Are you voting for the nasty party, brit lads?

Are you voting for the nasty party, brit lads?

Yes. I'm an upper class ex public school toff so would be incapable of ticking any other box.

I'm voting for teh monster raving looney party
*holds up spork*

I'm probably not voting. Is that acceptable to /pol?


LOL! Reposted to Facebook!

No I'm voting for the Conservatives

Nah mine's a safe Tory seat so I'm voting UKIP to scalp Labour votes and make my MP activate his almonds

Why? Cause you're a lazy ignorant fuck?


Surely you can find one you agree with on something at least? Even if you don't, you should vote blank.

Fine, ukip it is then.

>not voting for the Al-Zebabist Nation of Ooog

A glorious Tory Reich will crush Labour and ensure a robust Brexit. We can divide the Tory party after that into two new parties.

Also just found out my MP was a remainer.


>tfw the IRA Party has been holding my seat for the past 20 years in a row


>You don't trust the Conservatives with their vision of what Brexit is
>The Labour party are a fucking shambles
>UKIP is the equivalent of asking the drunk down the pub to run the country
>Not Scottish

Whelp, guess there's only one sane choice left.

Cromwell paved the way for you to vote and William crossed the channel to solidify it. Sort yourself out and vote.

Give me one good reason why these Tory arse lickers are any better and/or electable

>Liberal Democrats

They're worse than the fucking tories.

Anything that acts as a roadblock to a cliff-edge brexit would be in the interest of the country.

I'm not a paki loving northerner, so yes I will be voting tory.

tfw your shitty election system means that the more the anti-tory vote is split, the less seats it yields

didn't you have the chance to reform the system a while back? good thing you voted the way murdoch told you to :^)

Lel we're not jumping off a cliff so much as running for the high ground. It's almost as if you haven't seen what's been happening to the EU for the past few years.


>mass immigration
>feminist legislation
>sodomite rights
>destruction of the church
>war with Assad
>sniffing Amerisharts sharts
>globalisation on steroids
>ridiculously expensive green "energy" initiatives
>purposely sloppy brexit where we keep most of the EU
>more islamisation of daily life
>increased surveillance and limited liberties
>more false-flag terrorist attacks conducted by MI5
>more devolution
>more cuts to our armed forces
>more left wing QUANGO's writing up government policies
>more taxpayer funding for the Islamic State and Al Nusra Front
>more Chinese "investment"
>complete destruction of what remains of our manufacturing industry


im inclined to vote ukip like i always have done, but will most likely vote conservative

You deserve to be flayed living if you do that.

Why are you such a cuck? You clearly don't belong here, go back to plebbit.

Say hello to r/uk for me

>You clearly don't belong here

Fuck off, nothing good comes from echo chambers. (slightly right leaning)Centralist and proud.

None of your fucking business who I'm voting for you cheeky cunt.

I don't trust the government with the agricultural industry with a bargepole. Espically not after the mess with the pet movement scheme last year, where we practically opened the door to various new ticks plus other diseases (such as rabies).

The missus is a vet and they don't have a sodden' clue what they are doing, our farming industry is fucked to put it politely.

I... don't think that's the right order of events...?

/r/UK is fucking awful, ive never seen such a cancerous cesspit on the internet

Tony Blair called, he wants you to lick his arsehole while begging for more paki rape gangs

Voting UKIP until an actual nationalist party comes into play.

Seriously lads, who do I vote for?

I'm classic liberal/ left leaning libertarian, I suppose.

Millions of your countrymen died to secure you the vote, don't be a twat and a pillock

>centrist paki lovers
>centrist pakilovers
>centrist paki lovers
>left wing paki lovers
>centre-right Jew lovers
>left wing paki lovers

Oh boy! I can't wait to vote!

If you're a genuine conservative, there is literally no party for you. Don't waste your time

"genuine conservative" = hating pakistanis and jews?

this honestly, fuck (((democracy)))

No, but being pro mass immigration is not a conservative policy. UKIP is the only one who wants to cut numbers but their other policies are not conservative at all

Literally not 1 single party in your list is a social conservative

Not 1

This country is dead for conservatives. As is much of Western Europe. Voting is a waste of time

We don't like fucking having coalitions in charge like the rest of you Eurocucks.

I might be voting conservatives to prevent labour gaining any seats.

God forbid people try to work together instead of one party just dictating everything

This, we can't let this horrible anti-semite get into power!

Yeah I would like to have voted UKIP again but I think it wouldn't be very smart.

Yeah PR worked out so well for Sweden and Germany. kys cuck

I'm voting conservative but i'm expecting the fucking labor party to win and go into a coalition with the libdems and fuck up brexit.

I reckon all previous UKIP voters should vote conservative in this one, there is just too little time to prepare and we can't allow Labour to win, they must be destroyed in this election.

If you havent figured it out yet a vote for ANYONE other than labour is a vote for the tories you retarded >1995 wankers


there is literally no reason to vote for anoy othe rthan the second largest party in hope of a swing

ANY OTHER VOTE will get the tories in for the next 10 years and during brexit!
its not fucking hard you mongoloid racist retarded cunts

splitting the vote between multiple fucking nobody parties is the ONLY reason the tories are in now!

vote for the only legitimate opposition that will ACTUALLY get in. anything other than voting labour is a protest vote that means fucking nothing and the tories will gain a bigger majority and just keep dong stupid illegal shit like brexit

BNP? Actual white nationalists...

Trust me, I'd rather fucking die than spend another 10 years under a labour government, they are fucking horrid.

Torries are hard on the poor, or should I say the lazy fucking bastards on the fucking dole, they are the ones who fucking subsidised the wages with tax credits, that bleed the country fucking dry, just fuck off.

Get a job or kys you fucking parasite

>voting for comrade corbyn in his dying shambles of a party
I'm not inclined to toss another maggot onto Labour's corpse thank you very much.

yes. you can't conserve shit if pakis take over, and jews openly want the pakis to take over.

How many pacts you unionist cucks gonna boil up this time so you can have more donkeys like pic related represent you?

they get like 2% of the vote, if that.


If you don't vote, you have no room to complain about ANY government choices; fair?

Literally worse than Labour

I'm not voting, democracy was a mistake.

Fuck no fella

there still civic and say pakis can stay but they want absolute zero immigration. They also have a few christain black and hindu indian members

Living in Machinegun O'Neill fucking home constituency, is there no hope?


Genuinely considering voting for the cuckservatives.

I'll wait and see what people say, but if it causes the death of the Labour party then it might be worth it.

>tfw I'll NOT be representing you in Westminster for the next five years

t. reddit

Shared screensnot on instasnap!

I bet with the amount of porn you've watched, you have.

Reeks of envy

>people unironically want to vote Labour

Fucking explain yourselves.

ROFL! Posted to my personal blog