Are Bashar Al Assad Saviour of the White Race?

are Bashar Al Assad Saviour of the White Race?

Lol me as a grill is pretty hot

you know what to do user

>not seeing that Faceapp is a jewish psyop to make more people transgender.

i only realised this after fapping to myself

I'd fuck girl Assad.
I'd also fuck male Assad, but I'd enjoy girl Assad more.

wtf im gay now

faceapp is cancer kys


>make girl version of yourself
>such a degenerte filth human you masturbate to your own altered photo
>it's the Jews fault you are a perverted loser

Kys faggot it's kinda of funny and it's not the Jews fault you can't help but rip your dick off from seeing a fake woman

what's the app that makes this?