Racist Sup Forums crackas btfo in one image!

Racist Sup Forums crackas btfo in one image!


>Egyptians were black
> Egyptian owned slaves


why are niggers always ripping off boondocks?

I'd watch it.

y'know if blacks were kangz and Kek is an Egyptian god doesn't that make every black that believes than a Kekistani?

then what the hell happened ?
did they get BLEACHED at some Point ?

Every kang wuz a nig but not every nig is a kang...

why do niggers NEED every character in a fiction to be black? but white media is expected to have several members of different races and never more than 2 white people

holy fuck niggers are so conceited. "are there black people in it? no? oh i don't wanna watch it then."

That title is what pisses me off the most, it doesn't match the setting at all.

my radar's detecting something.

why tf does the one on the right have vitiligo? is it like one of those half monster tropes? wtf

cause that's how whites happened
so we're all KANGZ N SHIET

It's the only way they would allow a white character on the show

his mother drank milk when she was blacked



yall Whyte bois jeLLuss gOe hoem ant crie whyte bois u aynt stronk nUFF fo reEyuls I finna ax sumBodAy stay mad Whyte bois 100 100 LMFAOOOOOOOOO


The Nubians were black, not Egytians, Sup Forumsnig.

>another thread was dropped from the catalog for this shitpost

Thanks for correcting the record

I see boondocks, avatar (the cartoon), and xmen (storm).





I think they straight up traced one of the Avatar posters.

The kid on the right is totally just a black Vegeta.

>why do niggers NEED every character in a fiction to be black?
Because we don't? You realize most people complaining about representation politics in media are whites?
>holy fuck niggers are so conceited. "are there black people in it? no? oh i don't wanna watch it then."
As opposed to idiots like you "is there a black person in it? why are there niggers in it why cant it be white?!? ;_;"

Typical nigger behavior not accepting your fucking crimes. We dindu nuffins! It all the crackas fault!

Lol maybe that's why he's going nigger saiyan in the poster.

Alright man blacks totally have control over everything it's all a conspiracy.
All those white people in charge of big intellectual property aren't in charge at all they take orders from hood rats.
DC? Nope, not the whites that compose the decision making body. It's blacks.
Marvel? Again, those white people in charge don't actually have the power. Jerry the Director goes to the hood to ask for Tyrones opinion.
Jack from Marketing doesn't listen to anyone but shaniqua.

The legend of Kaang: The last welfarebender