Knowing that we are all going to die, our physical bodies rotting inside of a box buried in the ground...
What keeps you waking up and pressing forward each morning?
I have completely given up on the experience of "life" (a wife, kids, family gatherings ect) yet lack any constitution for suicide.
I own a construction company, invest in real estate and by all financial metrics am a successful man. 30yrs old and physically fit and attractive...
Yet broken and given up on myself while unable to give up on my sense of duty. Duty that I cannot explain where it comes from or how it manifests... yet I keep pushing forward knowing in the end it will all lead in either fashion to my decaying flesh inside of a box.
>What motivates you Sup Forums? >Where do you get your sense of duty?
Aiden Kelly
Fear of hell.
Colton Flores
the thought that someday, USA is gonna get nuked
Evan Martin
Nothing motivates me. I'm just happy to be here.
Elijah Torres
You feel you have no innate purpose or agency?
Oliver King
I struggle to feed the fire of duty. When I was at my most successful, which is mildly impressive, I did it because I wanted to provide for my live in girlfriend of six years. After she left, I didn't give a fuck about anything. Now I waste my time away watching Netflix and raving about all the shit I see wrong with the world.
My redemption comes from the fight I picked with my local court to test some legal theories with my father.
Basically a bipolar 20 something with no direction and a deep sense of guilt for living on the teat of my parents with nothing to really show for it.
Alexander Brown
Jacob Jenkins
pay debnts.
Brandon Cook
Thanks for sharing. I'm honestly curious what makes anyone wake up in the morning.
Blake Evans
>What motivates you Sup Forums?
Nothing, not for a long time now, can't find anything worth doing that will make any difference at all.
>Where do you get your sense of duty?
I have no sense of duty or anything else, again for a long time now and that's not likely to change anytime soon.