Steve Stephens was spotted this morning by PSP members in Erie County. After a brief pursuit, Stephens shot and killed himself.
DEAD: Stephens shot and killed himself
Ian Nguyen
Austin Peterson
#BREAKING: per @wkyc The Facebook killer, #stevestephens has been found DEAD in his car In Erie, PA. Self-inflicted gunshot.
Colton Torres
Top kek.
David Stewart
What are pathetic attempt at a massacre. SAD
Aaron Evans
Christopher King
Had the balls to kill a defenseless old man, but not make a last stand against someone that can fight back? Typical.
Jeremiah Ortiz
How is this related to politics?
Wait, I know. It's not.
Stop making threads like this. Report and sage threads like this.
Brayden Anderson
May he rest in piece, as useless in death as he was in life.
Amazed he made it this far though.
Evan Martinez
Can't get even with Stephen
Jaxson Collins
news and current events count ya filthy reddit refugee