
American fighter jet lands at INIA in the Maldives, pilot in need of some medical attention. Thought you guys ought to know, Headed to the korean peninsula i presume?

guess he pooped on the seat

dont know much about the situation youre talking about but can we agree the raptor is a beautiful plane

took this at joint base langley-eustis

>mfw Sup Forums is now a multi national news agency with reporters all around the world feeding us info from places we forgot existed.
Congrats Sup Forums you have officially become better than all of the msm news.

So i fighter planes land here does it mean we are part of the allied forces? Like how we were during ww2 the south of our country was used as a base by the British

Korean missile inbound. Looks like you wont have to worry about the sea level anymore.

It is damn sexy. I see them flying all the time living in Hampton. When one crosses my path coming in for a landing it always makes me happy.

Huh, had no idea you guys existed. Any pics of the 22?

And no, I dont think it was heading to Korea, too far outside of its operational range, unless of course it was part of some carrier group.


Haven't we always been like this?