A local secular group will be hosting an "Ask an Atheist" event. What should I ask them?

A local secular group will be hosting an "Ask an Atheist" event. What should I ask them?

Ask them what causes consciousness?

Do they feel ashamed for helping leftist and pioneering social justice?

"Of course god is not real but churches do a lot of good and its fun to be part of a community. Dont you feel kind of pathetic for being so vocal and obnoxious when many other atheists are active members of their church and giving back to the community?"

What the hell is the point of an event like that? Just sounds like some asshole trying to flex his "intellectual superiority."

Do the adult males in the group feel embarrassed to be stuck at the intellectual level of a 12 year old boy for their entire lives?

>According to research by Will Gervais, "People are significantly less likely to distrust atheists relative to religious people when they learn that atheists aren’t actually all that rare..."

>Engaging in positive, non-confrontational dialogues with believers; showing that we're not rare; and demonstrating that we don't fit the negative stereotypes many have been taught is what Ask an Atheist Day is about!

Random chemicals in the brain

feels good being in the thread where a Sup Forumsack finally cracked the mystery

Why do they subscribe to the cult of liberal secular humanism if they are so rational?

How can they believe in evolution but not in racial inequality?

How can they believe iin evolution but not in gender differences.

How can you believe in evolution and be against in-group preference (discrimination)

I've never seen a western atheist "activist" that wasnt a raging liberal/leftist so these questions should be good.

I am an atheist myself btw, just a nationalist one.

WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW? come to mind



How I can free my mind of the jewish influence of jesus the kike?

How can you believe in Evolution but not come to conclusion that race mixing is a fucking awful idea

>I've never seen a western atheist "activist" that wasnt a raging liberal/leftist so these questions should be good.
Why ARE atheists all such liberals?

I'm an atheist and I'm as conservative as they come.

I voted Trump.
I have over 10 guns.
I appreciate the traditional nuclear family.
I dislike immigration.

I just don't believe that there's a God.

Higher IQ, higher empathy, etc.

Sometime after world war two in the West there emerged a conviction that marxist materialism is the natural consequence of the rejection of the idea of God and that marxism is scientific and rational, so if you are an enthusiast of science and reason like the atheist community you must be a marxist. With the collapse of hard economic marxism with the USSR all the marxist thought in the west drifted towards cultural marxism.

In the interwar period a lot of our atheists were social darwinists and nationalists. After the defeat of the Axis social darwinism and any sort of racial thinking in regards to humans became literally Hitler and exiled from the academia. Marxism was all that was allowed in regards to social sciences. With the growing power of Jews who were outside of criticism after the Holocaust and the KGB funding Marxism in the West throughout the Cold War... well here we are.

They're mostly angsty kids who never went to church, if they went they probably hated it because they think they could've been playing, grew up and as teenagers got all up in their asses by how ''smart'' they are and started reading gay dumb bullshit and parroting communist propaganda, the divisive waters being some being conservative but just don't like going to church and others turning SJWs because they saw how the Church was (((oppressive))) and how (((religion))) is everything that's wrong with the world.

Two questions:

"Why do you believe in the scientific impossibility that 'nothing created everything'?"


"As an atheist, how does Mary Schweitzer's discovery of soft t-rex bone marrow within the femur of a Tyrannosaur skeleton(and the more recent discovery of soft bone-marrow within a Triceratops femur Diplodocus femur) impact your faith in all forms of both carbon and radiometric dating methods?"

Are we conscious because we have those chemicals or do we have those chemicals because we are conscious?

The first one, you idiot.

scientist dont really believe that nothing created averything. they just don't know what was before the big bang. the theory only states that the universe expanded from a very dense and hot state.

>Ray Comfort posts on Sup Forums

"why are your kind even more insufferable than vegans?"

"As an atheist, do you like pornography? (let him/her answer, most likely yes)...well, as an atheist who has no belief in 'right or wrong', do you believe that child pornography is a good thing or a bad thing, bearing in mind that something like the idea of something being either 'good or bad' has to be borrowed from a Biblical worldview since atheism denies the validity of something being right or wrong?"

everybody who is that vocal about their opinions is insufferable. that includes:
religious nut-jobs, hobos, antifa, vegans, soccer moms, tumblr and half of /pol.

> Christians don't know what a wild banana is
> They think the Cavendish is the only species of it

Retarded desu.

>well, as an atheist who has no belief in 'right or wrong'

Your argument relies on something you made up that isn't based on reality at all. The rest of your post is trash.

>'good or bad' has to be borrowed from a Biblical worldview since atheism denies the validity of something being right or wrong?"

Why? Because you say so?

>lacks valid argument against what triggered him

I disagree, all atheists universally have to borrow the idea of "good and bad" from some form of morality outside of atheism. It simply doesn't hold water, much like your argument.

>triggered by invalid argument

fixed that for you

>all atheists universally have to borrow the idea of "good and bad" from some form of morality outside of atheism.

Really? Why is that? Because you say so?

Everyone has to "borrow" such ideas outside of them.

That's how you gain semblance of context.

What do you say to the notion that the Bible should be taken as a primary historical document?

>Child rape causes suffering to the child.
>Suffering is bad.
>Raping children on film is bad.

Why do you need a god to work this out?

>has to be borrowed
no it doesnt faggot atheism isnt a predefined religion like that book ur daddy makes u read. atheists can be whatever they want to be

It shouldn't because most of what's in the bible is a-historical and has no corroborating evidence.

>suffering is bad
says who?

>Why do you need a god to work this out?
people don't mostly work out anything, they're fucking retards

religion is important

If evolution is real, why didn't the dodo evolve smaller bodies so they could fly away and escape from humans instead of becoming extinct?

Kierkegaard dipshit.

Everyone who isn't trying (and losing) a debate on religion / morality.

The neural network in your brain that makes up the "concious" part of your mind?

why bother actively denying something that is impossible to prove either way.


are you stupid on purpose?

atheism has nothing to do with morality. Religion didn't create morality either. If anything it takes some basic instinctual morality and adds some arbitrary "morals" on top.

Not sure why religious people think atheist, by definition, lack morals. Do you guys really think that without religion they themselves would be raping children and killing people? its completely ridiculous.

Because Evolution takes place over vastly longer periods of time than the overlap between dodo and human interaction.

>Do you guys really think that without religion they themselves would be raping children and killing people? its completely ridiculous.
Could say the say for government. Oh wait, you can't. Fucking moron

Says anyone who has experienced it or can empathise with others who have experienced it. Human beings and pretty much all animals work to avoid suffering.
I know, but I'm wondering how someone can get this far without thinking about these issues.

>atheist as me anything

What's the point.
This is a statement not a question

Many of the mystical facts are yet to be proven, of course. But the Bible is chock full of historical acounts. Even in the face of inaccuracies - as all historical text have - you need to disect what happened and what didn't happen. The mere presence of a story in the Bible - or any historical text - is evidence it happened.

I guess most christ fags here would rape and kill babies without batting an eye if it wasn't for their precious middle eastern monkey religion.

Science is still trying to figure it out, but a 3000 year old sky fairy has been ruled as bullshit

That can only explain how the brain functions and controls the rest of your body
It cannot explain how you are actually aware of what is happening

How big is your dick?

the idea of good and bad can be grown out of an desire to live. as social creatures humans have taken working together as a tactic for survival. the fact that an indicidual can rely on the rest of the group makes sure that his chance of survival and reproduction increases. this is why humans are inclined to see harmfull behaviour towards someone else as bad. It works against cooperation and so brings everyone chance of survival down.

You could imagine someone who has suffered but has no concern for others. He will try to minimize his own suffering, while neglecting those around him. Why should you care about the suffering of others? And no, this is not 'innately' programed, and even if it was, humans have the capacity to evolve and change our innate programing.

Can his dick reach his asshole?

>Science is still trying to figure it out
I dont see how they can.
How can you even test for it?

The mere presence of a story in the Bible - or any historical text - is evidence it happened.

What? No it isn't. Is Harry Potter evidence that the Battle of Hogwarts happened?

Ask them this

If Jews do not believe in heaven or hell...
Then that implies they do not believe there are eternal consequences for their actions on earth.

How are Jews different from atheists?

Government enforces laws, not morals.

Do you have a sense of what is right and what is wrong?

Isn't agnosticism the most logical and intelligent stance on deity, seeing as you cannot prove the unprovable?

Yes, and it's subject to change and consideration and is entirely subjective.

The Bible contains multiple eyewitness testimonies from people who were actually there. Are you ascertaing that the Diary of Anne Frank is a work of fiction? The accounts of Stalin's advisors are a work of fiction? No. They are historical accounts. Inaccurate, yes. But historical accounts nonetheless.

>Atheism implies amoralism

They might cite some study or article I read about that said consciousness doesn't actually exist if you do.

Ask them to explain if atheism is logical, then how do they deal with Pascal's wager?

>seeing as you cannot prove the unprovable?
What does that have to do with logic?
How is faith illogical?

Ask them why I shouldn't kill someone if I have the opportunity to get away with it.

Atheists and religious people are exactly the same pile of shit. Useless loudmouthed humans trash fighting a battle no one can win.

Apatheism is the only true standpoint a good human can have.

Atheists and religious retards: KYS

There is nothing a Theist could ask an Atheist that they cant use to make you look fucking stupid.

Dont ask anything.

random chemicals do not exist in the mechanistic material world. there is no randomness in mechanistic material world. only rules. something that seems random to you is in fact just too complicated for you to anticipate. but it is not random. think about this and the origin of life. in the world of dead planets, dust, and chemicals there is no randomness. consequently, if consiousness stems for material brain, there is no free will, and we are deluded automatons. it would be more appropriate to call us animated, rather than alive

I dont think they can prove that

>The Bible contains multiple eyewitness testimonies from people who were actually there

eyewitness testimoney from people who were actually there during what? What event? The entire bible as a whole? Is there any other document or book or text or anything that would corroborate their testimony?

>Are you ascertaing that the Diary of Anne Frank is a work of fiction? The accounts of Stalin's advisors are a work of fiction?

There are mountains of independent sources of evidence to support these things.

What created the universe?

>how is believing in something not based in logic illogical

Take the fucking actual only defense to be religious and say its not based in logic and ignore anyone who says its not logical.

Coward fence sitter.

sure the universe exist?

1.What caused the universe to exist?
2.What explains the fine tuning of the universe?
3.Why is the universe rational?
4.How did DNA and amino acids arise?
5.Where did the genetic code come from?
6.How do irreducibly complex enzyme chains evolve?
7.How do we account for the origin of 116 distinct language families?
8.Why did cities suddenly appear all over the world between 3,000 and 1,000BC?
9.How is independent thought possible in a world ruled by chance and necessity?
10.How do we account for self-awareness?
11.How is free will possible in a material universe?
12.How do we account for conscience?
13.On what basis can we make moral judgements?
14.Why does suffering matter?
15.Why do human beings matter?
16.Why care about justice?
17.How do we account for the almost universal belief in the supernatural?
18.How do we know the supernatural does not exist?
19.How can we know if there is conscious existence after death?
20.What accounts for the empty tomb, resurrection appearances and growth of the church?

morality is not dependent on religion, and vise versa.

this is the most common thing religious people have a hard time grasping when debating an atheist viewpoint

People who know suffering and still feel no empathy for others' suffering have personality disorders. We care about the suffering of others because we feel empathy and associate the feelings of others with our own. It is innate and developed through childhood socialisation.

Human beings don't evolve as individuals and I highly doubt a social species like ours would survive long if we all stopped giving a damn about causing each other undue suffering.

Id ask you what created the universe/started the big bang

Id then ask you who created god

You would claim god has always existed

You look dumb because I dont claim to have answers for questions not solved based on a book written by humans thousands of years ago in the middle east.

Without God, there is no objective basis for morality.

So no, atheists steal morality based on God, and then pretend it's social constructs for survival.

I believe you've got the thinking reversed. Liberals are atheists because they hate the West and their religious history. Their silence when it comes to Islam supports this. Then you have atheists who reject religion on am intellectual level who tip their fedoras vigorously at all religions. The former is a much more vocal subgroup.

I look dumb because you are ignorant?

That's how it works in your world?

Fence sitter? Give me a break. I piss on your theist wars. But hey, go on. Waste all your life fighting the theist battle.

>What created the universe?
Science found indicators that a big bang happened
>You may ask what created the big bang
i dunno

yeah that's not really true, mah boi.

I don't think you can really give me a good argument for why I shouldn't kill people who annoy people.

Is naturalism based on logic?

In the case of the New Testament, the Bible is a compilation of eyewitness stories from people who knew Jesus at one point or another. Not only do they corroborate each other, but they are accurate historically. Which part of the Bible are you contesting? The idea that a man named Jesus was born in Bethlehem and told stoires? That has been independently confirmed. The mythical bits are hard to prove, yes, but ask yourself: to you, what WOULD be sufficient proof? There weren't exactly video cameras at the time.

They are part of the godless left.

Greeks and Romans had morality far before Christianity came about. African bushmen have moral codes. Morality is self made, not ordained by your god.

Does your belief about God have any foundation other than your opinion?

>Without God, there is no objective basis for morality.

Is this the objective morality that took a complete do-over in the New Testament because the Old Testament is filled with things that are blatantly immoral? Did Yahweh change his mind on his stance on slavery (no, because slavery is condoned in the New Testament)?

Day of the rake couldn't come soon enough, faggot.
yes: look at every savage nation before christian missionaries civilised them. They all raped their women, sacrificed their children and ate each other. This appeal to incredulity is pretty pathetic, atheists are amoral by their own volition. Own up to your belief system, cowards. Morality = sense of right and wrong = told by religion.
ask him how atheists can be good people if they believe in no morals and punishment for their actions. Ask them why they dont kill themselves if it all doesn't matter. Ask them why atheists participate in the community less than churchgoers. Tell them that you're happy that atheists don't have that many kids and so that their ideology will die with them.

Nobody precedes God, and neither the Greeks nor the Romans preceded the giving of the Law to Moses.

And both groups had gods to which they ascribed the bases for their morality.

>Id then ask you who created god
I would claim it was not something of the natural universe