currently in the middle of an oil surplus, because Saudi Arabia is overproducing for political reasons. Hence why oil is fairly cheap right now. "War for oil" is a meme. The US doesn't invade countries with the intention of nefariously stealing their oil supply; the vast majority of our oil imports come from Canada and South America. The US mostly goes to war to maintain its diplomatic hegemony and keep the value of the dollar stable. We don't actually have a fiat currency - our money is backed up by our military.
Rare earth elements have many applications in high technology and will be extremely important in the future, which is why forward-thinking countries are trying to secure ample reserves.
Oil and other fossil fuels will remain useful to us for many years to come, and it's unlikely we're going to run out of them anytime soon. Especially as the US becomes less and less reliant on the Middle East for oil (we're already weaning ourselves off of non-Western sources). The era of peak oil, however, is drawing to a close. Fusion and fission are the future.
Joshua Brown
Why would a ship of that size be spotlighting a roadway like a police chopper?
Landon Cooper
There was a fuckload of oil, industrial civilization spent all of the easy cheap oil on feeding billions of people with petroleum based fertilizers and gasoline. The EROI has shrunk massively in the last decade alone. The United States burns approximately 20 million barrels of oil per day. Faggots on this board have zero understanding of just how finite a lot of resources on Earth are. Scientists have been warning for decades about the the ridiculous unsustainability of our civilization, and they are eventually going to be right.
Humans are finally going to figure out what happens when you don't control your population and you just let people shit out kids with no real plan. This autistic board loves to go on and on about 3rd world shitskins having 10 kids, but those families don't use even a tenth of the resources that one child born in America uses throughout their life time. Think about all the stupid shit your parents bought you as a kid that you simply out grew or was just thrown in the trash.
This century will likely devastate Western civilization, bringing it to it's knees. It was unavoidable, there was always one major flaw in our socioeconomic system: You can't base an economy on unlimited growth on a planet with finite resources. It was there staring us in the face the whole time, and we will pay dearly for our mistakes. The oil wars of the early 00s will be nothing compared to the water wars that are coming, all of the worlds aquifers are being sucked dry, and don't replenish for millions of years. Nature provided everything for us and it still wasn't enough.