Goodbye forever Sup Forums

Goodbye forever Sup Forums

Your racism is just just too fucked up along with your perspective. I can't associate myself with this and I've realized how toxic this place is towards my mental wellbeing.

I hope you too will grow out of this horrible cesspool and contriibute positively to society.

See you tommorow. You'll never be bluepilled and happy again. Never. You may keep up a facade but then something will happen, and it WILL, like your girlfriend being fucking disloyal, or you get Jewed or culturally enriched

and it will all come flooding back

a billion of wicked thoughts

Later snowflake.

See you tomorrow

t. laid off shareblue employee

I don't exactly go along with everything that's said on here but what exactly were you expecting to find in a room called "Politically Incorrect"?

Nursery rhymes? Cuddles with teddy? Tea and biscuits?

>I can't associate myself with this and I've realized how toxic this place is towards my mental wellbeing.

Fucking pussy position too. Who consents on what mental wellbeing is? CNN, MSNBC? Jew doctors? Antifa dredlock girls looking to smash racism? What do you need it for? To watch shit on Netflix and like pictures of normans on Facebook?

i want to be the most toxic motherfucker, i want to scourge the Earth and normies with my toxins just by walking on it. I want to beleive conspiracies so outrageous it would strip torquoise from David Icke's tracksuit like paint thinner. I want to be fucking Serpico, i want to be the fucking Nazi all those normies conjured up by throwing it around like a buzzword, i want to be Pol Pot i want to do LHP sex magic with dirty hookers high on speed, that's what i want.

more mr bond music videos will fix this

>Goodbye forever Sup Forums


You'll be back.

See you tomorrow!

That was literally every single one of us each and every day when we were new to this.

You'll be back.

You're anonymous, how did you fuck up and associate with this place.
Fuck off back to Facebook.

Good get out normie, and don't come back.

During the next big happening you will crawl back to us

Don't forget, you're here forever.

Wew, so the mass exodus of nu-pol and plebbit has begun?

Here is a picture that shows my respect to you.

You'll be back user. Even if you swear you won't. Later tonight, this week, this year, you'll be up at 3 am, thinking, waiting for something. You'll think about that one thread, you'll try to get your mind off of it but it creeps back. Some of the points seem to finally make sense after seeing the world in a slightly different light, even if you don't consciously acknowledge it. You'll get curious and find your way back here, more and more often until you're hooked. Welcome to the club, user, remember, you'll never leave.

See you tomorrow by the way.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out faggot

I'm assuming the OP saw his first gore video. I was pretty shaken when I saw my first. You never forget it either. It imprints on your mind. The normie is lucky. They'll sleep it off, and forget all about it when faggy reality tv show season 6 gorillion comes on again.

If it's normal to be able to take a nap and forget that we're a privileged few living in a fragile civilization with all the evils of the world running rampant just outside our borders. Then it's a crime to be normal, because that's what enables (((the powers that be))) to keep on truckin.

>implying this person ever actually browsed here

Normie faggot.

>dat projection at the end
Abloo bloo bloo. You'll be back. They always come back. Always. The mind once expanded cannot shrink back to it's former dimensions. You'll learn that in time. Even as you deny it.

Bro its not our fault your a mentally I'll basement dweller. A lot of people come here for the lulz.

Good on you for trying to make a positive change, but accept some responsibility. You fucked up boi! The site cant do anything too you that isnt already inside you.

Thats like blaming shootings on video games and rap music.

"You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "