I go to meps next week.
What does pol think of the marines?
Saw a thread earlier this afternoon on Sup Forums where 7 out of 10 posters were shitting on the Corps because "its the branch where all the spics go lmao"
guess you're mexican now, OP
Military trash, for low lifes with no future
they're cool
Neat, at least now I might have a decent vertical.
Best time of your life even when it isn't.
Did 5 years in the Marines. shit was a hell of a ride so much pointless shit happens. enjoy being fisted for most of your first contract
Most marines are cucks. It's even part of the indoctrination with the group singing and whatnot. Jody is a real thing.
I got Med PDQ. Met my wife 2 weeks after so I think it was Gods intervention. Scored 190 on my ASVAB. Was going for EOD. Second was indirect fire infantry. This was back in 2006 though.
I'm looking forward to it. I was going to just do TESOL programs in different countries but idk guess i changed my mind
I did some exercises with a bunch of dudes that were going through the Expeditionary Warfare School last week. For the most part were pretty chill, wouldn't mind having them as my company commander.
>Scored 190 on my ASVAB.
Two of my years were spent in glorious Japan. The women love Americans so if you get the chance to get Japan take it
Recruiter tells you you're going EOD, gets cook as job placement in boot camp. Recruiters never lie lmao
hm, wasn't planning on it but ill definitely look into it now.
What MOS?
the infantry is probably the whitest MOS there is in the Marines, niggers run rampant in the administration and supply side, and we beans are mostly in motor transport or anything mechanized, but we're also sprinkled in the infantry
Choose wisely ya fucking boot
You probably look at it that way because you're a cuck yourself
Jody is just a cautionary tale to keep the boots from getting married at 19 right before a deployment, being enlisted is the prime time to be a single dude
With a little bit of luck in where you get stationed, YOU will be doing all the cucking if you stay single
>and we beans are mostly in motor transport or anything mechanized
Because you're short, soviets did the same with their asians.
Why would you choose the Corps? You have really no guarantee of your MOS. You could end up getting the dream job you want or you could end up as a fueler.
Is was a bunch of larping fags
Goes to supply to pick up parts. Niggers turned my parts i ordered into grenade launchers WTF
>tfw 6', easily 6'1 in muh boots
>tfw constantly hunched over inside my track
>tfw actually started to wish I was short, especially during deployment
Maybe for Motor T this was the case but the Corps seemed to dump anyone who was 6'+ into tracks and tanks
Losers that couldn't find a way to be useful in life so they decided to join the military.
2111 for small arms maintenance and repair
How easy is it to become a Navy Corpsman and to be place with some jarheads?
I wish the Marines had their own medics.
I always thought it was hit or miss with the warehouseniggers
Either they'll screw you over or if they're of the criminal element, you just got to play your cards right and they'll hook you up
>Not joining the Coast Guard
For anyone still ITT:
>is 25 too old to join the marines/any service?
>I have a "tight" knee and a "tight" back but I don't doubt I can work the pain out of them with enough exercise and swimming
>wouldn't mind doing a combat MOS but I don't want to be one of those retards sitting around dick-in-hand waiting to be deployed
>am not dumb though so wouldn't mind doing something for smarty pants
Being an armorer is cool as fuck you get to skip out on so much shit. But you do have to wake up earlier for ranges and shit since you guys are the only fucks who can open the armory, well legally anyway
and from what i hear its next to impossible to predict
Not that hard. Medics are always needed
Get ready for long fucking hours, dealing with female marines if you unlucky and being on call 24/7
On the bright side for some reason a lot of the armorers I worked with were either weebs or european foreigners
Being a Corpsman is legit but you wont always get to be with Marines. Sometimes they stick your ass blue side and your stuck working in a hospital.
No, you have to volunteer for it, Satan. I don't think it's too hard to get into if you can make it through your A school.
prouda you, boot.
Kill them all.
>it's a military recruiters try to take advantage of desperate losers on Sup Forums episode
fuck off shills
Thank you for giving your life for Israel, goy.
Think about this post if you end up bleeding out from a syrian sniper trying to defend his home from jewish aggression.
Nope 28 is the max for Marines 32 with a waiver i believe. Just stretch a lot
This. If you really wanted to do some good, why wouldn't you be a cop? Then go swat later if you you want to murk folks
I guess I'm cool with the long hours but I'm not joining to have some cunt bitch at me while I'm working
If you go infantry that tight knee and back will turn into constant pain, we'll see exactly what kind of person you are if you go through 4 years of no combat and you have to decide if you're going to take that disability bux for a condition that you already had
A job that isn't to hard on the body is anything mechanized, you'll still have to lift heavy shit but at least you won't be humping 70lbs+ packs with whatever weapon system you have to carry
poverty is a bitch, aint it?
Have a good war. Fight hard for the right for your mom to go black! Murder hard for the Jewish race.
>joining the new-corps full of wooks and Jody
You won't even get hazed anymore boot.
You're kind of boned bud, the only jobs in the Marines that have no females are the combat arms
Infantry, tanks, artillery, AAVs and EOD
>A job that isn't to hard on the body is anything mechanized
Does the "muh disability" shit still apply for mechanized infantry? I wouldn't mind doing small arms maintenance like OP; just means I get to tickle my autism all day
Oh cool, that means you get to be first line infantry. Good luck soldier!
Im afraid of this shitId rather be helping men on the frontlines
Marines who have never been in a combat theater are douche bags and not fit to remove the non-adhesive plastic from the reverse side of a Semper Fidelis bumper sticker.
So tired of ROTC drop outs who went to basic, got a section 8 discharge and spout Semper Fi on Jewbook.
Same applies to veterans who did not serve in combat during an active war.
>Is there a medical record of it? If not, it doesn't exist according to MEPS.
>Unless you go into SOCOM, you'll get stuck with your dick in your hand in a combat MOS.
>Army advice. Look at 25 series or 35 series. Signal and MI. Both require security clearances. If you're not a knuckle dragger that robbed a store or $20,000 in debt you'll be good.
>meps next we
Have a good war. Fight hard for the right for your mom to go black! Murder hard for the Jewish race.
My cousin finished OCS a few weeks ago in Quantico.
Both of my parents are Marines.
HM is overstaffed, so you'd be in DEP for a while. You can request green side and be placed with a division. Other than that, your just an orderly either at sea or in some hospital dealing with drunken retirees and their shitty families
retards willing to die for some jewish banklord.
No career progression if you're not that 2% of hyper self motivated individuals.
>Does the "muh disability" shit still apply for mechanized infantry?
Not really, most of the heavy lifting is gonna come from doing maintenance or dealing with the big guns and EVERYTHING is heavy as shit when it comes to tanks or tracks
Like I said, to me the worst aspect of being an Armorer is having to deal with female marines, if you got college I suggest going officer so at least you'll get to boss around the wooks
Armorers get some perks though, if you really are into guns and you get assigned to an infantry unit, its like being a little girl in a candy shop
I think 0321 falls in there somewhere too.
If you scored high on the asvab go avionics or communications. I went security forces and was basically a contract 0311.
well fuck.You try to run away from this shitty university life filled with bitches just to run right into another one. you caint win them all i guess
you joined the marines cause you wanna be a badass
pride is a sin and will only get you into trouble
do yourself a favor right now and join the army. or the navy. they have all the benefits of being a marine but die at a fraction of the time. the army has equipment generations newer than the marines. the marines literally exist as cheap guns in return for feeling like a "badass"
the navy dies even less than the marines, and they have some of the best bases/deployments in the world. Japan. Australia. Hawaii. i had a buddy who spent most of his time in hawaii during his entire enlistment
if you're smart enough, id even say air force. it's the hardest brand to get into, and for a reason. you have to be smart to get in. you have to want to be good at something besides firing a fun and farting into a can. there's a whole different level of caliber or airmen compared to marines. marines are loud mouthed and full of themselves, while airmen are the professionals who after their military career make something of themselves. engineers. pilots. you know, real jobs
but this is just my .02
It's not overstaffed right now. My nephew just got picked up for hm. Ships to bootcamp in November
All they'll know is what you tell them
Everything in the navy is a roll of the dice but I think if you really want it and can meet the standards, you can get in easily. I'm pretty sure it's a volunteer unit
Protect your booty hole. Marines love young strapping lads.
I scored high on my ASVAB and picked Comm tech as my job got a 10k bonus just to finish my school.
Is there any combat arms job I can get where I won't wreck my back and knees? Mech infantry, I'm guessing?
I have no record of my back/knee issues I don't think (got an x-ray for my back and a script for muscle relaxants with my neighborhood MD), and I went to the local E.R. for a broken finger; none of these are really a problem pain-wise when I stretch everyday and work out regularly
Low IQ cannon fodder for Jewish ambition.
If the combat arms is what you're looking for, you're set with the Marines
From what I know as of last year, we're still making life for our boots a living hell and any females who get assigned to our units immediately get dumped into support jobs like company clerk or the armory if that isn't the primary MOS already
I heard infantry units who got wooks do the same thing, they never go on movements or do anything grunt related because the Marines still regulates itself, politics be damned
Really man, don't do it if you're not sure about it, if you're not you're just gonna become a angry, bitter shell of yourself with an alcohol problem
MOS is part of the contract you sign. Unless you specifically sign an open contract, or fail your MOS school, or fail to get a clearance if your MOS requires one.
so just don't be an idiot or a failure.
Fuck the marines, bunch of autists that go on cruises to offshore territories.
Army is where it's at.
Thats nuts! I'm getting pretty good scores on my practice asvab. i just hope everything works out
Correct. I have never known a marine who wasn't being cuckolded regularly. It would be pretty sad except that Marines tend to be genetic waste, so it's better if they get cucked out of the gene pool anyway.
fuck you there wasn't a war and they made me do Barracks Duty
It's overstaffed buddy. You know why he's in DEP until November? It's fucking overstaffed. They dont have any openings in training for at least 6 months if he's waiting that long. He's gonna finish boot camp and if he is lucky, get a slot at his A-school right after. If not he's gonna be stuck at great lakes cleaning up after the niggers who run the place and watching fat fucks and retards struggle with the most basic tasks for 2 more months
If you score a 75 or higher on it you can pretty much get every job available as long as you can get the security clearance.
I'm sure. I've been mulling this over for a while now, and I'm sick of this world
>Bunch of autists who suck each other's cock on base 364 days of the year
Im afraid that they're all gonna put some kind of strain on your body, I was tracks or AAVs when I was in and, while I didn't go hiking as much as the grunts, I left with some serious neck pains and a slight pain in my knees from all the heavy lifting and hazing
However, if you're careful and you do things the right way, you shouldn't put too much strain on your body in tracks or tanks
If you like lifting, you're gonna get /fit/ in the tracked world of the marines, just don't be a fucking window licker and DO NOT GET MARRIED
maybe because those who are shorter are actually better suited for battle field. as a fellow tall, fucking knees.
What happens on the other day?
But that BAH
Go deal with a bitch whin before she gets pregnant, don't forget about your highschool presentations!
Staff duty.
enlisting into the fucking marines for infantry at age 25 will make you want to kys if you have any sort of intelligence or existentialist thoughts. Go officer if you have your college degree. Enlisted marines are the normies from your high school that were too dumb and poor to go to college. That means niggers, spics and assorted retards
Training with half a mag full of blanks because there's not enough budget for a whole mag.
That's not a long wait time senpai
Upvoted. Listen to this man OP. I live in Jacksonville, NC just outside of Camp Dumbfuck where the Marines are.
Let me redpill you about Marines: most of them are fucking near-useless retards. The Marines only make them THINK they are tough. The truth is the Marines have been cucked by multiculturalism and feminism like everything else. Training has been dumbed-down so stupid slut female Marines can pass the vastly lowered qualifications and get STDs by fucking their entire battalion because Chad ignored them in highschool.
And honestly Marines can't fight for SHIT....I've been kickboxing/grappling for 15+ years and I can't count how many times I've beat the living dogshit out of some Marine faggot who drank to much and got sassy at a bar. Oh and the Marines are BLACKED. Half the Marine Corp are niggers and spics and they are in charge and just fuck up constantly. Do you want to get bossed around by NIGGERS? Really??!
I fucking love tuning up those useless, stupid, welfare queens.
Honestly, go become a cop. Fuck the military. All they are are low-IQ tools of the JEWS. They haven't EVER honored their oaths and defended America from the DOMESTIC (((threats))) we are truly facing.
This is now a military hate thread. Pic related: shit was SO cash. The wife left after that picture was taken and got herself a strong black BUCK.
Enjoy not being a ranger.
This. The maturity gap would drive me insane. You'd be going through basic with literal children. Snapchat generation children at that.
Its not for HM, but it is still 7 months. It used to be 3 or less average.
I was a naval officer so I did marine basic. Marines aren't shit.
Well if you're down for it and you're not a whiny bitch who can roll with the punches, you'll be fine
From my won observations, most enlistments are broken into 4 categories, you either stay stateside your whole enlistment and get out, go on booze cruises and accumulate a fuck load of salty sea stories, get sent to back to back combat deployments that will change you forever and a mix of the last two
My enlistment was more like Fear and Loathing in Southeast Asia with a bit of Jarhead sprinkled into it
>Not going chair Force
t. Airman
Ok but I don't have a college degree. I'm not an official smarty pants like you.
I wouldn't mind taking on more knee pain for something fun, but I do hear the smarty pants jobs pay more.
Yes you do. You just have to be not fucking retarded and don't bend over for the recruiter
you seem upset for some reason is everything okay?
Shut the fuck up and pay for my disability and education good goy :^)
Good luck buddy.
Tall and criollo is aesthetic as fuck
Everyone gets paid the same for rank it varies by time in service as well. Certain jobs get bonuses for reenlisting