Varg: My blue-eyed girl

I want to like Varg, honestly I do. I've got no ill will. But I can't support someone who wouldn't support myself.

He believes that I am impure, incapable of getting into his Valhalla because of my eye colour, that my eyes are brown despite my European heritage heading back generation after generation. He constantly talks about Europe, does he only mean Nordic Europa when he talks about this?

What do you think /Pol? Is Varg an idiot? Or am I reading too far into it.

Also bonus points for your opinion on Nordic supremacy.

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Varg is pretty cool about almost everything, except paganism

He is absolutely an idiot. He gets all his ideas about race from Mein Kampf. He loathes and envies America and his understanding of other parts of the world, including his own neighbors, comes from the very media he claims to distrust. He's like an American who thinks that all frenchmen are cowards. To him, everyone outside of northern Europe is a fat mongrel. I do enjoy his non-political videos, however.

Kind of annoying people dont know 2 blue eyed parents can create a brown eyed child
or two brown eyed parents can make a blue eyed child

>He loathes and envies America

but he will gladly sell board games and t shirts to Americans

>tfw you're a green eyed subhuman
Yeah, northern Europa supremecy is a bit far fetched. Anglos rule the world

We all have to make our sneaky shekels somehow.

Source? I've never heard that be claimed.

I saw a post comparing Anglos to white Jews earlier, made me laugh, not going to lie. I just don't play into Varg's whole ordeal. You get riled up him talking about Europe and later he'll shit-talk a section of it. It's just surreal.

sometimes what he thinks is pretty self serving

you should be like varg but not exactly the same

and valhalla he hasn't mentioned i think he actually believes in conditional reincarnation

I agree his view on eye color is a little off, and frankly downright wrong when it comes to the distribution of genes within the population, but his general view on Europe is pretty redpilled and he isn't caught up in nationality as he acknowledges the fact that we are basically all the same peoples only slightly seperated by minor differences in culture and also a different concentration of particular physical traits

this. Aryans can we wuz about their faggot cumguzzling god all they want. The Anglo remains eternal. Its why we're all speaking English

and above all else, he pisses off americans so he MUST be doing something right

fuckin butthurt as hell every time he pops up like magic

Luckily I have a source at hand.

"Those not yet welcome in Valhalla will come to Þrúðheimr, Sessrýmnir or other divine dwelling, and of course to Hel (everybody visit Hel in death)" - Varg speaking on brown eyed people, or as he calls it 'generally diluted'.


he also says Aussies have a ridiculously high rate of skin cancer and that they should return to Europe

yeah, brown eyed people don't go to valhalla

but wasn't valhalla strictly a warrior thing you go too after the accumulation of personal honor specifically in battle.

and i'm not kidding about the reincarnation thing, check his talk on burial mounds and all that

Many of views views are bigly stupid desu.

He's right and its a very common thing

Basically you get two eye colour genes from each parent which means that a brown eyed person could be carrying the gene for blue eyes and vice versa

Pic related sort of explains it, brown cancels out blue and two blues gives the child blue eyes.

Actually, his attitude towards Anglos in general isn't very flattering.

From what I've read the odds of two blue eyed parents having a brown eyed child is under 1%

Yeah this is just wrong. Pagan Scandinavians and Northern Europeans have never been 100% blue eyed, but I will agree that downright brown eyes would have been very rare up here if it wasn't because of blending with the Southern Europeans (and Africans/middle Easterns in modern times).
Generally I think he's pretty redpilled on European people since he acknowledges that we are basically all the same (of course there is a difference between southern Europeans and Northern but the transition regarding the concentration of certain traits such as eye or hair color is gradual)


We wuz Kangs of snow nigger Atlantis!!!!

He describes I think Europe as a collection of 'Tribes', which is an interesting way of looking at it. There just seems to be an element of bias toward his own people, which although understandable does cause him to say some weird things when it comes to his knowledge of religion and history.

>Is Varg an idiot?
Well he satbbed some guy like 20 time in their house then claimed self defense

you're just jealous because he's so good at defending himself :^)

Preemptive self defense, the guy was gonna taze him and then torture him to death while filming it

This is oversimplifying it. There has been identified something like 15 genes that help in determining your eye color and they all play a role, both my parents and their parents have blue eyes with an extremely slight green tint yet I got green eyes
>pic related is 90% my eyes

Varg never said that non-blue-eyed people are subhuman or don't deserve to live or that they aren't european.
Varg does not believe in nordic supremacy. He simply is nordic (blonde, blue-eyed, from Norway) and wants to preserve this.
Varg is not an idiot per se and you are apparently reading absolutely nothing into anything. You just imagine stuff.

>I want to like Varg, honestly I do
Why? He's a retard

>missing his point entirely

Nah he's pretty smart

Varg is basically we wuz kangs for white people, teenage metal edgelords and fantasy LARPers

wonder whos behind this post?

The guy was going to kill him and there 32 puncture wound, Varg only stabbed the guy 10 times, the rest came from Euronymous swimming in the glass of a lamp he broke.

The final blow was a stab to the skull and I'm glad he killed that Antifa faggot.

" im so special because of the colour of my eyes"
are you 12 years old? get a life you fucking manchildren

Nice shitskin eyes Björn

Just kidding green eyes can look really nice

Yeah I agree, he is very biased and most of the things he say is self serving. He thinks that Northern Europe used to be 100% blue eyed blondes but this has never been the case. The Hardy-Weinberg principles state that unless it's actively breeded against, the total number of alleles that express blue eyes and green eyes will remain the same.

we wuz kangs alludes to taking credit for other people's cultural achievements

the whole channel is about a literal reclamation of pre-christian european history that got shat on so bad because 'god is a jealous god' so they demolish your shit and replace it

Those are of lighter shade than Varg's own eyes...

Varg is a narcissist.

>incapable of getting into his Valhalla because of my eye colour,
You clearly don't have a clue of what he thinks. To him, Valhalla isn't an otherworldly place you can "be granted access to". It's an allegory.

t. Eternal Anglo

>a "survivalist" who wants people to be self-governing and sustainable
>drives multiple retarded soviet army trucks that use more petrol and oil than any commercial vehicle

>a nationalist
>marries an autistic frog lady and moves to france

>no longer plays his guitar and considers music "a waste of time"
>half his videos are about children's role playing board games

>cares about the environment and the human footprint we have on the planet
>has about 10 kids and has no plans to stop any time soon

>claims to hate the black metal scene and everyone who was a part of it
>never shuts up talking about euronymous and the original players

>hates capitalism
>monetises every video and uses the same shitty ambient loops to generate double the royalty income

The list is endless. This guy is an idiot. Stop listening to Varg.

OK so you can admit you're glad he killed him, your prerogative, but then why the need to make up a story about it being in self-defence?


Not a single person in my family has brown eyes. Never have. It's all green or blue.

We are all blonde or light brown. We are all 5'10 or more. I'm the shortest male in my family at 6'0. The shortest female is 5'10. I was born 6 weeks early so that explains my shortness.

Our family is almost entirely Norman and German.

For your own sake don't race mix. Don't destroy your European heritage

Any relation?

There are plenty of Burzum fans that don't meet his blond hair, blue eyed, and tall criteria. No need to get butthurt about it
Who cares if he thinks he's better than you? Varg thinks he's better than pretty much everybody. And so do a lot of Black Metal musicians (Note: I'm necessarily saying Burzum is BM)
Arrogance and pride is a good and all true Aryan warriors should be proud.
The important thing is that Varg has respect for all European people.
One of his best friends when he was young was Fenriz, who has Italian ancestors
There's better Black Metal out there, though
Like this Finnish band, Forlor

My current girlfriend is blonde hair and blue eyed. She started degenerate, and has probably taken a black cock or two. I've converted her into a housewife. She had the side of her head buzzed and listened to shitty pop music.

Slowly she is converting, her first unironic racist slur was two months ago. I was so proud.

I don't expect her to keep non-degenerate though. Plan on getting her pregnant and keeping her pregnant non-stop. Only way to keep a woman loyal is to keep popping babies.

is that Pistorius?

*NOT necessarily

>not playing Immortal, the most black metal of black metal bands to ever exist.

> and has probably taken a black cock or two. I've converted her into a housewife.
As long as she makes white babies :)

It's good but not even closet the best compared to the abundance of elite and supreme Black Metal that's out there

>drives multiple retarded soviet army trucks that use more petrol and oil than any commercial vehicle
is this a big deal he seems attached to the thing

>a nationalist
has complained about nation states working against native people

>half his videos are about children's role playing board games
dnd is inspired by tolkien's work which is basically a love note to european culture

>has about 10 kids and has no plans to stop any time soon
depending how you live it's not a problem and he has a minimalist approach

>never shuts up talking about euronymous and the original players
he went to jail for 15 years over it

>monetises every video and uses the same shitty ambient loops to generate double the royalty income
jewing the jews and somehow he's the dumb one

No, it's the based fist guy from Berkeley.

Who cares? Valhalla was just a consolation prize for those who died to far away to be buried in the family mound (Hel).

We're all going to Hel when we die.

And Varg does not even say anything ''rude'' about other European cultures. He is just very blunt about his ideas of racial purity.
It's good to promote breeding of high Intelligence, tall, blonde and blue eyed Aryan folk.

Have some old 1998 vargie

He's a fan of Lindy Beige, but Lindy went to Malta for a video, and there was a British flag in the background and Varg got mad saying he should delet because it shows British imperial history. C'mon man

Old Varg was like that, new varg is different. He threw a random fit in defense of Tom Brady over deflategate, claiming the media conspired against him because he is a fuckin White Male

No joke, Varg got involved in an NFL scandal, he's so cuuute

hmmmm it's actually quite funny. I support vargina in coalition on youtube. That's about all. peace out

>caring what someone thinks about race
To you it matters what you think, not some random internet famous guy

A lot of people on Sup Forums seem to think that marrying a slut makes you a cuck. But honestly, continuing the lineage of your people is more important than your ego.


what the fuck happened halfway through that one

Are you sure you arent making things up in your own head? Varg never said that you are unpure if you have brown eyes. He said that Neanderthaals mainly had blue eyes etc.

If a girl touches a man of another race, do not touch her with gloves, there is good woman to choose from for those who will to find them

>but he will gladly sell board games and t shirts to Americans
I literally just asked him on his newest video why he's so rabidly anti-capitalist but is willing to sell his shitty boardgame and music. This was his response.

I swear, Varg browses Sup Forums

Both my parents are blue eyed as im I, my twin brother is brown eyed.

You are an idiot. Just because you are against capitalism doesn't mean you can't trade. Also, EVERYONE needs money, dumbass
Shitty music? He has the most dedicated fans in the world
Jealous, talentless, cuck

you can sell a board game and realize the overarching negatives of the current system

it's the difference between a small business owner and a multinational corperation advocating for open borders

this is the mildest conversation about anything i've had on here btw, everything you guys complain about just don't a whole lot when it comes to this guy

Yeah, that "eyes and ice" video where he claimed that people who don't have blue eyes are not white was the most retarded thing. And his comments below the video, too - "blue is for ice, brown is for sand".

First of all, snowniggers and sandniggers are not the only people on the planet and the majority of Europe has in fact a temperate climate, so the argument of "if you are not suited for ice deserts you are not European" is retarded.

He also claims how brown eyes and hair only come from mixing with Africans - I guess the whole of East Asia is also mixed with Africans, then.

Also, "green eyes come from mixing between brown and blue and genetically it's the same as brown", so green-eyed people don't make the cut either according to him.

He's a fucking parody of a white nationalist, and combined with his hatred for Christianity and barely concealed sympathy towards pisslam, he's basically a useful idiot for the jews.

He literally claims that gingers are descended from the kangz bloodline in Egypt (which may be true for some, but hardly for all the royalty) and jews often had red hair because the kagnz raped their slaves, so he considers jews whiter than me I guess, with my brown hair and green eyes.

>To him, everyone outside of northern Europe is a fat mongrel.

He did like pre-2010. He's now a mix of pan-European, right environmentalist and rad trad. He gets mad at western infighting calling it "Brother wars" like the stuff in Ukraine.

He seems lenient on geography, he's mostly said he splits the west in two, with Judeo-Christians, capitalists, commies, fatties, MGTOW on one side and secular whites on the other. He now calls the remaining non-christian whites in the new world to be actual Europeans in his mind, but those that are still catholic/protestant or fat are Jews. Although I'm white and never consider myself European or anything, I do agree with him there that I feel zero love or connection to religious or fat people here, even if they're "White".

I like that he uses genetics only as a foundation, and promotes quality as a gatekeeper above that

Hypocritically though, he's a survivalist, and got in a beef with a survivalist living in Alaska saying like "Our race is dying and you're hiding in Alaska, you think you're helping things". Varg is kinda doing the same thing? Not as remote, but living off the land

>Just because you are against capitalism doesn't mean you can't trade.
He's not trading anything. He made his garbage boardgame and sells it for profit. This isn't some bartering system where he is receiving equal payment for what he produces. He spends half of his latest videos talking about people making profit as being greedy and he doesn't ever discern between one single person, a company, or a team of fund managers. He then turns around and sells shit for profit and acts as if he has some immunity because he believes in different shit.

He believes that Blonde hair and blue eyed makes one closer to a neanderthal and that neanderthals are the first Europeans
I don't know if it's true, I don't think there is anyway to know for sure. I could be wrong, though.
I judge people as individuals though. I hate plenty of aryan looking people.
I'm not a racist

Yeah, people don't know shit about anything. my parents have blue and green eyes and I'm the only one in my family with brown eyes.

"I just wait for the time when I can charge into a storm of steel!"

>it's the difference between a small business owner and a multinational corperation advocating for open borders
Except that Varg doesn't EVER come to that conclusion. He simply designates anyone selling for profit as a "capitalist pig" and then proceeds to sell shit.

>and combined with his hatred for Christianity
why does his pagan thing bother christfags more than if he was an atheist or even satanist

He's a bit of an idiot. Hermitage can bestow some wisdom, though.

he's pathetic, and so are you.

You can sell things even if you aren't a capitalist. He needs money to support his family and spread his message, because of the way the world is

Pagans don't bother me and I used to love Varg until I realized how utterly blind and consuming his hatred is for Christianity. It's also one-sided.

Many European nations became great and cohesive political entities only after they were Christianized, and some of us survived centuries of mudslime genocide thanks to Christianity.

Good god, you write like a 17 year old mega Burzum fan. Try cutting yourself some more.

Give an example where he said this about a small business

You write like a Jewish cuckold enthusiast.
Shilling for your Jewish corporate overlords so hard

There isn't one because he never discerns between small business and large business. He simply designates profiteers as "assholes" and "pigs."

She makes a nigger I'll cut out those blue eyes of her. She doesn't deserve them at that point.

Haven't really paid attention to all that. I'm too busy working and drinking.

Anyone can turn a "ho into a housewife". Sometimes they end up better as they may be less tempted to go back as they've had a taste of it. They see the goodness that comes from a hard working man. They recognize the harsh reality of a drug fueled and degenerate life.

Granted, I smoke and drink, but only cigars on occasions and a small glass of whiskey a night except for Fridays.

You're just making up semantic bullshit and straw men arguments and clinging to them hard because it is all you can do

Varg is a murderer
You don't stab someone 20 something times in self defence

>Shilling for your Jewish corporate overlords so hard
Nigger, I am not pro-capitalism. I just get sick of faggots like Varg claiming to be some beacon of light in a dark world. His arrogance is undeniable and shameful.

He's a fucking hack.

I think in fairness because religion and right-wing ideology mix together a lot. Nationalism in Eastern Europe seems to involve a lot of meshing with trad Orthodox/Catholic. If you watch a nationalist/far right rally from say, Poland, you see tons of crosses in the crowd as much as celtic-cross flags, polish flags etc.

Likewise there are a lot in the "le Deus Vult" crowd among the internet right. If he shits on religion in an audience that might contain a lot of christian right-wingers, they're going to get mad at him because they'll think he's dividing them away. Christians are scared of Hell, god's wrath etc. so they can't let it go easily, if they get bullied for having Jewish religion or the like they'll bite back with sarcasm and fedora pics

ALSO right-Christians generally believe that Christianity was a glue that kept Europe ahead, paganism was disorganized, Martel could never have defeated the moors if they had been still pagan. Also they believe that Christianity is the counter to Islam, and think pagans are usually liberal, weak, LARPers, divided

Early Christianity was still rooted in pagan antiquity, it still is to some degree. Protestantism is a departure to more Judaic roots.

It isn't a play of semantics. Watch his videos. He continually calls out profit seekers and businessmen for being greedy money grubbers. He never EVER juxtaposes the idea of the small businessman next to the corporation.

I saw Varg at a grocery store at the border some years ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen chocolate bars in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

If Varg thinks he is the ONLY person who should sell things, such as music and ''board games'', why does he promote RPGs that he likes and talk about other bands and music that he likes and supported?

He also did a product review of some war toys that his kids like.
So obviously he likes some businesses

Analysis of genes carried by Ice Age Europeans shows, among other things, that they had dark complexions and brown eyes. Blonde hair, blue eyes are genetic mutation that originated in the Near East about 10,000 years ago.

The mutation of brown eyes to blue represents neither a positive nor a negative mutation. It is one of several mutations such as hair colour, baldness, freckles and beauty spots, which neither increases nor reduces a human's chance of survival.

My stepdad knows Varg as we are from the same city as him, and my stepdad used to be part of the black metal scene during the 90s. Varg is a cunt and nobody likes him.


>He never EVER juxtaposes the idea of the small businessman next to the corporation.
Yes he does, hundreds of times in his videos.

>no White men