Help Sweden

Please help us. I am sick of foreign media falling for the branding of Sweden as

the perfect country. Our foreign policy is all about branding Sweden as the

perfect country. And this is what we are talking: branding. Sweden is the world

champion at it. It would be great help to us if these articles would be read

outside of Sweden. They are in Swedish so you have to use a translating service

but i will give a short summary.
This article is about Sweden being an exporter of terror. Sweden has been a safe

haven for terrorists since the 90s. Back then many high level leaders from al-

Qaida had Sweden as a base. Today muslim organization pretend to be aid

organization and are funded by the Swedish state. At the same time they are active

in recruiting for terrorist organizations and financing them.
This one is about 40 000 older people in older people care are malenourished.

Every time a foreign journalist writes about how good Sweden is this article

should be sent to them.

Please make sure you share the link too because these articles are in respected

news papers. They can't say it's fake news.

Dude we've been trying to meme something better for Sweden for years. What more do you expect us to do?

At some point you have to fix yourselves. Until then, I will just remember last Christmas when I went to an Ikea for the first time in years and outside the front door they displayed "BLANDA" model bowls, mixed with white and black wood. I could hardly contain my laughter.

Are you disabled or did Google Translate add all those line breakers for you?

We can't do it ourselves. As long as people in other countries believe the swedish propaganda we are fucked

>We can't do it ourselves.
That attitude is not acceptable.

homo detected

>That attitude is not acceptable.

Vote, find likeminded people, redpill your community, use social media to spread your insights, don't be afraid to be called racist; tell them that word has lost all meaning if it is their only reply.

Get out off your cuckshed and ACT, you faggots.

bump hehe

no, fuck sweden, saged

No, your focus should be on redpilling other people about your media.

Other swedish people.

I am not a religious man, but there's something to: "god helps those who help themselves".

You know which ways things will go if you continue to give up or act like a child.

Sweden is your country. Your birthright. Your responsibility. You must develop the strength of character to seize it.

You must become the man you were destined to be.

Or just kill yourself now.

Or kill yourself slowly by doing nothing.

Your choices are that simple. Nobody else can do that for you. And if you do those things, who cares if foreigners don't get your country? You think american lay awake at night for europeans, including swedes thinking they elected hitler?

Just because the leftists care that much what people think about them doesn't mean you should.

Start saving your country son. We are gifted for living in an age where there is room for this kind of heroism.

>Just because the leftists care that much what people think about them doesn't mean you should.
This is why some amount of bullying is a good thing. It teaches you how to care about things more important than your pecking order.

Pecking order is quite important though.

If we're talking prolonged bullying, I think it isn't healthy at all. It causes vulnerable people to internalize self-hatred.

Best solution depends on circumstance, but 4/5 times the bullied kid must learn to defend/learn to hurt the bully, so that it ends.

It's nature's test of battling fears.

Don't think that this does not concern you. No country is spreading the cuck policies abroad like Sweden. Sweden is working hard to spread their policies around the world. That means your country too. As we speak your politicians are being influenced by Sweden. Not even Germany is doing as much to spread the cuck policies. Just a heads up. Sweden is using the EU to spread these policies everywhere. You have been warned.

This is fake. Kek. Get better disinfo Sven.

faggot autist, kys

Well, Sweden is in a position to radically change the state of affairs by example.

But the linchpin is really Stasi Merkel. Take her out and the plan begins to fall apart on its own. This is why Brexit is so important, as well as the various other elections that will serve as a popular referendum even if they don't all vote in Sup Forums's favorite picks.

In every country there are articles in the media about how wonderful Sweden is and how well Sweden handled the refugee crisis. But there is nothing about the fact that we don't have enough police in the streets, the police/ambulances/firetrucks are being stoned on a regular basis without anything being done against it, there are not enough teachers in the schools, old people don't get the treatment they need and so on. And the refugee crisis was a disaster and still is but of course nobody dares speak up. As long as these glorifying articles about the glorious Sweden are not attacked your politicians will be influenced by them and will try to turn your country into a new Sweden. If the Swedish and German goverments are fucking us over together then at least Germans and Swedes should fight back together. But of course everybody is welcome ;-)

I am pessimistic about it. I don't think the elections in France and Germany will go Sup Forumss way. I hope i am wrong.

I don't think Germany will be a success, either. What we hope for there is the social tidal effect to make a good showing for opposition parties. Remember that the Stasi operated by exploiting the German tendency toward cohesive order and shaming people out of voicing individual opinion; ergo, the true objective and measure of victory is not in electing some politician who probably would bend to the Jew World Order but rather to pierce the crushing social oppression.

When I review the Jew Media, they are freaking out that Le Pen stands a very real chance of winning. How do I know? They never, ever talk about French elections. It's highly unusual that it's in the news. And what do they say? They never mention anybody but Le Pen, and only to say how terrible she is and how she'll never win.

That's called winning.

I want to get a qt sissy Swede to protect and love.

War soon, don't go near any Turks senpai

Get a camera. Interview old people, record police being attacked. Fucking do something, even if it is just 1 day a week. Stop crying to a crowd that already know how shit sweden's refugee situation is.

Get off your lazy ass.

This indeed. I was vacationing with my family when Sweden first came up with the "rape bracelet" idea.

They had no idea what was going on. But, thanks to the internet, I could read them foreign news stories about how they tried the rape bracelets and then there were a bunch of rapes at the music festival. My family was really interested because of how crazy a story it was.

The problem is not that all this is not documented. The problem is that not enough people see it. Btw the articles in OPs post are from Swedish main stream media.

The problem is that the Swedish propaganda machine is pushing the "Happy Sweden" article all over the world. Those are the articles that people see. Those are the articles that influence your politicians. That makes our debate here much harder because our politicians say "look at those politicians in the other countries they all agree with us and admire us"

So what do you want us to do? Go to televised events and hold up big signs that say

or something like that?