"Dentistry" is largely a jewish myth beyond a few basic medical procedures.
Brushing teeth will not prevent bad breath or cavities. It is a genetic disposition. If you are genetically inclined to get cavities, brushing your teeth with hardly do anything to minimize the chance to getting them, if you are generically inclined to not get cavities, brushing won't do anything at all beyond damage your teeth.
If you have bad breath take a fucking mint or stop eating garbage, brushing teeth won't help that smell if you have an actual medical reason for that smell like halitosis or tonsil stones.
Tooth paste is worthless. Humans existed for hundreds of thousands of years without smearing chalk and jasmine and other perfume crap on their teeth. The 'fuzz' you feel on teeth (fuzz is a marketing term to make you feel like it's gross) is not only completely natural, but beneficial in protecting your teeth - the human body evolved to have it and it protect your enamel like sewer slime protects city pipes. Getting rid of it is like getting rid of all the good bacteria in your gut (or mouth, as toxic mouthwash nukes your throat indiscriminately). Don't get me started on flossing, you're fucking destroying your gums, they are SUPPOSED to bleed when you tear them up with string! Almost as bad as ear swabs.
I have not brushed my teeth in twenty years, I only do it once thoroughly before going to the dentist every six months. Every single trip my dentist tells me I have perfect teeth that people should aspire to. This has cost me thousands of dollars.
The reason we all uncritically accept dentistry is because it's all rooted in tradition, practices dating back from when we thought arsenic and smoking was good for your health.
>A fucking ROO Enjoy having breath that smells worse than fucking abbo shit, mate.
Noah Martinez
>Humans existed for hundreds of thousands of years without smearing chalk and jasmine and other perfume crap on their teeth. We also didn't eat straight up sugar every day in the form of endless carbohydrates. You know, the food that bacteria growing on your teeth eat?
How can you even stand the taste of your own breath?
Nolan Cox
you are literally retarded.
First of all, I am very happy about the fact that you are on the other side of the earth, that smell must be horrible. Second, taking your own experience as a basis for a universal statement is retarded. It's not biased, or lopsided, it's just simply retarded.
Maybe you are immune to tooth decay. A few people have the genes for that. Most don't.
Jackson Harris
My breath smells fine. People kiss me all the time and nobody has ever complained about my breath.
Most bad breath is placebo anyway, if people think you brushed your teeth, as people do with me because otherwise I am obsessively clean, and you ask them to smell your breath, they will not find anything objectionable about it.
If you brush your teeth and eat a mint, then tell someone to smell your breath and that you haven't brushed, they'll think it smells bad.
Ryder Thomas
>I have not brushed my teeth in twenty years
Alexander James
>1c has been deposited into your account, courtesy Dr. Goldberg
Cameron Morris
Cavities are caused by anaerobic bacteria that require a bio-film of plaque to coat the teeth and protect them from oxygen as they eat your teeth i.e. form a cavity. Brushing disrupts the plaque biofilm and allows oxygen to contact the anaerobic bacteria that cause cavities, killing them.
Peroxide based cleaning products will also deliver oxygen to the teeth, killing them. Other anti-bacterial dental products, like Colgate Total, will also kill bacteria that produce biofilms. Colgate Total also contains a dental glue that allows the antibacterial agent to persist longer on the teeth and prevent biofilm bacteria recolonising the teeth for longer period of time.
Personally I use peroxide based pastes and washes because they whiten teeth as well as kill bacteria, and leave a cleaner mouthfeel.
Ayden Perez
Brush your fucking teeth you disgusting monkey.
Michael Turner
Let me guess you made all this up? Have you studied dentistry? Have you studied anything? Just because you believe something doesn't mean it is the truth.
Ayden Adams
When's the last time you were kissed, user?
Isaiah Flores
Dentists initiate cavities by scraping holes in your teeth's enamel when they probe them with stainless steel picks.
They scrape the crap out of your teeth with surgically hardened steel probes then have the nerve to tell you that chalk based toothpaste scatches tooth enamel. You have to be retarded to believe the lies of (((dentistry)))
Jeremiah Hernandez
why not bongflag tho
Ryder King
>I have not brushed my teeth in twenty years, I only do it once thoroughly before going to the dentist every six months. Every single trip my dentist tells me I have perfect teeth that people should aspire to. This has cost me thousands of dollars.
The only way this is true, is if your diet is indistinguishable from a cow.
Pic related is what OP's teeth actually look like.
John Carter
>Oxidize your fucking teeth
No wonder you have to use whitening stuff, you're giving your teeth the same experience that rusts cars.
People often ask me if I whiten my teeth, some people even say it's unnaturally white and looks fake.
They also are bewildered by the extreme sharpness of my teeth, which is a result of not sanding down my teeth with harsh bristles every day. People compare me to that baby from A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Ryder Morris
This is a photo of OP
Nathaniel Wilson
Nice Marxist deconstruction you got here. You poly replaced the word patriarch with jew
Jace Reyes
>Bleaching is same process as rust.
Your teeth look like pic related. You're too dumb to tell the difference.
Or, you're a hideously immoral NHS worker (or whatever they have in Australia), that thinks his dumb post will influence funding.
Samuel Martinez
Never had cavities.
I donĀ“t use fluoride pastes or moutwash.
Brush and floss at least once a day though
(((Fluoride))) is the real scam, not brushing.
Cooper Perry
Do you know in Ireland dentists recommended simply hacking out all the teeth in adult women and replacing them with fake ones.
My mother in law is Irish and this happened to her, one of the biggest regrets of her life.
It's not cheap either.
Ryder Phillips
>People kiss me all the time Oy this cunt must be telling the truth who would lie about something like that
Carson Jackson
This. Flouride is poison, never brushed my teeth as a kid, never have had a cavity. GREAT teeth. Start "mewing" too, the maxilla is the key to attractiveness. Mewing - Michel mew.
Xavier Collins
Brushing teeth is a physical meme, like circumcision --- and irrational people who don't ever think for themselves will defend it in an emotional way with no evidence to the contrary.
The truth is, that too many people are inbred and will always smell like decaying flesh. Brushing is a mere temporary lipstick on a pig.
Carter Gomez
>go to the dentist because one of my teeth hurt >he tells me that it's very bad >It's going to take almost a week of scheduled reconstructive surgeries, expensive bite guards, two crowns, medications, and check-ins afterwords to make sure it heals well >he tell me my new "dental plan" is going to cost me about $12,000 (twelve thousand dollars)
>Ask him why he can't simply pull the problem tooth
>"well, goyim, that would only remove the symptoms of the problem but wouldn't fix your problems. this issue you have could be a lifetime commitment"
Fuck that kike shit. Marriage is a lifetime commitment. dentistry is a Jewish trick.
Ryan Harris
holy fuck you are disgusting, kys
Charles Hill
Holy fuck it's called chewing gum you idiot I also get complements from my dentist and never brush
Christian Gray
Haha oxidation isn't happening to your teeth you twit. Good troll thread.
James Johnson
>everything is a Jewish lie Sounds like >everything is racist,sexist, homophobic, transphodicy etc You people ate just as paranoid as angsty feminist
John Garcia
Brushing teeth doesn't do shit. To have good breath (not decent, actually good) you have to scrape your tongue and get rid of your tonsils. If you still have bad breath after this, you have some kind of stomach disease or whatever.
Owen Martinez
Where do you live to have all these jew dentists? Where I live it's nothing but Asian dentists.
Daniel Russell
>tell someone to smell your breath
So you don't brush your teeth, and walk around asking people to smell your breath?
You sound like a fun fellow to be around.
Wyatt Gray
i went to the dentist for the first time in ten years a few months ago and had to get like 6 fillings, 2 root canals and crowns and an implant ( i had a lot of soda and candy in my early 20s and wasn't taking very good care of myself) and it was about 5.5k total, 3.5k after insurance... I'd find another dentist if i were you, make sure to look for one that is established and isn't a practice with more than 3 or 4 docs and under no circumstances accept any treatment from a corporate/ dentist franchise operation (sleek locations in strip malls with names like smile exchange or gentle dental) as they are disgustingly corrupt pieces of kike shit who hire inexperienced or new staff who work on commission and make their money by recommending procedures you don't need
Nathaniel Nguyen
Post pic of your teeth with timestamp and I'll believe you
Leo Hall
Dentist here. Basically, you're retarded. Can you post a pic of your teeth with a timestamp. Thanks
Parker Jenkins
He already told us
>People kiss me all the time
Why are you having a hard time believing him?!
Samuel Cooper
They really do sound exactly alike sometimes. You just replace a few key words and the sentences still have the same barely coherent quality to them.
James Kelly
Your entire premise is WORONG OP
in the old days people didn;t eat sugar 24/7
Noah Sanchez
>British dentist When can you fit me in for a tooth blackening?
Xavier Sanchez
My teeth are fucked and I brush twice a day.
It would cost a couple grand to fill all my cavities and pull the bad teeth.
I agree that some people have genetically worse teeth but it's fucking retarded to not do your best to protect them.
Jacob Edwards
Post teeth or GTFO
Parker Gonzalez
Actually the UK has a much lower caries rate than the U.S. The dental care here is excellent, though I think many of the older generations don't visit the dentist often enough since they spent most of their childhood only going when needed.
Kayden Murphy
Brushing is a Jewish meme same as dentistry.
Elijah Stewart
My teeth, the type you get after not brushing for 20 years
Jace Bennett
>Getting rid of anything in your god-given body The body is a system, there is a reason for everything.
James Hill
i didn't gave you a body.
Alexander Perry
Start mewing - michael mew mewing.
Levi Bennett
It must be the erogore or w/e ur subconsiousness ye? :^)
Dylan Ramirez
Carter Collins
t. kissless
Isaiah Roberts
>Brushing teeth will not prevent bad breath or cavities. stopped reading there
hygiene is important
Christopher Gomez
Just scrape teeth, use some leafs to care for them, wash mouth, scrape tongue to remove bacteria, and that's teeth hygiene, you don't need poisonous chemicals.
Xavier Nguyen
nah, OP is most likely a worthless NEET anyways. not like it matters
he prolly thinks the jews also produce the sunlight that causes cancer or something equally retarded
Dylan Reyes
Fucking kek
Xavier Bailey
The smell tho. Your oral cavity is bound to smell after whatever it is you ate/drank. I don't have cavity or tooth decay whatsoever, and probably wont have (dad is 50, perfect teeth) until later in life, but you have to brush for smell.
Matthew Brown
Enjoy your tonsil breath. Even if you don't have tonsil stones, you won't ever have perfect breath
Justin Ross
Maybe don't drink poisonous chemicals in soda?
I drank acid and my teeth melt halp
Ryder Walker
Stop brushing your teeth.
Grayson Miller
Sweet drinks are blue pill. Don't do that.
Hudson Jones
As much as I'd like to call op a faggot, I've brushed, flossed, and rinsed with mouthwash twice a day for as long as I can remember. I have avoided overly sugary foods for many years now, and yet, I have had to have 9 root canals, and my teeth are decaying at a stupidly fast rate.
Colton Perry
Retard alert! Retard alert! Ancient people would rub there teeth and gums with Ash from the fire. This Ash protected the teeth and kept them from falling out dipshit. I dare you to not brush your teeth for 20 years. Brits and aus fags have the worst teeth by the way. Good luck getting laid with gingivitis :-D
Camden Diaz
Tonsils evolved to protect harmful bacteria from entering the body.
You are a retard with a weakened immune system, enjoy.
Owen Turner
i need to know if this is actually true or not, i've become a paranoid schizophrenic and I'm afraid to go to the dentist
> implying that non-degenerates eat that way
Brandon Johnson
Bleeding gums is a sign of gum disease genius
Thomas Hill
The only good piece of advice from this thread is the part about mouthwash. Every time I use that shit my throat is sore for like 3 days. Just swish some Peroxide mixed with water around your mouth for a few seconds.
Leo Rodriguez
lel all that bullshit. An easy way to avoid cavities is to drink water after you eat anything.
Chase Barnes
Liam Harris
This water washes away the residue in teeth.
Nicholas Myers
op is a rotten toothed idiot.
Ethan Parker
partially schizophrenic? Do you mean as in, you're afraid that the dentist might use some mind-control chems on you?
Angel Flores
>9 root canals family, just get dental implants
Nicholas Mitchell
My mouth gets so damn gross when I'm dope sick, like it dries out and bacteria spreads insanely I wake up my tongue is completely white I hate it. Avoid breathing your mouth while you sleep as much as you can
Cooper Kelly
You have the right idea that dentistry is highly jewed but you are looking at it the wrong way.
I have immaculate teeth. All I do I brush them once a day. I havent been to the dentist in years and I have yet to get a single cavity. Everytime I went the dentists would always say how good my teeth are and how they "joke" on not being able to their moneys worth because I dont need a lot of care or cleaning up to do by them.
And guess what? They still claim to find shit in my teeth that is cavities saying stupid shit like oh this tooth could be a problem if we dont take care of it.
Literal jews trying to scam me. That was well over 3 years ago now and my teeth are still as fine as ever.
Also it isnt genetic as both my parents have fillings while I dont.
Joseph Miller
breaks down the acidity, in which bacterias flourish
Thomas Morgan
You should always avoid being a mouthbreather.
Levi Clark
You're absolutely right OP. Funny how triggered the good goys here get by the truth. The ADA is a business out to make a profit. You're a fool if you think any differently. They just admitted last year that there's no medical basis for flossing your teeth.
Like I know without a doubt that these people are all involved in financial networks with all these lodges and kikes and that they do "pizzagate" stuff but in real life. I don't necessarily think the dentist is going to do anything to me, but that he can read my mind or that he knows who I am and has some profile on me, and that he'll make weird hints about it (lots of people involved do this to me when I am out around town) while I'm in this compromised chair position. Just gives me so much anxiety.
James Morgan
not saying it is or isn't genetic (probably some of both) but just because neither of your parents display characteristics doesn't mean they both aren't carriers for it and you get it, etc.
Jayden Anderson
You are retarded.
James Ward
>Also it isnt genetic as both my parents have fillings while I dont. Everything is genetic, they probably just had worse dental hygiene. My dad is over 50 and has almost perfect teeth (only self inflicted damage in an accident), I inherited his teeth genes.
Jason Thomas
hmm interdasting
Do you have anyone when you go out and about that appears to be somewhat, or secretly, on our side?
Also you have to make sure you keep a journal of your findings every day. But if you want to be creative, you have to write with the other hand (your non dominant hand)
assuming you are right handed when you write, this would mean that you need to write creative thoughts with your left hand, and you need to log facts with your right hand. Got it?
Leo Allen
Are you serious? Floss your fucking teeth and brush them. Shit is nasty and nobody wants to smell your shit breath. This is not a Jewish conspiracy you fucking dumbfuck. So so so fucking stupid. I knew Sup Forums was a little extreme but damn you are literally a retard.
Matthew Bell
>Muh big European Pharma corporation
Oliver Smith
This is bullshit. I had cavities often as a kid but I hardly ever get them now because I brush my teeth and don't drink soda.
Dylan Turner
>brush my teeth >mouth tastes cleaner >teeth better health >don't brush my teeth >teeth hurt more >breath stinks >mouth tastes gammy
how explain?
Isaac Reed
I love the instant coffee here in Hong Kong. It tastes better than brewed and takes 5 seconds to make.
It's bad for your teeth though. My teeth used to be awesome before I moved here. Now they're awful.
What are you going to do? What are you going to do?
Thomas Nelson
I've never understood how the inuit have such white teeth, considering their diet. So it's probably the soda jew which makes for fucked up teeth.
Anthony Gray
What? That sounds weird, why are you telling me this?
No, no one is on our side, there are only people on their side and blind people who couldn't help you one bit, who would take their side if forced to.