US white percentage?
Yeah it dropped 30% in 2 weeks. Mexico is basically empty now.
This is Georgia 6th I assume?
What does it mean? Doesn't he still hold a plurality with the 3rd parties and blank votes?
Not from Georgia, in effect I believe it just means that the seat remains republican.
I love how the shills always believe what DailyKos tells them. They'll never realize that Bernie was in it to cuck them from the start, that these elections have never been winnable for them, and that their situation will only get worse as the last competent ((("whites"))) running the Democratic party die off and are replaced by affirmative action negroes. We keep kicking their asses, and they keep coming back for more.
Trump approval
Trumps approval? Or Georgia polls?
It means there will be a 1v1 election in a deep red state of a R vs D, no chance of democrat win despite spending over $100 per vote for a fucking seat in GA lmao
What was the outcome of todays election?
>Burgers flee to the now empty mexico
>3 days later mexico is a utopia while america is a cartel run shithole.
>Mexican now have no problem going back to mexico
it was soon followed by the tweet that just triggered the shit out of the left
It hasn't been near 80% since like 1980. You're referencing the percentage that includes "Hispanic White" as White, which is retarded.
Mexicans, for example, are on average 37% European. Africans Americans are on average 25% European.
Mexicans are barely "Whiter" than Blacks. Counting them as White is insane.
The Democrat didn't get more than 50% so there will be a runoff election. The runoff will have the Democrat again vs the Republican who earned the most votes, instead of 5 Republicans vs the one Democrat.
They need a majority, not a plurality. If the vote isn't over 50% it goes to a run-off between the top two.
So instead of 1 Dem vs 11 Repubs, it will be 1v1 and the likely outcome is Republican 70% Democrat 30%.
Thanks for explaining
A drop from 80% to 50% is a 37.5% drop FYI
muh nigga
arabs are considered white in america, so under 50 is appropriate, my local gas station is run by and arab that hates niggers and marks himself down as white.
I shall now rebaptize you le 48%
>ywn drop an 'FYI' while being this ignorant
Feels good man.
Kek I love this man so much
Bye Jon, you had to get 50% of the vote in an area that slightly went Trump.
You had the media.
You had corporate sponsors and tons of out of state support pour in.
>Lol Drumpf will be BTFO
>Everyone hates Trump now so they'll vote Ossef.
Lol still in fantasyland Dems.
Jesus 300 billion Is a fortune.
I kinda feel sorry for the old Krauts and am starting to understand why they go full ape shit and go world war mode.
Its because the international community just cant stop cucking them.
Love the extra "glad to be of help!" line. It adds extra salt to the wounds.
post a link niggers
So let me get this straight.
The (((gop))) intentionally ran 5 candidates to sabotage the election so a democrat would win...
But the democrat lost a guaranteed win that would have helped cuckservative shills...destroy the legitimacy of President Uber-shill's platform that never would happen anyways becase his base is reddit and won't care about being fucked over and genocided as long as (((patriotic))) displays of force overseas gives them something to maga over?
The fuck is happening.
No you dumb nigger the dems were never going to get over 50% so the republican used it as a primary
But he's right.
Dumb non-frogposter. The first guy said two weeks.