"Are you a neo-Nazi, son?"

My dad and I were talking about Nathan Damigo punching Snatchsquatch today. He had a good laugh at it when it happened, but today he found out who Damigo is.
>"I found out that the guy who threw the punch is a white supremacist."
>"He's not a white supremacist, dad. He's a white identitarian."
>"He said that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. That's the definition of a white supremacist. You don't buy into this neo-Nazi shit, do you?"
You guys don't know how bad I wanted to reveal my power level. I'd be risking my relationship with my family though. What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=black low Q&rlz=1CALEAG_enUS741US741&oq=black low Q&aqs=chrome..69i57.10170j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=blacks score lowest on IQ tests

Punch your dad

Kek, I remember the first time I got asked if I was a Nazi.


>He said that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. That's the definition of a white supremacist. You don't buy into this neo-Nazi shit, do you?
These sentences could not have come from an intelligent being


I love my parents. Not his fault he's a cuckservative.

Tell him you don't believe they are entirely inferior, however there is plenty of science to prove that on average they are less intelligent and more prone to violence, but have a study or two ready


>blacks are genetically inferior to whites


Yeah I bet it would be awkward if your dad kicked you out of the basement huh

Joke's on you for being a fag, dude. I openly say (((racist))) stuff in front of my familam all the time and have slowly begun redpilling them. Sure I was a weirdo in their eyes to begin with but eh.

pol really is a bunch of 16 year old edgelords isn't it

Shitty dad, I showed my dad the entire joy lane video and he was going onabout how the fat nig looks like an ape

Don't do things unless they advance you or something you care about.

Going full 1488 on your Dad will most likely damage your relationship and cause him to trust you less.

Even in the unlikely event you do convince him, ask yourself are the potential positives enough to outweigh the potential consequences?

Probably not. Keep doing your thing, maybe push some very subtle redpills now and then, and be thankful he at least mostly agrees with you.

This is honestly what I should've done. It's scientifically proven that races are different.

It's time to become a man user. You're going to have to fight your father.

To the death.

My dad and I openly joke about niggers and jews in public.


>Last year, Damigo established the white nationalist group Identity Evropa, which posts flyers around college campuses nationwide with slogans such as “Let’s Become Great Again” and “Protect Your Heritage.”
How is being proud of your heritage "white supremacist"?


thats what you say to your dad you stupid shit

had a similar conversation with my dad. He's a non-practicing jew, so when he was initially informed about it, he jumped onto the anti-nazi SJW bandwagon. After he found out I support the "nazis", we had an argument about it that ended with me telling him "These are my views, respect them or don't, but you aren't going to change them by accusing me of being a nazi supporter".

And it kind of ended there.


>mfw my dad is more right than me

Here is how I approach that subject with normies
>Well, there is a significant amount of anti-white mentality going on within mainstream leftist circles and universities these day.
>One can expect a blow back from being attacked like that; it's human nature.
>The ones doing the attacking are much more at fault than the group being attacked, and backed into a corner forced into a survival mechanism of tribal unity and defense.

Does you father runa business? If yes, ask him, who is the lesser evil. A guy who said blacks are prone to agressive behavior and have lesser IQ, and who wants to identify as a white guy without repercussions, or a cummunist bitch, who would kill your father because he's a bourgeois pig, perpetrator of slavery and literally a Hitler?

That's the thing. My dad is proud of being white. He loves being white. He loves his heritage. But for whatever reason, he still believes in the whole "white nationalism is hate" meme. It sucks and makes no sense.

>He said that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. That's the definition of a white supremacist.

But it's not the definition of a white supremisist.

Punch your father.

Slowly redpill your family. My father is a normie conservative. Compared democrats to Hitler. Proving the holohoax helped a lot.

I do too. The only person who gets upset is my youngest brother. Then my mom makes fun of him for being white and literally crying about the evils of the word, nigger. Sunday dinner at the parents' is always fun.

this desu

We'll he had no problems with the Antifa bitch being punched. In fact he was the one who showed me the video on Saturday. As soon as I saw the vid I knew It was Damigo, but didn't say anything. My dad just said "look at this well dressed preppy guy punch this Antifa girl in the face."

fuck him in the ass to establish ddooinance


Sometimes my mum says shit like: 'Did you see that guy's nose? Would probably make a great merchant.'

>Proving the holohoax helped a lot
>Implying this is allowed in my country
pic is our jew overlords

Hit me up with some of that hot science.

This. Maybe start by not saying "genetically inferior" but instead "culturally less developed." Point out that at roughly the same developmental stage in human society, most places around the world had discovered higher math, complex agriculture, art and architecture, philosophy etc. And yet most black Africans were still in grass huts. They go back just as far as we do, why are we more culturally/scientifically advanced? You might even get an interesting discussion out of it. He might also redpill himself a little without much help from you.

But start with normie conspiracy stuff first and work your way up to the holohoax. There was a debate between David Duke and Alex Jones that would be a good final red pill

I'm having hard time understanding how children can be so different to their parents. Besides i always sieg heiling my parents as a joke.

"If we don't joint the movement, the white supremacists will be the new right." You could try to explain to him, that white folks should join despite people like Nathan.

Who are they?

He already believes that they're culturally inferior. He believes that blacks can be productive members of society if they're brought up correctly and that the reason they are statistically more likely to commit crime and have lower IQs is because they've been brought up in the ghetto. He's so close yet so far from just realizing that races are genetically different and that some races do things better than other races.

My dad taught me how to salute and goose-step properly at around age 5. Fuck, I miss my dad. Almost as much as I miss Hitler.

Get an apartment of your own if you still live at your father's house. Work towards an income, life, and making a family of your own.

Thaaat aside if he does not have experience he'd not be open to things that sound bad. I'd say own up to who you are, what you are. Don't have to go 1488 shouting to the heavens about national socialism every damn day besides. To me, you seem spineless or very young and as such under your parent's command and under their jurisdition. If you've no home of your own, don't speak too much get a place of your own. if you do, own up to who you are but use your words well.

Your dad is a true american you nazi scum

Jews from our labour party. The mayors of Amsterdam and Rotterdam. One of them even claims to be a morrocan to gain good kike points

start here:
google.com/search?q=black low Q&rlz=1CALEAG_enUS741US741&oq=black low Q&aqs=chrome..69i57.10170j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=blacks score lowest on IQ tests

>tfw my family is more racist than I am

Real Americans support a restoration of America to a white nation.

>blacks are genetically inferior to whites.
>That's the definition of a white supremacist.

No that is not how it work.

Yes neo-nazis are known for their intelligence

And you're sure a butt fucking faggot retard huh?

I can be your new dad

Well the difference is in the culture. You are Lithuanian, I have been to Lithuania and in my experience it was quite a racist country (a good thing). You must understand that what is normal in eastern Europe is not normal in the west.

The Holocaust happened and the fact that alex jones lost a debate means fuck all. All of you would be obliterated by anyone who knows this shit.


A Jewish nazi?
Eh, if found out I was a yid I'd still think the same way about the world so I guess it's possible.

does your dad have black bulls for mother? seems like it.

>Fuck, I miss my dad. Almost as much as I miss Hitler.

First punch, best punch

He's just feeling you out. Tell him yes.

If he's white, I can guarantee 100% this is true. Even if he's worried about you being radical, he'll respect your position and just wants to know how much you figured out on your own.

Sounds like your dad is a cuckm . It's not his fault.

Friendly reminder in the real world all that is expected and or respected is decent non degenerate willingness to help others, not melanin content. Don't let a Sup Forums physop keep you from your true potential. The Christ consciousness is one if seevce to others which can absolutely be done without being a pushover or having someone/thing victimizing you. Do not be a closed minded bigot, this is not how the Creator meant you to be.

Allies cracked the German code in 1943.
Of course the Germans didn't know this, which is why the war only lasted 2 more years.
They heard NOTHING about willfully killing off jews. In fact they were preoccupied with prolonging their lives because they had them doing work to help the war effort in the camps.
Stop being a faggot who thinks movies are real, OK?

>nazi scum
you know where you are?

my dad says abos are not human all the time

feels good man

Your dad is a smart man, dont listen to all the nazi propaganda on here, shit is no good.

>I don't buy into neo-nazi shit but blacks being inferior is just a truth, if you don't believe me then look out of windows or at statistics.

wow so hard, sage

Faggot. Be proud of who you are and what you believe.

>You guys don't know how bad I wanted to reveal my power level. I'd be risking my relationship with my family though. What do?

>tfw when you have red pilled parents/uncles and aunts.

Just to many foreigners in Auckland now for people not to be racist. They cant drive, they are driving down the wages and a lot of them barely assimilate and cry to the media about how racist everyone is.

My dad says Abos are cavemen. Yet another thing that makes me wonder why he disagrees so much with saying that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. If he's alright with saying that Abos are inferior, why can't Africans be inferior? Part of me thinks that my dad wants to know the truth but he can't handle the truth.

So you're saying Himmler Posen speech is a fraud or what? He explicitly states "we should never talk about this in public", which may or may not include radio.

no, First Pogrom Best Pogrom

>Post ad on craigslist as mother looking for niggers for gangbang
>Give them your address, tell them to come over shortly before father comes home
>Drug mother shortly before that time
>Niggers show up, see mother unconcious
>Niggers gonna Nig
>Dad walks in, sees Niggers Nigging
>Convert father

Feelsgood to be able to have open conversation about jewish influence and racial superiority in the family tbqhwy

Play rap music that's heavily laden with anti-white theme around him and remind him the singer has gone platinum several times.

who gives a fuck as long you aren't a faggot your parents won't disown you

how can you cremate 6 million jews and not leave a single trace of any of them ever existing?

Actually many are real smart.
Much smarter than you obviously.

>Not being a Nazi

Your dad is a cuck lol


>He said that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. That's the definition of a white supremacist.
That is...literally the definition. We wouldn't be pushing to reduce their numbers if they were fucking equals! The niggers, kikes, japs, kinks, they need to be controlled because at best they can be useful and at worst they spread their shit genes too far. You are literally a Nazi, and that's okay because the Nazis were right.

>nazi propaganda
The intelligence gap is irrefutable you stupid fuck.
At best libards and cuckservatives can try to explain it away with "nurture > nature" arguments. But adoption studies disprove this as well.

lmfao, seriously your dad is a cuck. how are white people not fucking nazis nowadays?

That's fairly easy to figure out.

Yes it is fake.
Look at non antifa sites sometimes you pathetic fag.

The nazi propaganda will make you feel good in your dads basement but you're only digging yourself a deeper, weirder hole instead of living your life.

>real smart

your father is right
nazis don't get absolved of their retardation just because current year leftists are even worse

Shut up jew.
Stop projecting.

Jesus, maybe if I just show my dad this picture he'll start to believe. Another funny story from like 6 or 7 years ago:
>"Why do some black people look like monkeys?"
>"Probably because they aren't as evolved as us. They still live in grass huts while we live in houses. They aren't as advanced as us."
>"That actually makes sense."
My mom seems like she'd be easier to redpill than my dad. Maybe I'll start with her then work my way up to my dad.

Pay debnts

Nazi magic!

He can do both Schlomo.
He can study biopolitics AND live his life.

>He said that blacks are genetically inferior to whites
"sure thats wrong dad, there is no difference, right? I mean, look at africa! its as good as europe, right?"
when it comes down to this sensitive topics, always talk irony. you didnt say anything, but you made him think about it

The other day I had someone reveal their power level. The conversation led to them asking why I'd care about my ancestors who never loved nor knew me. I guess everyone in their family dies at 40-50 or some shit, and they thought nobody from WWII could still be alive. I was confused. Strange being from a family where everyone lives to about a 100.

Don't forget to add that it doesn't make them subhuman, just not as developed as we are.

Well, it might be best to wait till you get your own place before freaking your parents out.

Nerver reveal your power level.