>when you forgot that you aren't on Sup Forums anymore and call black man a nigger
When you forgot that you aren't on Sup Forums anymore and call black man a nigger
>when you relax around blacks
You can get called a roach anytime, any place roach bro
Nigs gonna nig.
Be more surprising if they didn't chimp out.
>civic nationalism
He's not a nigger, hes a based blackman!
we don't insult each other easily because it will lead to a fight. you can easily get killed over calling someone a son of a bitch
german is a smart man
They just proved our point
>Mfw niggers are more savage than thought
>3 white guys beating up a BLM Supporter who says "crackers"
>hurr durr omfg he is so based how do we support him?!
>Let us setup a GoFundMe to cover his legal fees!
>Can't Flim Flam The Based White Male
>3 black guys beat up white guy for saying "nigger"
>""hurr durr muah nig nogs we wuuz kangz and shit subhuumans xd!"
well what is it Sup Forums ?!
>niggers violently react to being called niggers
The true test of civility is being called a nigger and not reacting at all.
>checkmate nigger apologists
That roundhouse kick was fucking terrible.
idk man a white man shoot a black kid for having his music too loud. that's both lazy and savage
>making up a completely fabricated event to argue with.
There should be more US aid for schools in germanistan, since all the peaceful migrants like this have dumbed down the gene-pool
>provoke them
>call them savages after you get your ass beat for provoking them
This is from a good two years ago. The kid never called them niggers, they beat him up because they thought he did through a third party. Nig nogs gonna nig.
This is yet another slide thread, do not post in it any further. If you do, sage.
>Literally need four chimps, and a surprise kick to the face to beat a scrawny stick of a white kid
>But.. but muh dick n we wuz kangz n shiet, nigga muh dick
>hands in his pockets
stick with your own kind you stupid faggot
this shit is why you goys are losing
Why would you trigger the chimps?
wheres this gofundme i wanna donate
>Muslim culture
>Falling for provocation
That's literally what animals do. Niggers are LITERALLY animals.
>Can't win intellectual battle
>Instantly chimp out
Do you honestly believe he would have stood a chance against any of them individually? He was gonna get his ass kicked anyway, they all might as well join in and do it
>words warrent physical violence
Back to the hood Tyrone
Are you trying to make a point? Because, again, that only reinforces the stereotype of them being savages.
>being such a beta that you get publicly insulted and you tip your fedora and walk away because you wanna be "the bigger man"
>calling someone a nigger is intellectual battle
checked. And why do they always rush in packs?
>murdering rapist gets death penalty
>Sup Forums says its good
>your baby sister is raped and murdered
>Sup Forums says its bad
omg hypocrites??? u either like death or u dont???
You goys still have these same threads? Sad.
>he says as bombs go off in his neighbourhood due to internal strife
>>when you forgot that you aren't on Sup Forums anymore and call black man a nigger
I don't hear any sound or see any subtitles. Where does it say he said "nigger"?
You mean that you get jumped by a feral pack of niggers? How surprising.
American negros are dirty af when it comes to a fight
>religion of peace
this is why most white people have no problem with cops shooting niggers
Get back in that cottonfield booooiiiiiiii!!!
t. ahmed
Just like the cowards they are. They can't fight 1 on 1. They have to have their thug friends join in. FUCK THUGS
>comparing the glorious white race to niggers
>no link
Sure thing buddy
deus vult
Blacks wonder why we don't care about their plights.
Well, your video is the reason.
I have become so desensitized to african american problems because it's been thrown in my face since I was three years old and have no progress to show.
I stopped fucking caring.
I even use to be a free spirited happy go lucky guy.
Obama ruined that shit for me, I was 18 when he was elected.
For the last ten years I have grown to hate the negro more than ever.
story plox?
What kind of idiot stops to talk to a pack of feral niggers and has their hands in their pockets?
>you can easily get killed over calling someone a son of a bitch
thats retarded. its like hating category A because its awful but category B is fine because its the same awful just with a different shade of color.
I never got the quick rundown on this, why did he do that?
A church was about to be demolished and the people kneeling and praying were protesting its demolition. The nig-nog kept walking past them playing music obnoxiously loud and beardbro got tired of it and knocked his chimp ass out.
Hell yeah he would have. They were all equally skinny as fuck. Like straight out of the sahara starvin marvin looking mother fuckers. Not to mention he had his hands in his pockets.
Having restraint makes someone a beta? Are you half, or full retard? Just because some nigger walks around making noise doesn't mean I have to go nuclear on them immediately.
So progressive
>the only substantive difference between subsaharan Africans and northwest Europeans is melanin
Jesus fucking Christ Reddit this is basic shit
>chimp out when called a name
lol. you got me.
>implying the BLM nig wasn't beat up because he's subhuman
They have zero sense of honor, it is a cowardly thing to go 3 or 4 against one
Whites and asians are evolved to look down, hide their hands in their pockets or under their armpits and motionless in the torso, weak at the knees against the threatening alpha.
That's why you could build civilization. Negroes are literally feral human whereas others are a domesticated breed.
+1 for Roachland
it's has ties to the r/k selection theory
He didn't seem to actually say nigger though, he was minding his own business roach
beardbro turned the other guy's cheek, it seems.
>Muslims are peaceful
Kek leftists BTFO
>you can easily get killed over calling someone a son of a bitch
Whats the punishment for stealing by the way? I went there when I was a dumb teenager and stole some stuff from a shop and nothing happened. What would have happened if I got caught?
His first mistake was not lynching them the second he saw them.
They would all look better hanging from a tree
Chimping out over banter is as beta as it gets. This is what most people don't understand about shitskins and niggers. Yeah, they're violent and worthless, but they chimp out because they're insecure betas.
Had that been me, there would be 4 very dead niggers for the police to clean up.
>The nig-nog kept walking past them playing music obnoxiously loud.
and thus breaking the NAP.
>implying niggers need to be called niggers to attack you
Cheeks were indeed turnt.
Hand go bye bye
She relaxed