I'm a single white male in my early 30s. I'm tall, actually moderately attractive, with a state job making ~145k a year in tech. I currently spend most of time free time reading, playing video games, working out, and cooking. Over the last 5 years or so I have slowly lost my desire for any kind of relationship with women.

I was not really a Chad, but I was one of the lucky few who was getting laid pretty steadily in high school, and on through college and my early adult life. I had my heart broken, and I broke some hearts. But the last 5 years I have really found the company of women in general to be less and less tolerable. Most of them want to talk about the same old boring shit. Whats on TV/Movies/Social Justice/Whatever dumb hobby they're into. Given I live in a liberal infested shithole, it just seems like I can't find a single woman out there who brings any kind of excitement to the table anymore. Even the ones where politics is never brought up once. I don't drink often at all, not into the party scene. I despise degeneracy in general. I've just gotten to the point where I'm giving up hope on finding a decent companion, ya know? I can deal with it. Really, pussy is great and all, but it has seriously come to the point where I don't see it worth the effort of going through the motions of picking up women. Its like the same shit on repeat. Fuck it, I'd rather just beat my meat in the shower every once in a while and call it even.

Given my growing apathy toward women in general, I've come to question if this is strictly internal, or if the direction society is going is attributing to it. I didn't used to feel this way, but that was 5 years ago, before SJW, Cultural-marxism, and Socialism was mainstream. I see these 'anti-values' reflected in the women I meet and it sickens me.

What does Sup Forums think? Is society causing otherwise valuable males to drop out, and if so, how do we fix it, or am I just fucked in the head?

You will find the strength to come out of the closet one day, don't worry

I'd try to get a waifu to have kids, then you can divorce.

It's fine if you want to live alone as long as you have white kids. It may seem difficult to grasp, but it is necessary.

Even though they say they arent like other girls, they are. You just gotta find one you can tolerate that keeps your dick wet. Idk where to find a good one, but they have to be out there. Idk man, I feel very similar but am 22 and a male model. Do you love yourself? If not, make that your priority, and then love will find you, eventually.

Broken families will turn any race of kids into pieces of shit. I'd really not want kids unless I found someone worth raising them with.

I don't think it's entirely internal or entirely societal. I feel the same way at 34. I never married earlier, as I figured I would wait until I was settled, because being a man, I have that option. In recent years, I have felt less and less inclined to bother. I suppose one day I may have to if I want children, but i'm not looking forward to the prospect.

I have found that women are only really interesting in a biological way, with a few exceptions who I can sit down and talk to, and in those rare exceptions, they were women who had faced actual hardship when growing up, so understand the value of education and work. In all other cases, it's been a meaningless, almost faceless string of idiots who can't think beyond TV or movies or (as I have found in most women over 30) food.

I don't know; perhaps it's just the fact that women don't have to work on improving themselves to be attractive. Instead, they have to work on maintaining what they have, and even then they're not very good at it.

Universe 25, world is full and you are a 'beautiful one'.
The 'fix' is obviously something that triggers a massive depopulation like a plague, huge holy war, famine or maybe all of those things.

Sadly, you will never recover from the affliction, only future generations not subjected to the Universe 25 will be 'normal'.

I'm good with myself. I've just lost interest, faith, or both. I guess after nearly 20 years of relationships that either meant nothing, or were fucked up by one side or the other, its all just getting old.

This is the truth man. Society is crumbling. The juice is not worth the squeeze. Women are a depreciating asset set at a high prize. We are forced to pay full price for a half eaten stake(girls with 20+ partners) and supposed to act thrilled.

Walk away man. Most married men would kill to be in your position.

Nothing exists to you after you die, literally nothing you or anyone else does matters. Flesh lights don't bitch at you and take half your money. It isn't hard to get laid but it's dumb to get trapped. Donate sperm if you are so interested in carrying on your genes. Companionship is nice but its better to have close friends than someone you live with. Someone you see every single day will without failure always disappoint you.
All that being said you can find decent people out there, but if they know you have decent money them using you for that and moving on will generally be what happens.
People pretend they are looking out for anyone but themselves and it is never true.

I'm looking forward to your post in a few years about your upcoming divorce.

As you get older, women lose their worth, while men gain theirs.

This might seem like a good deal at first, if you're a man. Women over 30 in many cases will beg for marriage, so they can have a kid and fulfil themselves.

But at the age of 35, what man wants a beggar?

>I have found that women are only really interesting in a biological way, with a few exceptions who I can sit down and talk to, and in those rare exceptions, they were women who had faced actual hardship when growing up, so understand the value of education and work. In all other cases, it's been a meaningless, almost faceless string of idiots who can't think beyond TV or movies or (as I have found in most women over 30) food.
Exactly my experience as well. But how do we fix it?

You know...Sup Forums isn't going to like it, but i'd make a suggestion I received from one of my professors on the subject. He was a fat guy, about 40ish, and a couple of us would laugh at him for having an oriental wife. He was a really, really nice guy. Soft spoken, but could have crushed me like an egg if he'd wanted.

I went for drinks with him one night because he was overseeing my doctorate so I got to know him a little, and the subject came up. he told me that he'd left it a "little late" for marriage for just this reason, no females interested him. They were all take and no give. His reasoning was that as it's well-known that women replace their fathers with husbands, if your potential wife has a father who gives everything, is utterly lenient, with no rules and no control, you're going to take that role pretty quick, or suffer.

So, his suggestion was to find a woman with a father who exemplified the same ideals as you. Not an easy thing to do, but there it is.

I think he's right.

Woman here...

The problem is women not you. Marry a Japanese woman who is religious. She won't care about your money and she will take are of you. Asian women hold more value to children and their spouses.

Good luck OP

I think your professor is a wise man.


Doting wife, two lovely kids, nice house. They're not fully white, but I don't think he cares.

Personally, I might go to Poland. The people there seem harsh but fair, it might rub off on the women, but it might make them a little bit too rough. I dunno.

Anywhere's better than the US/UK though, I imagine. The people there are...careless now. Women doubly so.

I believe that to be 100% true.

My father was a man's man. He expected women to be in a certain role. He told me if I wanted to be a good wife be the true definition of feminine. Be a care giver to my husband.

"You take good care of him, he'll take good care of you".

The way I see it as im very much approaching your current situation, is we have three options.

1. Go your own way. Just keep doing what your doing fuck marriage and buy some hookers. This is the path of least resistance.

2. Marry the next thing that lands on your dick. This is the most conman path and the most risky 50/50 odds you lose and kiss half of your shit good bye. Possible end up suck starting a shotgun.

3. This is the path that is least traveled. Become chad You must have a iron will and always have that pimphand oiled up cuz your gonna be (possible literately) smacken them bitches up. Train a young woman to be submissive to your will mold her as you did yourself turn her into something worth while.

I say go 3 sounds like you got the money and the looks now you just gotta learn how to own a bitches mind. Practice on a few learn how to stand your ground, force them to do what is good for them as you would a child. She must see herself below you. Forget about love command respect.

I'm with you. 32 and very similar situation. Just got sick of all the SJW bullshit with the last gf. Recently I was speaking with a chick for awhile on a dating app. She told me that she loved to shop... and I instantly just lost all interest in looking for another gf. Its all such vapid shit with women. Modern women are so narcissistic and psychologically damaged

I'm in the same boat, user. 28, successful with women, live in a liberal shithole, dangerous in the Peterson sense, decently good looking...

Women are mostly cookie cutouts of a select few archetypes, all of them boring and one dimensional. Every once in a while I come across a girl with thoughts in her head that is also attractive, they always have boyfriends.

Keep chugging along, and never settle. Maybe you'll get lucky and find a good woman, maybe you'll spend your life improving yourself and enjoying your years with friends pursuing hobbies.

I got married, and out of everyone in our social circle/relatives my wife and I have the best relationship despite struggling to have children.

Even then, she's still toxic as hell, absolutely disrespectful, and doesn't even have a shred of obedience in her despite growing up in a christian household with a traditional family.

I realize I'm past my prime at this point and wouldn't want to ever deal with another relationship and that our prospect of children is growing even more grim due to her almost being 30.

It has me on the verge of wanting to just say fuck it and be another white male suicide statistic and that's in a "good" relationship.

Women aren't worth anything anymore, just stick to sperm dumpsters and jump ship as soon as they want something more.

I love how everyone on Sup Forums is either an engineer or software developer/IT person that makes over 6 figures. Step your game up OP I made 170k last year as a wendy's chef.

>"You take good care of him, he'll take good care of you".

This is basically the ONLY rule that men follow (actual men, not the turbocucks we're infested with). It's an old and simple rule but a logical one and watertight.

Men don't talk about this shit much, but we're insistent that things be fair, and that people pull their weight. If they do, we're loyal to the bitter end.

As a woman, this is really the main thing to keep in mind, and your father was obviously a very good man to teach you that.

Find a woman who doesn't have cable tv.

You need to find a moderately sane woman and train her the rest of the way.

I grew up in a moderate liberal house with psycho liberal extended family, and it never really fit my personality so I just got angry but I still had no experience outside that lifestyle.

Joined the military, met my husband, he slowly redpilled me over a few years and now I'm more politically involved than him. (I got to shake Trump's hand!)

So, don't give up. And don't tell anyone how much you make straight off the bat either, that just attracts roasties, but you seem smart enough to realize that.

Tl;dr You have to MAKE your wife, not find her

go be a faggot somewhere else Sup Forums is full, fuck off

If I made that much per year, I'd have as many white kids as I could.

Don't you get lonely?

>liberal infested shithole

California? Move, seriously, take your dough and get the hell out. Go somewhere where people are more like-minded with you. If you're sort of an introvert (sounds like you are) you will never meet a conservative woman whose company you may enjoy far more than the girls you've been with unless you REALLY try, and it doesn't sound like you're up to using dating sites and the putting yourself out there on that level. Whereas in a midsize town someplace like Texas, you may find far more women who suit you.

I say all this because, you know, you're young. Growing older alone sucks shit. You have no idea, please trust me, you don't. But you will find out if you don't learn to think ahead and realize that your life, your circumstances, your body and your health won't always be exactly like they are now.

Start sucking the D on Craigslist. It will give your life some meaning.

Society isn't shit! You are not the problem. You were not here to bend to the will of any given society. You do you. That's all you need to do. You don't owe any society anything. Oppose all societies on general principle. You make your own path.

Dude, no. Divorcing is a sickening process that sucks for everyone. If you marry just to gain some sort of material "thing" out of it, then you're a leech to the idea of marriage

>As you get older, women lose their worth, while men gain theirs.
Completely wrong, unless you are only thinking in terms of childbearing and being pretty, youthful arm candy.
I am a widower. My wife passed away in her late 40s and she was the best she'd ever been. She was always funny, smart, affectionate and attractive, but she gained so much wisdom, poise and became so much more selfless, kind and generous with age. Age gives even a lot of dumbass people a certain sense of perspective. Women of value become absolute gems, even more than they were before.

If a woman's learned nothing from her life and experiences, you will be able to tell.

But a woman who has done those things is not worthless at all. What a shallow fucking point of view. Of course you should avoid women in their late 30s who are desperate to procreate, if only because you're probably not their dream man anyway, even if you are into them. But that's not the sort of situation I'm talking about. If you just want a great companion in life, and don't care about having kids or have already done it, don't tell yourself you need another ignorant, silly young thing with a head full of marxist programming. If nothing else, most people--and most women--get more conservative with age, too.

You are the society, that makes you part of the problem. The modern bourgeois that's glitching at your own bullshit
On top of that, you're also Sup Forumstarded and have taken seriously the satire that's specifically created to assuage faggots like you

There's no recovery from your bluepill delusion, you are the system.
You blame your conflicted feelings on the narratives designed to make you people feel better, to toss the blame away from yourself, just like it was intended to do

You are SO right.

Sorry for your loss.

I'm very grateful for my father and his wisdom.

None of the females my age (25) are married or happy. If they have children it's from a baby daddy that's never around.

I've been married six years. I ask my husband every day if there is more or anything special I can do for him (wisdom from father...ask your man if he needs anything). When our son was born my husband asked me not to go back to work and be a stay at home mom. I did. My female friends couldn't understand why I would give up my nursing career. Told them because my husband asked me too. At current I have no female friends. They either hate me or don't understand.


>What a shallow fucking point of view.

I'm not speaking personally, m8. I mean from a societal perspective. They can't bear children, and their youth and beauty has faded and they can no longer compete.

I'm thrilled that you had what time you had with your wife. It sounds like she was a lovely lady. But human society just doesn't value being smart, affectionate or attractive in the same way as it values reproductive ability or attractiveness.

>If you just want a great companion in life, and don't care about having kids or have already done it, don't tell yourself you need another ignorant, silly young thing with a head full of marxist programming.

This is good advice though, as far as I can see. A lot of older men waste their time and their money looking for the girls they couldn't get in high school. By that age, a man should realise what's really important.

It's definitely not you. I'm similar. I don't believe in this society so I just chill. I have a girlfriend but only because she let's me chill and is empathetic to my belief system. She wants kids but I dunno if I could be fucked. What's the point of bringing a kid into this world?

you better have put money into a mira

>They either hate me or don't understand

What do you think leads women to become this kind of person? I would say that the father is the major influence, because that's the ideal of a man they receive in their formative years. But are there other important influences?

I used to hate frog posters but these days...

>... learned nothing from her life and experiences

75% of men, 80% of women

Hey OP are you me?

the real question is why is it in women's to become promiscuous bisexual extremely slutty whores when left unchecked by society?

"Given I live in a liberal infested shithole"

I found the problem.

>not making 550k mowing lawns

Same stats as you OP but not down about my experience or situation. Learned to shape and mold my experience .. Love myself. Every waking minute can be a fantastical and interesting one.

Shed gfs over the years I thought were waifus but were too unruly.. Recently shed 'friends'. Am alone for the most part but centered on my passion. I am truly happy from day to day. I hope to meet waifu on my journey ... A companion who wants to enjoy this journey together through life. Aside from that, not interested nor interested in roasties..

Tried it for a short period and felt disgusted ..

So, I'm in my 30s and doing well. Are you in the bay area user? I gtfo some time ago. Cash in and cash the fuck out. You can make good money but the housing, taxes, and people are not worth it.

Travel a little throughout the midwest... You'll find some amazing people in touch with nature and their experience. It really will open your eyes to a new world.

Good luck anons. It's a wild circus of a world currently that's headed towards the end of a long and dark road.

shit parents from liberal decades of rebellion, materialism and sexual (((freedom)))

it's only going to get worse. Please guys be smarter than this ausposter. It's obvious shitty people raise (or don't raise) shitty kids.

I feel the same way OP, and my friends who are currently in relationships have expressed strong desire to cut off relations with their waifus as well.

I eventually had to swallow the most bitter red pill of all: sex is overrated, women are boring, and any misstep in your relationship can literally ruin your life. Women are dangerous.

I don't think this is you, women, or even the jews. Our alienation is just a byproduct of modernity.

The family unit isn't the future. The future is sex robots and test tube babies.

OP, you have the money to raise 5-8 white children if your wife was a nurse or something, and you choose not to! Think about the white race! Why the hell are you not trying to get some half intelligent aryan women, have as many children, and spend your freetime raising children, the best hobby of all time. Step the fuck up OP.

I believe you to be right. These women grow up with man hating mothers and father's who don't install male value.

I value and respect men. Men are beautiful and complex. They think on a different level than women. Men solve problems. Mothers think ahead. (I don't say women because I only see this in mothers who put their children first).

Another think I find is women should never be in charge of money.

I'm at stay at home mother. Theven money that comes in is not mine. It's my husband's. He worked for it. Not me. I don't have access to it. (No women should have access to her husband's money. More words of wisdom from my father).

If my son or I need something! I ask my husband. I tell him what the household needs and how much it will cost. He gives me the money. I always give him the receipts. He tells me very time that he doesn't need them but I give them anyways.

My parents dId this. That's how they worked their finances.

It is called going MGTOW. It really isn't special or new. It is the best choice given the present situation.

May we clone you please fem-user? You sound like ideal waifu...

You are a self obsessed fuck. Yes you are the problem.

Thanks Greece, I knew you wouldn't let me down.

OP what do you do to make 145k a year? What state, what is your title?

You sound like a good woman, user. Your husband's a lucky man.

What confuses me is women who grow up without fathers. A lot of people say that they are therefore solely influenced by their mothers, and their opinions of men (which are...always negative), but i'm not so sure about that. I've known a few good women who grew up without fathers, for the most part, and they've been stable enough. It confuses me.

And then your walking ATM loses his job, and you run off to Tyrone the drug dealer and be his slave instead.

This is fucking LARP, stupid. A woman like this would not be on Sup Forums let alone Sup Forums

get a load of this cuck

I too wish there was more of me (or like minded). The women I see raising children are garbage. They are selfish and their children suffer for it.

Shit mothers raising shit children.

Oh shit, so intelligent, so edge. Your hypermind drawfs my tiny peanut.

Women aren't for having "fun" you dumb fuck. They're for breeding. Wife them up and keep them pregnant. Or die alone and childless if the thought of that doesn't bother you too much.

>Every once in a while I come across a girl with thoughts in her head that is also attractive, they always have boyfriends.
Guess who put those thoughts there

I can only speak from my experience.


I would just go back to work. My husband asked me to be a stay at home mom. When I was working as a OC nurse I was bring in 75k

>fedora detected

I feel pretty much the same way, I'm about to turn 33.

I was fairly "normal" in my teens and early 20s, used to go out a lot with friends, to bars, clubs, parties, almost always had a girlfriend - longest relationship was about 4 years, engaged, but it didn't work out.

Over time I just became disenfranchised with the world. I stopped answering phone calls from friends, slowly stopped going out with them, stopped really pursuing any women - even online I don't really bother with any apps or msg any girls anymore. As you described, it's just so much bullshit, jumping through hoops, tolerating nonsense and drivel just so you can stick your weiner in a warm hole.

I hardly go out anymore, I'm practically a hermit. I haven't spent any time with my friends in years, haven't pursued women in years.

I'm still reasonably well put together. I work fulltime, I own my condo (completely paid off), I go to the gym 4-5 days a week, I cook at home and eat well. I do spend way too much time watching movies or playing video games or just browsing random websites though.

Despite all that (or because of it?) I'm usually in a decent mood. I usually feel happy, or at least neutral, very rarely do I ever feel sad or depressed about life.

I dunno, I guess I've just "checked out" and I don't seem to have a problem with that so I don't really plan to do much to change it. The only thing I might change up this year is to try and go outside a bit more this summer just to mix things up compared to the last few years, maybe take on some new hobbies.


It's you. Always you. No matter how shit society is you can always make the best out of it. Stop being a hypocrite for starters, live up to ideals you believe in.

1) Get out of California or wherever, seriously just get out and somewhere more natural.

2) Video games and porn raise saturate your dopamine receptors so high women can't compete anymore nor can most real life fulfillment.

3) SJW-isms are merely the dark reflection of our own apathy. We don't blame society and the White Male Devil for our own choices in life and are usually better off because of it is the true difference between our groups.

Is society causing it? We can life a quick and easy life with easy fulfillment out of things like vidya that can satisfy most drives: build something in an RPG or minecraft, social or even erotic experience through MMO or social media addiction or hentai game.

All our ancestors had was the bottle and not so many digital distractions and the bottle came with faster and more prominent decline.

Even on the bottle people became less inhibited, hit rock bottom and took risks in life.

Society just lays out the fruits of its success, it is we the individuals who have choice whether to gorge on them or not.

so you have the perfect life aside from children and got along fine with women but you decided you didn't really care for it

society isn't the problem
you aren't the problem
there's no fucking problem at all
if you don't want to breed then don't

They have internet in Missouri now? That's fantastic.

Been lurking here for to long and as a mother ashamed I still come here. I'd give timestamp but than I'd have to tito or GTFO

Masturbation and pornography are warping your mind. Video games are providing a facscimile for your masculine desires to conquer, control, and create.

Contrary to what Jewish rom-coms have told you, your spouse does not NEED to be your "best friend." I'll not deny you sometimes meet couples where that seems to be true, but for the most part, it's not. You don't need a woman who is "cool" or funny, you need a woman with virtue.

Women are very malleable. Their gender has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to be more "go with the flow." It's a survival mechanism. When conquered by enemy tribes, women who were loyal, principled, defiant, critical, etc., were generally killed. Women who were pliant, demure, disloyal to their people, etc., were accepted by the conquering group.

Don't hate woman or hold it against them. They didn't choose it anymore than we chose our desire to sow our oats far and wide. It's just biological.

That's the thing with religion, and institutions like marriage. It's not just about "muh sky fairy." Even if you don't believe the spiritual truths within, marriage, especially in the Christian sense, is a social contract between man and woman, on which civilization was based. She says, "I won't give into my female hypergamy and leave you to have children with the first stronger mate that will have me." And he says, "I will be loyal to only you and your children."

Feminism and pornography destroyed that. Both are peddled principally by Jews. We allowed them to tear down the edifices of our civilization without even considering what else would come tumbling down with them.

You need to quit fapping and porn. It's wiring your brain to associate arousal to screens, darkness, solitude, instead of to affection, togetherness, etc. Yes it will be hard (pun intended.) No, it is not negotiable if you really wish to change. At the very least, quit porn and limit fapping to a session once a month,

marry me, user.

Are you future-me, user? I've been struggling with trying to figure out my goals, and I keep allowing myself to remain undecided between being a MGTOW, or trying to be a family man. I'm only 21, but I could very easily see myself in your position in a decade or so.

>make 145K/year
>complaining about his life

Meanwhile, here people who make 15K/year considered to be wealthy.
WTF wrong with this fckng planet?

>Broken families will turn any race of kids into pieces of shit.

Wish all white bros thought this way. My younger brother and I both excelled in school, parents fought and divorced while very young, but after uni, it acutely became apparent how much the parental union and having family to gauge yourself matters.

I never bitched at my 'rents for getting divorced, but each side of my family is ancient and the next gen beside my brother and me didn't attend uni, are strung out, shit out dumb kids in early 20s, or went wayward w the law. Realizing you won't have family to holiday with unless you get married is a hardcore scare, especially when girls you seriously date finally project a potential future.

The expense of kids, the risk, just knowing there is a possibility your wife cheats because she saw something on Netflix, and knowing how many of my pals' GFs have cheated, very hard to bring kids into the world. Women have Tinder, FB, Snap, this has changed them, they impulsively judge their life vs hundreds of lives, daily. Their loyalty to men and to America is seen as outdated and not absolute.

With your age, income and moderate attractiveness you could get a college aged girl 19-24. Don't get all triggered I said fucking "college age" you cunts. Chicks love older stable guys. So go get one and be happy.


Probably the most alpha response in this thread

I live near a university, and my typical age range is 23-28. I tried women my age, thinking experience might be the issue, but there's no difference, really.

Where do you live, what is your job?

>playing vidya
it's your problem.

And society's.

>Growing older alone sucks shit. You have no idea, please trust me, you don't.


I am you but a couple years younger, I dont really feel like I am going anywhere.

I'm not going into further detail because its irrelevant and I know where I'm posting.

I am maximum casual. I realistically play video games less than 10 hours a week. I agree though that people play way too much, and use video games as an escape, which is technically abuse, the same as an addict uses drugs to get away.

tech is the general problem
everyone is going to die cos of it, im callin it

Just hire a professional matchmaker

Not irrelevant to me, I want to make some $$ too. :-/

28 here

Trying to save for a house to buy with cash because fuck paying mortgage. Haven't fucked or dated in 4 years.


Nah man, I just fuckin hate the world but don't have a cushy 145k/year gig. Why shouldn't I play vidya? At least you have money, I'm just broke and in debt all the time


just suck dick user no shame.

go to a fuckin reformed church nigger. plenty of 1960 era women there

I'm not saying you shouldn't play vidya, but if it is impairing your life to the point where you're only playing vidya in your spare time and not bettering yourself, then it's a problem you should really reflect on.

If you want a cushy well paying job, study IT Security. Its a job where so long as your name doesn't come up, you're doing great.
