Tweeting in the middle of the night calling shit fake. This is actually who has the nuclear codes.
Tweeting in the middle of the night calling shit fake. This is actually who has the nuclear codes
That's right. So you better like the tweet, and retweet it cunt.
I did.. please don't hurt me
You lost the election fagit
We let that guy get the nuclear codes! Praise Kek!
Former Trump supporter here. Not gonna lie, we can't let him have the nuclear codes!
He was watching the election results dummy
>posting on Sup Forums in middle of night
What in the hell does him tweeting whenever he wants to have to do with him having nuclear codes?
God Bless our President.
>Trump gets up at 6am to work while I sleep in until 3pm on welfare
>People like him are the problem
He writes retarded and it means he is a retard and you should be worry that a retard has power to destroy world.. Because he can do it for a stupid reason.
good job daniel son
That's great that he's up at night keeping us safe while we sleep. And that way nobody can sneak in at night and steal the nuclear codes. The man is a hero and a genius.......God bless you Donald Trump
Do you really believe the president is sitting there using twitter?
He has a team handle his social media.
You should love him then. Only roaches can survive nuclear winter.
>night shift president
This makes me feel so comfy you have no idea.
Good. I'm glad. It means he's fucking normal and acts like a god damn human. He acts like one of us. He shit posts and calls shit out, because he can.
If Trump wouldn't be revealed as a deep state hoax, that would be pretty awesome. Now it's just sad.
he mostly just talks a weak game and makes shit up
>Drumpftatds actually think he helped
And getting him elected was Sup Forumss finest hour. I know it's Trendy to call him a kike cocksuker now (we'll see how WWIII plays out)
He's our boy and he aint perfect but he gave western civilization a second chance.
Frank "Just fuck my shit up" Luntz
OP is an antifa sex slave
Yes because 18x more millions than anyone else + international coverage and spotlight + hollywood celebrity shilling--should not be mentioned.
Oh shut he got the nuclear codes ?! CTR BTFO
Nazis are just trying to claim a small victory after some Comrades chased you bitches out of town, on your own turf.