Why is India a literal shithole while Sri Lanka is basically heaven on earth?
Why is India a literal shithole while Sri Lanka is basically heaven on earth?
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Sri Lanka: ~20 million people
India: ~1.2 billion people
It's as simple as that
Sri Lankan's are the main refugees that we are "dealing with." If Sri Lanka is Heaven on Earth, what does that make Australia?
Total population is meaningless
Sri Lanka is also 100 times smaller than India
Both have a similar density (India 382 people/km2 - Sri Lanka 325 people/km2)
Island nations tend to be more based in general.
It's much easier to effectively govern a small population. Imagine everything from running a census to maintaining infrastructure
But hey, I haven't been to either India or Sri Lanka, so this post could just be cherry-picked bullshit
The tamils were the first and are the only resurrection to have ever been wiped out.
Theres a lot of white people in Sir Lanka, especially scientists and they have been there since the 60s for some reason. That's why.
indians stink
>basing all of India on one shitty area when its a large area
here's other pics of India..
this^ they are spreading their shit everywhere
seing as you didnt say sink the chink your a proxy fag
i can get almost as black as indians with daily sunbathes
>sri lanka has more inhabitable land so the population can spread out evenly.
>government is less corrupt
>government is more accountable
>dominant religion is Buddhism
>no muslim influences
>less religious violence and animosity
>more unified culture and people and more homogeneous population
>people have better work ethic
>better access to clean water
>less foreign owned businesses
>no caste system
sri lanka is like a single company that grew in size where as india is a merger between a bunch of shitty companies.
>what does that make Australia?
You know those little floaty things that bob around in urinals...?
I worked with a bunch of sri lankans. Compared to indians i've met they are much more self aware, social , respectful and humble. pretty solid dudes desu
No really, export with the world is really good for them, mainly tea but spices as well.
I've never seen people in my life taking shit on streets. I might agree that pissing in the open is rampant though. Stop this hate and skewed propaganda.
It's the slums and very backwards areas of India. I don't want to talk about them but the new Hindu govt. is already working on these problems.
I will be glad if someone really visits us some time and see for themselves if it's really the case.
Sri Lanka sure is good but India is a billion times better if you talk about the natural beauty.
>Stop this hate and skewed propaganda.
Poolocaust when?
thats a map of a tsunami
>I've never seen people in my life taking shit on streets.
>poo flag
Sup Forums doesn't realize that India has a caste sytem
Visit our country and then we will talk.
>havent seen anyone shitting outside.
just because the problem exist,ignorance is not the solution.
The law which will fix this problem is provide free toilets to every home+every street followed by shoot on sight order if found shitting in open.
What if I have?
When UNICEF starts memeing on you, denial is no longer an option.
I hear people defecate when killed, mightn't work so well.
TLDR; Indians are actually the very definition of a subhuman.
Wew it's like you cherry picked images
A tsunami of shit, pajeet.
Depends on the caste. The disparity in India is too high at the moment.
Wew that inbred paki rage
>I will be glad if someone really visits us some time and see for themselves if it's really the case.
That's the reason people only visit India once, and would loathe the idea of going back there again.
I've never seen anything more depressing and unsanitary than indian cities, and I'm not talking about the slums.
>no red along the west coast of india
>poo ppm diminishes but then sudden rises along north west australia
Just because you shrink it down to ant size doesn't mean we can't still see all the brown on those rocks.
i don't think you understand the point of the OP. He isn't talking about which country has the best tourist spots.
>Theres a lot of white people in Sir Lanka
meme post?
>specially scientists and they have been there since the 60s for some reason
definitely meme post
the only whites are tourists and a few expats
theres a lot more whites in india if anything
hey you guys are the ones who wanted to support a terrorist organisation and take in their """refugees""" so you can keep them
its the 2004 tsunami map
i know, trust me, thats one of only two times this country was globally relevant
It's simple really. Poo, loo, and the lack of their relative proximity in India.
thanking india everyday for being at then of the 3rd world shitstack, we could have been there but you keep us on top of maybe you and 3 neighboring countries LMAOOOOOOOOO
I think Sri Lankans shit in toilets
t. Paki
>government is less corrupt
>government is more accountable
>no muslim influences
>less religious violence and animosity
>more unified culture and people and more homogeneous population
>people have better work ethic
i wish
It does not matter, Sri lankins are bro tier, and I am a fucking racist.
Had one that I smoked with at uni sometimes, and he was redpilled AF, same with his friends.
Do not fear the sri lankan, they wouldn never dare fuck a white woman out of respect, they know that they are in a foreign land and they respect it.
Leave Sri lankan brothers alone.
Nah they don't know about your relevance, you killed Tamils, fought an awesome anime war with us
>I will be glad if someone really visits us some time and see for themselves if it's really the case.
>We nearly left two years ago, after Bram’s first hospitalization. Even after his breathing stabilized, tests showed that he had lost half his lung function. On our doctor’s advice, we placed him on routine steroid therapy and decided that as long as his breathing did not worsen again, we could stay in Delhi. Or at least I decided that. My wife seriously considered flying home immediately, and at the end of a summer visit to the United States with the kids months later, sobbed for hours on the return flight to Delhi.
>Several medical ethicists said it would be impossible to get approval for a clinical trial to send a group of children to Delhi to monitor their health. “Not a chance,” said Adil E. Shamoo, editor in chief of Accountability in Research and a bioethicist at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. “It’s O.K. to survey people already there, but moving children into harm’s way? No.”
>About six months after we moved in, one of our neighbors reported that her tap water suddenly smelled like sewage. Then the smell hit another neighbor and another. It turned out that the developer had dug open channels for sewage that had gradually seeped into each apartment’s buried water tank. When we pulled up the floor tiles on the ground floor, brown sludge seemed to be everywhere. I was in the shower when this sewage mixture arrived in our apartment. Sounds horrible, but I shrugged and toweled off because that smell is such a frequent presence here.
>For much of the year, the Yamuna River would have almost no flow through Delhi if not for raw sewage. Add in the packs of stray dogs, monkeys and cattle even in urban areas, and fresh excretions are nearly ubiquitous.
Met a Sri Lankan girl in uni, she was nice.
Are people generally nice there?
>that clean as fuck taj mahal area free from touts
delete this
i work with a lot of brown people.
the indians are always the first ones to whip out their phones to stalk girls on facebook whenever the boss gets distracted or takes a break while the sri lankans just keep on trucking.
>fresh excretions are nearly ubiquitous
Reminds me of the shitfaggot copypasta.
That's how I'd imagine the experience of the first Indian astronaut would be.
lel i know
You poo in the loo? Get atta here man, I don't believe you one bit. Inconceivable! When I go to India, will someone take me around in a rickshaw and show me India's hottest no poo in the loo attractions followed up with a leaky canoe ride through the Ganges?
That id colour and flag
why would you compare anything with a tourism location? are you an idiot?
there are nice luxurious places in any nation but they are no index of how well the general population is living.
I know what that really is, but the hilarity of the edit still lives on!
hello my white brother
did you know that the sanskrit is actually from the urdu language?
thank you for visiting my petrol station
please come again
Sri Lanka has the same level of development as South India. But North India has straight up Sub-Saharan levels of poverty, so the average in India is less.
>shoot on sight order if found shitting in open.
You're going to need about 1.3 billion bullets man.
see sri lanka is ahead of india in every social index of development. Sri lanka also went through a civil war recently.
so people say
thanks dad
I'm from India and this post is total bullshit. Both the countries are absolutely shitty with some good tourist spots. despite being a shitty place, the land prices in an average locality in a metropolitan city like Mumbai and Delhi are more than 2 million USD. It is fucking expensive to own a proper house in a shitty country
I'm from India as well and you are right. The houses are filthy expensive and I also live in a metropolitan city and I have never seen anyone shit on the street. Maybe it happens in rural parts
Sort your shit out
Stop talking to yourself Pajeet
kek you fail
If anyone needed proof Sup Forums was being raided by ShariaBlue and other bot account organizations, the recent influx of Indian users doing shit as stupid as samefagging is ridiculous.
This guy probably had his H1B denied, otherwise he'd be working in IT.
i thought y'all were supposed to be good with computers
Nice heaven on Earth
>top number of suicides in the world
Why lie? Indian fecal sanitation was only discovered in 2014.
it's just the ex-separatists offing themselves
srs question, who would Sup Forums support in a conflict? India or Pakistan?
There's literally no reason to support Pakistan. Sure pakis are in general more hygienic and attractive but we let the mudslimes win.
*cannot let the mudslimes win
Came here to post this. For whatever reason continents are degenerate. I have no idea why. My nation is a shining exception of course.
this image
I've been to India for 4 months and I would never ever go back to that shit hole! There's a lot of little shits trying to steal from you, a lot of beggars, you can't leave the fucking hotel room without being aggressed by people, they all ask for money or some shit and if you don't pay attention, you get pickpocked in no time. Also, the stench, fuuuuck!!! No one uses a fucking deodorant, or at least soap maybe? It stinks in a way you can't possibly imagine, the heat is unbearable and the food is only good in clean restaurants, otherwise it's salmonela and so on.
Also, take your gypsies back, you subhuman little fucks!!!
OP the day you make this thread only this happened! BTFO!
My sides....XD
*runs off to find the nearest designated street.
OP,faggotry or proxy?
>posts one incident twice
Lmao you survived the garbage crash? Or are you talking from the dump underneath?.
Don't shit yourself.
Why do you pile trash up?
You do know they aren't LEGOs?
How is Sri Lanka compared to Ceylon?
found your family, poojeet
>bro tier
off to the ovens
Atleast Still not a mountain of literal garbage killing ppl...