It's Happening!!

Conquest through coding.
While white """""people"""""" were busy inventing nuclear warheads and rifles
They didn't realise that India has already CONQUERED the world via coding.
You can win physically but you can't compete intellectualy

Other urls found in this thread:

people who work in it how good we are at coding and that basically there is no competition against us.
You have to hire us

Did they shit up the mainframe with a poo based virus

You can't understand the level at which we operate

Instagram is in deep shit now.

1.7 million degenerates get their shit leaked. I don't feel bad about that at all.
I think I understand enough

printf("Hello Pajeet");

Hire in call centers

keep shitting on the streets bro

Ahh the glorious space exploration programme.
Jelly elon musk?
Muh simulation hypothesis


Dev here, had to work with Indian code monkeys at a few projects. Some few are halfways competent, but overall they are utterly incapable of teamwork - to a point where they will try to sabotage the other team members by giving bad advice so that they can personally look better than the rest. Fuck that kind of attitude, really. If you want to be a one man army, go ahead and dev shitty mobile games, but stay out of the "real" IT industry.

you are the same country that claimed to have found space whales but it turned out your sat had fallen into the ocean

I hope social media and the internet generally are destroyed.

White people can't even beat us in a simulation

All rise for India's National Anthem.

btw' must be great to have unisef to give potty training to your country

>be cheap
>get hired
>delude yourself in to think it was your excellence

Why should I give a fuck? I'm not a normie.

Excuse you sir, they only shit on designated shitting streets. Indians are not savages.

>but you can't compete intellectualy
What if we just carpet bombed your third world shithole of a country.

what is there to leak? pictures of retards with bunny ears and big eyes?

We will hack your computer before you start

>According to UNICEF, the international relief organization behind the “Poo2Loo” campaign, an estimated 620 million Indians poop out in the open every day, dumping more than 143 million pounds of solid human waste and putting the public at risk for “life-threatening infections, diseases and epidemics.”
this will never not be funny

My girlfriend codes for GE and works with poo in loos. Even American iced ones ride the coattails of the their white paperwork. Their other major flaw is claiming a coding job is "done" but has a few bugs. Retard, it's not done. Don't lie. It's done when it can go live. You coattail riding shit eaters.

>Pahjeet leaks Snapchat shit
Hi okay baby send me nudes rape you next week

>all this delusion


>White people can't even beat us in a simulation
t. dalit
How does it feel being the lowest of the low in the land of poo?

>Their other major flaw is claiming a coding job is "done" but has a few bugs. Retard, it's not done
Lolzz i know this feeling gg

Server development consultant here

I hire dozens, maybe over a hundred people a year to coding positions. I have two qualifiers before I hire anyone

Is he Indian? If yes, no hire

Would he ever hire or contract with an Indian coder? If yes, no hire

Hiring an Indian to code is like hiring a criminal to watch your house while you're away. Even if he manages to not scam you, even if he tries his best, there's a 99% chance he'll still do a worthless shitty job at it.

9/10 Indian """""""coders"""""""" just are failures that took a 100 level class on an online university, bought a kind of code lego set (you can always tell when they are copy-pasting whole sections of generic code) and then try to scam normies on Fiver or Craigslist who want to do some menail program that is most likely offered for free on a browser even

>American iced
u fuckin wot m8?

At least i am High test

>behind the “Poo2Loo” campaign

This shit can't be real

>it's real

Your English is too shit to be worth much. Your code is hacky. You are hired because you are cheap.

>as payback


Indians have got to be some of the sneakiest ducks alive when it comes to the corporate world. They will try to give you a "finished" product 3-4x before it's even ready and overhype all of their credentials and capabilities

Yeah, don't use any social media. Good luck with that.

Coding superpower

>dark web
that connection is autism at its finest.

nobody cares, what are they gonna do, delete my friends list or some shit

Yeah but why are you poor and ugly though?

>a literal shit satellite
As expected from india.

1.2 billion furries? yiffy!

WEWLADS they are gonna post emojis on random girls snapchats. SO POWERFUL

yell poo all you want but there's a good bit of truth in this

there are a lot of very knowledgeable pajeets out there; anecdotally meeting a bad one here or there doesn't get around the immense amount of Indians interested in the greater computer science nebula of fields, and, like a D1 school, are bound to get brilliant folk sooner or later


Just imagine when pornography becomes legal in india. Brazil and germany won't be able to compete once the first few payload hit...

Britishers did this to us.
Read a history article and please don't get your history lessons from white supremacist games like call of duty

lol india

I love Germanic women .
God's best creation

How dare you speak to me like that you filthy untouchable. Apologize to me or I will have your family killed.

Poo in the loo

Sorry buddy but your little time in the spotlight is over. First off, you guys are rude. Second off, the curry stank is unbelievable. You guys shit in the America offices and no one likes you the rebellion is here. Goodbye.

>Find one of the many backdoors that they put for the goverment
>use it

Fuck butthurt, jealous, cumskins.

I ironically have no idea what you're trying to say, although I can take a guess you're trying to say Indians are more employable than Americans. While you guys are relatively talented at coding, and very low cost many American companies are realizing the long term costs of having to remake and fix everything after it was incorrectly made by low cost, low skill labor. This realization in addition to a more nationalist trade policy is causing many jobs to be reshored, and leaving many poo in loos to have to fend for themselves.



Studied programming with some Pajeets at Uni. All of them was overpolite af, but when it came to code, shit was fucked beyond any recognition. Even the simpliest shit they made complicated, never streamlined the code and wrote hard to read comments. Team programming was pure hell, because whenever there was a bug or the code didn't work well, it was my fault and my bad writing according to them. At the end I had to rewrite the majority of code myself, and put one of the Poo's in place because he became too cocky.

Are you going to be shitting online now then?

Oh wait, silly question, this already IS a shitpost

My father works in this field and he said that the Indians only help eachother, alienating him and slowing his progress.

Are you implying shit degenerates post on social media is more important than nuclear warheads and rifles?
Makes sense to me your priorities are fucked since you shit in the street.

White people don't even have to try to be better. Your only qualities are overpopulation and cheap surplus of call center labor.

I cant even understand what this fucking Dahka-Dee is saying so you might be great at hacking but you still sound like Markorepairs after licking a fat brick of acid

yeah,, last time kinda' ended up in the biggest network security risk in company's history.

no more hiring shitskins while trying to save money

Conquest? You have lost half your territory to the 2 Pakistans, can't even get back the non nuclear one and peacock like faggots to the nuclear one even though you out number them 5 to 1. "I'm infiltrating the west with my servitude" fuck off subservient abos

I think the india thing is about you're a lot in numbers and very cheap, it's not quality of coding or being better, it's the free market stupid

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh god.
I literally almost shit myself laughing.

oh man.

fuck off you street shitter

we don't care. this isn't related to politics

Care to explain?

Pretty sure you guys copy and paste from Stackoverflow most of the time

> deep shit
> India

how new are you?

kekd out loud.

For once, I like you, Nigel. +15 interwebs for you it is

t. Yugo

OK so if we took away h1b visas you guys would do just fine?
Win win I guess

My bad. I thought you had conquered shitting in the streets and providing shitty customer service.

Designated superpower by 2020

shitload of nudes and badly recorded pron when?

>high test
You have smaller dicks than the asians, shut up already you fucking shit

>Takes pride in Indians being hired by tech firms because they are cheap 3rd worlds and help drive down wages. Thinks they are hired because they are actually better coders.

You poos really have some nerve. Trump is gonna fix y'all up real nicely.

Evan Spiegel is happy poos are taking attention away from his decline after instagram rolled out stories and massacred them

No competition because you never take bathroom breaks. Just shit your pants at your desk then empty your pants into your curry bowl at home for dinner.

why is nobody asking the important questions?


you guys are shit coders, but cheap.
you can hire 10 indian monkeys for the price of me.

t. EMPLOYED software engineer.

>The poo in loos are stealing my pupper snaps and NatSoc memes

Oh no

Do you know how many UNDERAGE girls use Snapchat?

If this shit is true it will be a fucking chaos.

Lots of whore sent their nudes but they play good girls or wifes.
Lots of them will get exposed, cozzy life will be ruind cuz they couldnt stop whoring.

and we care why??
if you are too retarded to know that you are uploading your NUDES to a 3rd party you are fucking RETARDED lmfao.

but u can't poo in loo

how could they do that if you are superior though? huh, really makes you think

Woman use everything to advertise their only asset.

You like lookin at my white dick and asshole don't you pajeet?

So much cringe,please ban us moot.

Underages use it

u calling me degenerate mate? how else am i supposed to recieve nudes? my and my gf are in 2 different unis.

by sly tricks

u cant see expired private snaps i think dude

We only care cuz future bantz Bruce.
>if you are too retarded to know that you are uploading your NUDES to a 3rd party you are fucking RETARDED
Correct but women arent know for their forsight of consequences.

India has really been upping their delusional and bitter shitposting game lately. They're almost on par with Canada now.

Good job Pajeet. The Silicon Valley ponzi scheme s have to stop. Hopefully Snap is the first to implode.

Launch codes are 00000001
