I've never seen a video have a completely grey dislike bar. The new generation is waking up to the msm bs

I've never seen a video have a completely grey dislike bar. The new generation is waking up to the msm bs.

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Shameless fucking slut

Comments section is gold. Mainstream news is indeed dead

the difference to the normie eye, when someone says "nazi" everybody knows they mean someone who isnt a crazy sjw

basically, the left was radicalize itself way more, so people are draw away by it

there are no actual nazis in america, there are actual commies though

people will rise and squatch this commie scum

Well that's not entirely accurate.

There ARE actual neo Nazis in America. They are just nowhere NEAR as common as any of these SJWs would have you believe.

They throw those charged words around and level accusations so often that the words have little meaning anymore.

Where's the videos/pics of her throwing bottles?

The whole USA has less nazis than most eastern and southern Europe countries alone per country. It is ridiculous narrative pushed by the left after the word racist and sexist stopped working.
Ask yourself - did you hear anyone talking about nazis two years back?

I completely agree with you.

They're tired of people not listening to them so their rhetoric has to get more inflammatory to continue to get attention and to maintain their world view.


Just search the video title.

no, post a link nigger