Redpill me on mormons

Redpill me on mormons

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Pros: Good conservative values.

Cons: Extreme philo-semitic.

pros: don't lie, don't drink

cons: fucking weird cult that needs to be erased

Talked to a few today, they were nice enough, apparently they came all the way from Arizona to evangelize in my bum-ass town. I'm moving on the weekend and they offered to help but I declined.

It would be great if other Christian communities were anywhere near as devoted as Mormons are, the only real problem with the Mormons is Mormonism.

excellent neighbors, good allies. Do right by them, they do right by you. They will never, ever stop trying to subtly recruit you, but the older ones are at least respectful about it.

A huge minority segment of the USAF is Mormon.


Belief in divine mandate of self sufficiency, self defense, good behavior. Violently hate degenerate behavior, are privately hostile to religions and movements that are hostile to them.

US govt' was fearful enough of them to attempt an extermination as late as the mid 1800s, and throughout the 1900s attempted to contain them with federal parks and land as an anti-expansion effort. Seriously. Look at Utah and the federal land you cant build on, then look at Mormon population maps.

There is your Mormon redpill. Also you get an entire planet in the afterlife, so thats pretty boss.

this. Everything about them is great but the whole Mormonism. If there was a way to hybridize them and Sikhs that would be pretty sweet.

they're heretics and murderers. remember the Meadows Massacre.

Soulless automatons, perfect for intelligence agencies due to their natural aversion to privacy, love of authority and hierarchy, and proclivity to gossip, collect information, and exert control over other people's lives.

>>that quasi masonic blood rite to enter into God's presence tho

The church teaches them to always be prepared. My town has a big population of them and they're all proficient with guns and have entire rooms dedicated to keeping their gun collections in. Along with 6 months worth of emergency food.
They're also encouraged to have tons of children, who are raised very well. The only girls I know who were virgins till marriage are Mormon

One of the last great hopes of white America desu

can confirm. raised in mormon church until i was mid-teens. ive ran into several people i havent seen since they were normal acting children. now they seem literally brainwashed. adults that are now even older all have soulless, empty eyes, like deep down they know theyve wasted their lives subscribing to such horse shit. there's there ones that have forced themselves to believe their larp is real life. they do not seem human. "missionaries" are literally trained as salesmen. if you give them an inch, they will NEVER stop pestering you until you give in. The only way i finally got them to leave me alone was to contact their headquarters in utah and demand to be removed from their records, and to be left alone lest i take legal action. you can waste your own time going down the rabbit hole of the absolute bat-shittingly insane things they actually believe. but it's secret, so shhh

Basically the Jews of the white race.

they harass me on the streets and in my home, they're pretty pushy too

They're fucking freaks at basketball

Grew up as a dirty mormon. Have one year of food storage. Hundred gallons of fresh water. Setup for a water filter. Tons of ammo. Virgin wife. Absurd religion. Awesome perks.

These are some of the crazy things they belive
>think that native americans are jews that crossed the atlantic sea in wooden rafts
>think that Jesus us a polygamous God, one out of many as there are as many Gods as planets
>Adam is God, he had sex with Mary one of his many wifes
>God is not all knowing
>Joseph Smith got detained for some of his early con activities
>Joseph Smith ran for the presidency as independent, failed and proclaimed himself king of Israel
>Brigham Young a motherfucking crazy psychopath, wife nº19(a book written by one of his wifes) says a lot about him and Mormons
>Adam>Michael>Jesus>Elohim(Heveanly Father) it’s their pyramidal God evolution, if you’re a good Mormon in the next life you will start as an Adam and rise in their theocratical pyramid the more followers you have
>Also their whole temple sacrament was stole from the Masons by Joseph Smith their prophet and a mason

what about tithing? How much do you pay to the rich fats of your cult?

more like morons lmao

fake religon created by the british intelligence to divide and reconcare america...

They basically believe the same thing scientologists do. Scam/cult. They were bailed out financially by jews around 100 years ago and have been puppets ever since

You'll hear members referring to 20 year olds as 'elders'.

Down here they recruited a bunch of Bolivians.
Its hilarious, you see these tall thin pasty ass white dudes walking around with these short fat and brow guys in tow.
All dressed with the same shirts, pants and shoes.

The book of Mormon contains all the same translation errors as the 17th century King James version of the Bible

Also the Mormon book of Abraham when translated from Egyptian Hieroglyphs turned out to be a very common funeral script and not even remotely what Joseph Smith claimed it was.

The only conclusion is that either Joseph Smith is a time travelling wizard, or a bullshit artist.

He also died by being Lynch mobbed because he was caught selling fake religious artefacts to simpletons.

He was an L.Ron or Jim Jones type of guy who lived in a time and place where the minds were far more fertile to someone like him

Why do you need to take at least 2 mormon friends with you on a fishing trip?

If you only take 1, he'll drink all your beer.

and don't forget the kinderhook plates, the scammer of their prophet got scammed

>USAF is part mormon

holy shit, I thought it was just a coincidence that I know 5 different mormons from high school that are now in the USAF

They don't masturbate at all. Their the ones that strap their children down at night to deter fiddling around down there.

Mor(m)ons who are dumb enough to fall for a scam designed by a conman who was doing jail-time for fraud shortly before founding his religion.

>down there

Magic underwear they even wear during sex

John Moses Browning and Philo Farnsworth were Mormons

>incredibly solid neighbors and business partners, more reliable than most Christians, value family, male leadership, guns, and supporting private businesses
>religion itself is batshit crazy and full of blatant lies and revisionism
>crazy, but like a good, benevolent, valued member of society crazy.

Mormons are good.

Good citizens, odd people

I grew up Mormon and was a pretty active, true-believing member until my mid-twenties.

Mormonism is a purple-pilled pseudo-Masonic Christian Fan Fiction club. There are enough solid, good values and enough encouragement to be devoted to them to make most of the Mormons you'll meet really solid people. They have really strong communities and Mormon communities are relatively unaffected by the crazy degeneracy and social engineering that surrounds all of us. Utah is a solid place to live and it's where I plan on moving back to and putting down my own roots. When SHTF, the Mormons are the people you'll wanna be on good terms with.

That being said, their personal beliefs tend to hang at the whim of the people in charge of the church. If some of them start talking about "letting refugees in," you'll see a lot of Mormons uncritically adopt pro-refugee sentiment because the majority of them defer their critical thinking to the highest-ranking Mormon authorities when push comes to shove.

It's weird...I have a lot of affection for them and I feel very fortunate to have been raised in their values system. It's a very solid set of ideals to live to. But at the same time I see all the flaws in the system. I want to have the same kind of solid community that Mormons do, but I can't really get that without going back to a Mormon church and forcing myself to pretend to believe in all of their weird shit.

My grandma's family was mormon but i dont have any american in my family wtf?

Joseph Smith explained southpark

Is there any way I could become a Mormon and get into the USA and get be given a job, a house and 3 wives?

Why not just become a M*****, you don't even have to move.

>after the fall God made them see that blood is required for sacrifices and made them an animal hide for clothes instead of plants
>this translates into underwear

Was born in Utah but grew up here. Up until I was 4 or 5 we attended Mormon church until my parents realised how batshit insane it all was and we left. I still have family in Utah that are Mormon, who are very nice and not pushy with trying to reconvert my family or myself.

white/american version of islam

We got some missionaries guys up here. They set up their churches near Universities and target uninformed international students to join their little cult.

Nice guys, polite, patient and all smiles. They say they rotate their missions, a few years here and a few years back in America. Dont know what they do for fun but they seem harmless.