Did you know that Bogs roller blade for fun?
Did you know that Bogs roller blade for fun?
More proof
This guy is so hot. Definitely not degenerate. Bogdabots have been programmed to make him the perfect man.
They're not doing it for fun though, they adjust the Earth rotation
Little known fact: Bogdablades actually cause the Earth to rotate under them, causing the illusion of forward movement.
do you have more bogfacts
Post your rare Bogs in the meantime inb4 rothschild mods
Who is this?
RD me.
That's not a bog. You know the aliens they're in contact with? THEY roller blade for fun.
I... would?
Shit this one doesn't even look human.
>those fake abs
Jesus Christ. I've only seen those in one other picture, and its just as bad as I thought.
I once heard that these guys had actually taught Lao Tzu how to summon animals and the proper technique to ride an oxen. In addition they were actually some of the first (possible even the first) to learn how to cultivate seed and bring human kind into a new era. Truly Revolutionary.
why are the Bogs starting to look normal to me? They used to look like insane monsters now I just see two guys.
Not only that they were also the first to successfully perform and replicate the Fischer Esterification. Here is a rare watercolour discovered deep in the annals of the Forbidden Palace.
oo look they're converting you
Now this is some straight up nightmare fuel, wtf?
It's the A.I. element of the Internet that uses us as lab rats to reframe the matrix we live within based upon our reactions, patterns and responses. WE TEACH THE MACHINE. WE ARE LAB RATS here on 4chinz. Do not doubt that for a moment. The mind control and repatterning aspects of delving into these materials should be proof enough, it has an effect on our spirit and how we process information, how we live, how we function and how we FEEL.
so Bog, how's France doing?
This guy was also personally taught Jew Jitsu by the Bog's personal trainers person assistant. Wow. Just wow.
Because they are humanity's ultimate form? What every person on earth aspires to look like? Duuhhh
i need a rundown myself
You know what the hardest thing about rollerblading is for men?
Telling their parents they're gay.
Meant for
she is a beautiful! who is that???
don't worry about it, man, just shitpost
>picrelated = shitpost
apparently Mickey Rourke gone full Bog Pilled
I don't have the pictures though.
thats not a bogdanoff.
I do not doubt we are studied more than what we already know and more than just the captcha machine learning stuff. Hopefully we just turn whatever they are going for into another Tay.
still bogpilled
as an blader myself
WTF, i love the bogpill now
Roller blades rule, I miss the 90s
"A blader" jesus that sounded so gay, dont tell me youre one of the guys skating down the promenade in brightly colored bike shorts and more safety gear than a medieval knight.
I hate these faggots.
nope, i prefer ramps and rails. driving around in circles on a flat area is just no fun
who are these guys?
Bogdanoff and bogposting are CIA memes. Don't fall for some spooks fake meme.
The CIA is a spook.
That pic, combined with my captcha = oh fug
Hollary Clonton
who is this imposter?
I'm a skating coach and I can tell you that guys posture sucks. He needs to bend his knees more or hes gonna fall backwards on those skates.
uh, you don't get to bring memes
>activate it
Homo AF
he looks like a fucking Jojo character.
OP's pic reminded me of a joke i heard once.
What do you call a homosexual on roller skates?
A looooot of plastic surgeries
Do you think they pork each other in the ass while wearing fursuits?
Bog stream incoming
what is their endgame?
do the rothchilds bow to the bogs or is just a meme.
can they prevent WWIII with some cellphone calls?
please someone tell me the truth about the bogs and bots
Sorry but only french and russian are authorized to bogpost.
>over the ear headphones during activities that make you sweat
thats fucking disgusting
>all that work
>cant find a shirt that fits