I've never seen a video have a completely grey dislike bar. The new generation is waking up to the msm bs

I've never seen a video have a completely grey dislike bar. The new generation is waking up to the msm bs.

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Shameless fucking slut

Comments section is gold. Mainstream news is indeed dead

the difference to the normie eye, when someone says "nazi" everybody knows they mean someone who isnt a crazy sjw

basically, the left was radicalize itself way more, so people are draw away by it

there are no actual nazis in america, there are actual commies though

people will rise and squatch this commie scum

Well that's not entirely accurate.

There ARE actual neo Nazis in America. They are just nowhere NEAR as common as any of these SJWs would have you believe.

They throw those charged words around and level accusations so often that the words have little meaning anymore.

Where's the videos/pics of her throwing bottles?

The whole USA has less nazis than most eastern and southern Europe countries alone per country. It is ridiculous narrative pushed by the left after the word racist and sexist stopped working.
Ask yourself - did you hear anyone talking about nazis two years back?

I completely agree with you.

They're tired of people not listening to them so their rhetoric has to get more inflammatory to continue to get attention and to maintain their world view.


Just search the video title.

no, post a link nigger

As we can see, she is just an innocent victim.

there you go you lazy shit.

What I wouldn't give to see Antifa go up against some legit European football Ultras

You always expect others to hand everything to you?

Just bribe some british hooligans with pie and mash for the next fight.
Do it in summer when there isn't any football.

If this kind of thing was kicking off in Continental Europe, British casuals would be there en masse.

Sadly, burgerland is too far

What is it about Brits that makes them so recognizable? How can I look at a picture and, just seeing their face, go "Yeah, thats a bong alright."?

>I've never seen a video have a completely grey dislike bar.

At a ratio of 141:1 against.


desu I was hoping her forehead would have been left with the permanent mushroom stamp of kek.


Why are people disliking it? Did she say anything particularly sjw-esk? On train without headphones

>what are people disliking it?
people are waking up, my fellow bong. normies hate SJWs, anarchists and commies now. even regular leftists are stating to side with us

BBC is always there.

Well OP is a faggot for not posting the fucking link to begin with.

You'd ruin her modelling career if you fucked up her face though

Has her GoFundMe been taken down?

Because everyone knows it's BS. Even the video description calls it an "assault."

If they couldn't dame people who disagree with them, what's left? Rational and level headed dialog? Oh, the horror.


is pie slang for a narcotic or do football hooligans simply love their pastries?

>This trash is named Louise

Tarnishing her good name desu



lol I've been to fucking Holland m8. You all look like blonde cro magnons

wtf happened here Nippon-chan?

What a shame.

>Antifa girl punched on Saturday
>She was also confirmed to being affiliated with FEMEN (public nude marches)
>Not only have we found out she does nude modeling, but she also did straight-up mainstream porn on ATKhairy
>There are other models on there that look kinda hippie or punk-ish from the USA or California region
>Someone an literally find more Antifa members on this very site by looking up models and doing minor background checks/research
>Can oust more Antifa members AND get a wank

On a fucking porn site of all fucking places you can find more Antifa members and end their shit.

>yfw Soros not only hires European street whores for FEMEN in Europe, but hires literal porn stars in the US for FEMEN and Antifa.

You guys literally have a golden opportunity and a win-win situation. You can also reveal who was also part of FEMEN.

I mean, shit. The girl did nude modeling for a site called Modelanarchy. Just that name alone is fishy, and the rabbit hole goes so deep, there's a MASSIVE chance that these porn sites, shit, maybe even Burning Angel, are Antifa recruitment businesses.

Take a look at some of the other models. They fit the stereotype of an Antifa girl.

>Porn site can be held accountable for being involved in recruitment or indirect involvement with violent protests

Yes. I know I've been bringing this up in every thread, but I'm determined to make Antifa go away. They've been a nuisance in the Bay Area long enough. You should see the sick shit and community damages they do on their days NOT protesting.

Inb4 Antifa shill with the UK flag. Yes. I'm going to keep spamming this.



Tf u guys doing , raid the comment section post videos of her hairy cooch


why the fuck are you tripfagging you fucking retard

>moldy-locks and the three trump supporters, a post-modern children's tale

>My god the hair on her asshole... Chopping that forest would increase global warming by 400%.

decent comment

He's dumped tons of money on them.

>there are no actual nazis
Don't be naive. There are neo and otherwise

inflammation is a great way to look at it.
their inflammatory rhetoric is poisoning the body politic, and now the immune system is kicking in with force
soon the fever will rise, and the scum will be purged.

Any self respecting brit would give their life for a good old fashioned steak and ale pie.

I regret clicking those disgusting vids of her hairy festering wound

>not posting links to her porn
Spoonfeed me some of that anti fa pussy

Neo nazis in America? You mean the dozen or so skin head dudes plus the (insert agency name here) guys undercover to try to entrap, radicalize and arrest them?



Why is there a caterpillar living in her nose?

There's definitely some movement towards impartiality from the Big Black Cock, it's not as anti-white as it was, but it's first audience will forever be the overwelmingly lefty Londoners

> Comments section is gold. Mainstream news is indeed dead
They have lost the internet. For now.

ATKhairy is the site, and her porn name is Venus Rosales. Peachyforum has her unlocked shit.

water you talkin boot?

It's gross.

>that forehead sheen makes it look like a tasty glazed donut

Because they are finally seeing images and video of what those degenerate antifa are doing during those fucking rallies.

what can we call them that's actually jimmy rustling? its the same dilemma of trying to call whites a racist name

I'd believe they've infiltrated them if they'd show up to rallies with masks or don't show up and it leaves others in the group thinking something is up.

If they are infiltrated, they must not be violent and aren't arrested or we just don't hear much about their arrests.

The real question is whether or not Moldilocks the porn star will be showing up to the next "event" ready to take 100 Nazi scalps.

I'll bet her family is so proud of her!

And then falling for the alternative media BS. Stray sheep into another pen.

the antifa are using almost the exact same tactics and strategy as their degenerate hippie parents did during the 60s/70s
they haven't figured out that the media is far more decentralized now, and that you can't start shit then have your friends at (((CBS))) film the violent reaction from normal people
the civil rights movement could not have happened if smartphones and the modern internet existed

Probably the england tattoo on the guy in the middle.

>I'll bet her family is so proud of her!
So when are we sending the porn videos of her to her family, friends and co-workers? Assuming she has a job....LOL

Berkeley Protest """"""""""""""Victim""""""""""""""

Is that a fucking Kappa?

I've been to the US and a few Eastern Euro countries, and this is a weird truth. Tonnes of neo-nazis in places like Serbia, fuck all in the US (never saw any skinheads there, but saw a few in Serbia and Macedonia).

You'd figure slavs wouldn't be quite so down with Hitler, but they're keener than yanks for whatever reason.

Don't do it user, it's not worth it trust me

not yet, I was going to report it but I don't feel like creating a gofundme account (you need one to report)

Could you give us a quick screenshot on this girl?

There's probably a dozen threads with a pic of her hairy wizard sleeve on Sup Forums right now you lazy cunt.

youtube isnt "in" with the hip progressive folks these days

No it's standard protocol to not give these fuckers views.

Youtube is deleteing most liked comments, lmao. There was a comment with like 1,3k upboats bashing moldilocks and CBS

I heard when her porn was found out it was already sent to family. Heard there were PMs from her freaking out over being outed, haven't seen them though.

Her GoFundMe seems like she was doxxed and her life is ruined going so far as changing her name. Of course she's a photographer, but her site had less than 200 visits and now it's offline.

Yeah, I would have done it, but no account.

essentially SJW's have hijacked liberalism to turn it into some kind of radicalized movement with no actually purpose aside to satisfy young angst against the establishment.

It always seems like once a political party is in power for too long the supporters of the ruling party get so radicalized that it turns off mainstream voters making a large shift in national political ideology.

adblock + downvote > views
comments calling them out on their shit is an added bonus

no that's a picture of her pussy



Best thing I've heard all day! The stupid easy choices she made to make some money instead of getting a real education will haunt her for life.
Also, I hope she decides to join the razor of the month club, because...DAMN.

Thanks user, now I'm hungry for a tasty glazed doughnut.

+1 dislike from me and a nasty comment bitch got what she had coming.

>she has a boyfriend
Cuck confirmed.

Nazis, brownshirts, blackshirts, SS.

Use their own words against them.

Our impeccable dental care?

I was in Western Europe and the US for few months and I found people there have much more restricted political thinking. In Eastern Europe people are free to follow their beliefs, we have straight up nazis, communists, liberals, whatever. In US there are two parties, two ways of thinking and few young rebelling punks that are trying to act cool for few years before they settle for one of the two parties. Whoever thinks differently or does not have the right way of thinking is shamed like crazy. I don't know why is that though.

And how. I would be embarrassed to admit to anyone that I was tapping that unshaved skank.

The funniest thing about that video is 13,000 plus dislikes. Moist people know that stupid bitch is full of shit.

She has that jewish smile

That is just upsetting.

She's been taking dicks on camera?

hahahaha that's amazing, just look at the comment section. Hey there everyone, make sure you go to that video and give it a dislike and comment too!


So this is the false idol of antifa? The lefts based stickman? At least the right fetishizes something cool. P sure Im swithcing sides. Fuck antifa.

I have connects in a dozen antifa groups around DC. Whats the best way to fuck them up. Fuck this whiney MSM bull.

I confirm this to be true, saw two Nazis on my way home.

Well we were on his side over here, don't know what Serbia's deal is. Macedonia is just copying again.

Frankly, I could care less what someones political leaning is, including communists. The problem we have is these commie fucks trying to shut down free speech.
If the American Nazi Party, or the real KKK wanted to have a rally in my town, I would ignore them completely, not show up and start yelling at them.
Be a commie all you want, but don't try and shut down ANYONES right to speak, especially on a college campus where free thinking and other ideas should be debated and discussed.

Slightly fewer Jews here.