>Trump goes full neocon
>approval goes up 15 points
And this is how populism, nationalism and white identity die. Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Trump goes full neocon
Started in the shitter. Nowhere to go but down
B-but muh AlephD chess.
Lmao, he just needs to bomb a few more places and sign the TPP. Then he'll be a 70%+
as a trump supporter does anyone got a black cock for me to suck
are these the same (((people))) that polled during the election and got it all wrong?
>Make a hole in the ground in Syria
>Approval goes up
>Makes his point on chemical weapons
>Warmongers NK to distract everyone from the middle east issue
>Will start a liberation war that will protect America, its allies and fix relations with China
>Democrats and Republicans now will give him approval
This is 3d chess in my opionion fámalams.
>sets off bombs
>not with a bang
>if he acts like a globalist the people who run the polls will reward him
Really makes you think.
It went up 4 points dumbass
I honestly can't stand the smugness of the news anymore because of this truth
>We hate Trump for deporting illegals
>Bu-but it's okay and he should be praised for bombing a country
>Nationalizing bad, world-police good
Meanwhile the media won't report that but this:
>Trump popularity plummets in Russia, poll shows
>Apr 17th 2017 7:52PM President Donald Trump, dogged since his election by accusations of improper connections to Russia, has seen his popularity wane in that country in recent weeks.
>A survey released Monday by state pollster VTsIOM found that the percentage of Russians who view the U.S. president negatively has spiked from 7 percent to 39 percent in a single month, according to Reuters.
>approval goes up 15 points
>And this is how populism, nationalism and white identity die. Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
>goes up 15 points
>a whimper
The idea you're trying to convey should have been said as
>so this is how populism, nationalism and white identity dies. With thunderous applause.
>dance puppets, dance.
>you want a little bomb here and there?
>goo, oh you like that don't you?
>let's send some big aircraft carriers and Pence over to North Korea to stare across the DMZ
>oh yeah, want some more?
>well then let's talk healthcare, infrastructure, and The Wall.
Trump didn't escalate in Syria, sticking to killing ISIS, signed a H-1B review order and pushed vocational schools. His approval rating just shot up because Americans get hard when Muslims are bombed.
Good riddance.
>Americans get hard when Muslims are bombed.
It is fucking hillarious, but apparently you can't survive in US politics if you don't bomb some mudslime country. At least he appears to prioritize the evil fat hamster from NK now.
it's almost like the media don't actually poll anyone and just make shit up to get what they want
wtf I'm a TRS cuck now
>His approval rating just shot up because Americans get hard when Muslims are bombed.
I couldn't agree more, you guys probably all jizzed when you heard about the MOAB
>bomb Syria, approval goes up
>drop the worlds biggest ever bomb on mudslimes, approval hits 50%
>Liberate Best Korea
>Repubs in office until 2101
Say what you will about Trump, he knows how to put on a show
>And this is how populism, nationalism and white identity die.
Actually they die because of black cock
What happen??