Drunk Ex Spook 2 AMA


Thread ended before I could address a few things. I can confirm or deny nothing. AMA

Other urls found in this thread:


Have you ever laughed while killing a man?

I was on the subject of how race baiting is robbing the United States of resources and productivity.

This is by design.


thoughts on gamergate? have video games been taken over by (((them))) in recent years as social engineering devices?



The publication and dissemination of those articles was deliberate. Nothing gets the almonds activated like the sense of being wronged. It also furthers the narrative of a problem between the sexes.

This is all propaganda to get people talking about divides, rather than what is happening with the economy.

>rather than what is happening with the economy.

What, the fact it's speculative joke with absolutely no backing beyond threat of strongarm?

It's important to recognize this propaganda. This is sophisticated psychological warfare designed to destablize collective action. Petty political discourse is given airtime to stifle any meaningful discussion or action.

it is why this board is barely usable, with the amount of 'is this x' or 'why is x group this way'

this board is unique

the bloodshed created by the overthrowing of democratically elected governments, exacerbating long lasting divides, and perpetuating the worst of humanity is no laughing matter.

You're correct, the economy as we all know it is a farce

>this board is unique

Because they can't understand it.

It doesn't operate by consensus, it operates by self-evidence.

They fundamentally cannot wrap their minds around the system.

they never will with the darkness in their heart

Is pissgate real?

Link to the first thread?

>This is by design.

what is their main objective and goal?

What is the endgame?

So what is so bad about the MIC as of late? I've read "confessions of an economic hitman" to have an idea of what goes on with human trafficking, MIC deals, fucking over latin america, deals with saudis, fucking over countries that want to be developed, etc. Why the pangs of guilt?

It's a combination of the steep learning curve and the fact it is pure freedom of speech. as was said in the last thread, it is darwinistic free speech. as long as there are decent anons, good can come from the spam of bait threads.

yes. it is standard operating procedure to gather incriminating evidence on political leaders for leverage.

who knew a 70 year old legendary narcissistic playboy joke renowned for poor money problems and degenerate behavior would have lots of incriminating evidence

but he's not unique. many do. i think the russians got him first, then they were subsequently hacked and the info has been disseminated to various state actors

Polarize -> Subjugate -> Spin wheels

it was within the last hour i believe. I don't know it said it archived at 325 replies and wouldn't let me respond

continued perpetual proxy war. as long as domestic discourse is controlled, the gravy train continues while the populace suffers.

think boiling from unable to jump from pot

humanity is capable of so much more

>think boiling from unable to jump from pot

Until the people realize they were the pot and the liquid, the whole time.

Do they really think they can win?

That this cycle hasn't already happened?

>humanity is capable of so much more

Agreed. What do you suggest we do then?

>continued perpetual proxy war

Is it about distracting the public from the social effects of automation and growing wealth disparity?

Is UBI an elite-approved idea?

this is correct. Spin wheels until you have to choose a direction.

This next direction will be upcoming economic crises and which decision to go to "war."

"boiling frog unable to jump from pot" you get the idea. check 'em

Explain last week's shitstorm. Will Trump break, was he always broken or has he returned to his senses? How much is israel/(((them))) involved?

i couldn't think of a question to ask, while trying to think of one i saw that sex trafficking commercial with the restaurant.

anything you can tell us about that shit?

Stop playing rigged games.

Stop latching onto differences in a vacuum.

why do you suppose people in this thread are stupid enough to believe you're actually an ex-spy?

is it because they're a bunch of teenagers?

Yes, the people can win. That is why there is an increasing amount of domestic propaganda. From ABC to Youtube to Sup Forums, we're witnessing an increasing effort to polarize the audience, or at least give the impression of polarization so the lurker will be influenced.

this cycle has not happened because we live in a new information age. a peaceful transition of political power in the USA is very much possible

collectivize in a sense. Basically, win the information battle. Great decent generals and encourage user participation in this and other online exchanges. things like syria general

yes. this is a major concern and the reason for the economic ups and downs. Stability is very much possible but the swings are a deliberate result to sway the narrative. we have the tech but greed prevents true optimization.

Planned obsolescence is a very real, and very profitable thing

>a peaceful transition of political power in the USA is very much possible

Nah, I'm burning down both parties.

Can't have peace when both sides of the coin are war.

What shitstorm? It is pure theatre, I believe Isr*el has the kompromat info the russians do. I think they are acting in their self interest. They are one of several voices in Trump's ear.

He's attempting to balance these interests, much like the presidents before him. He's more easily controlled however, because the evidence against him is stronger than years past.


They are not at war. It is theatre. The D's and R's are controlled opposition. But, there are elements within the parties acting in the true interest of the American people.

The Sander's campaign truly shook the American election and swayed public discussion, away from designated issues. It will not go away easily.

Sorry, I'm sure the next LARPER will discuss aliens with you

>They are not at war.

They are at war with the American People, user.

I have not memory-holed the Patriot Act.

I just joined. did you say who you used to work for?

which country/countries I mean

Why are zionists allowed so much control over foreign policy?

Well, you're mostly correct in that. As was mentioned in the last thread, the Arab Spring was a demonstration in the power of collectivism and free access to information.

The American people are increasingly exposed to new ideas and, lucky for us, human psychology is harder to understand than anticipated.

The idea of a real, altruistic, populist candidate is not out of the realm of possibility.


>human psychology is harder to understand than anticipated.

It's more that there's people that can see things, that they did not anticipate people to see.

I have been to Europe, Africa, and the USA.

That's a boogeyman. Zionist foreign policy is a distraction from wealth extraction and give nationalists/tribalists among others the general public a discussion point. the conflict is useful fodder


You and I both know you don't make it in the game if you're altruistic.

Concept hasn't existed in American politics in my lifetime.

Tell me something about this man, our PM, that I may not already know.

This shit again.
>Sanders was anything but a self-evident con artist
Why don't I believe you passed an ASVAB?

absolutely. all people are capable of feeling deceived. the problem arises when that perception is just or precipitated

sry alcohol. yes sex trafficking truly is a billion dollar industry. it is not limited to the elites, but a problem ingrained in society.

once you outlaw an industry, prostitution, a black market is created.

The elite enjoy a particular, high class taste of sex, while the lower class may pay Jamal in Baltimore 50 dollars for a girl he pimped and trafficked from inner Virginia.

Why is it that every LARPer like you always tells Sup Forums what they want to hear? Why don't you guys ever mix it up and sprinkle in some anti-Sup Forums 'redpills'?

>tehy do it cuz money and power
>he doesn't know what they're using it for

Yep, LARP thread.

He is compromised. Most of the information is sexual in nature, i would guess he's no different.

I haven't been in the circle for several years, but I've heard in passing he is controlled, to an extent.

I never took the ASVAB

Sorry, I don't know what you mean? Trump is controlled, aliens probably haven't visited

Drugs, sex, earthly desires, greed, solidification of power. It's all human nature.

What do you think they use it for?

Gerald Butts is Trudeau's top "advisor" (Handler)

>pissgate is a real


Can Bannon sway Trump into the right way or is all lost now and we got ourselves Bush 2.0? Also if Le Pen wins, what are the chans¿ces she will get kiked.

Yes, most first world countries are controlled. It is standard operating procedure to find incriminating evidence of world leaders

I can't confirm or deny any details in the dossier, sven. But I can say that it is not out of the realm of possibility some of the general assertions are true. Beautiful country by the way.

Bannon has no sway. Breitbart has outlived its usefulness and he's not as savvy as many think. Trump is flabbergasted at the moment, hence the many trips to his safe space. He's at the mercy of several intelligence agencies, foreign and domestic.

Is (((Kushner))) a zionist rat? Like is he the inside man of the kike overlords? If so, how much leverage does he have, if any?

The only thing that makes you a spook is your skin color you fucking chimp.

how can i know you're not a very intelligent LARPer spreading more disinfo, or just doing this for shits in giggles. your motives could be one of many things. maybe subvert us with nice conspiracy stories while shilling sanders to attract people to that party. man idk.

So, is nationalism bad?
Is there any point of voting after all you wrote?
Read both threads and now feeling depressed, it actually makes sense, but stands against all I believed before.

Most of the elite have dirt on each other. There are several factions, but for the most part everyone plays their part.

Kushner is controlled. The marriage was planned many years in advance. We'd be having the same discussion about Chelsea if Clinton was elected. This is all by design.

i feel similar feelings
nice dub-trips

>Trump is flabbergasted at the moment,

It's more that he just doesn't feel comfortable with the people that surround him.

You underestimate him.

He is playing ball for now, if you think that'll continue for 4 years, you don't know him.

This is why I always take what these spooks say with a grain of salt. If 2 or more things they said would happen start happening in the future it's good to remember the whole thread just in case though.

what was the dirt on obama?

why aren't anti-war rallies and protests a thing anymore after the bush years?

Is there infighting within the elite? If so do you know what the factions are? And more importantly, how bad is the Greater Israel/Elders of Zion cult-like operation ingrained into world governments and politics?

any thoughts on Andrew Anglin of the daily stormer getting sued by the SPLC? Is he screwed?

Did Sup Forums have a measureable effect on the election? Do spooks /agencies/ etc come here or talk about us and if so, what is their opinion, etc?

Poland why was your president killed a couple years ago?

I can't exactly offer you that assurance, man. I'm just telling you, from experience, there is one way to attack the elite, and that is through their wallet.

I don't know man. Shit's fucked

Nationalism can be good. There's nothing wrong with having pride. The problems come with hate and resentment.

When we deny others nationalism, it undermines everything.

We deny others healthy nationalism by intervention, economic shock, etc.

>divide the masses
>stir up shit to increase choice stocks.
>rape us financially while 4pol complains about blacks and Mexicans,.

This is understandable. Specially with the whole Syria shit right now. They have the right to defend their nation and the US(((israel))) is meddleing in their shit. Same thing with the whole Arab Spring fuck fest.

Where does Rand Paul fit into everything with Trump? Rand is the only Senator that has met with him personally by playing golf since the inauguration. Have any idea what was possibly mentioned besides healthcare? I'm sure Rand is very important. He is one of very few elected officials Trump can count on.

Since the 80s, feminists changed the public perspective on pedophilic sex from a sort of moral laziness to a monstrous atrocity. Is there a conscious effort to extend and exploit this perception for the purpose of eliminating popular figures? Is the radical hatred of today a deliberately promulgated political tool?

>Is the radical hatred of today a deliberately promulgated political tool

LAst time I checked Pedophiles where loathed by traditionalists if not used by them as an example of slippery slope in homosexuality. If anything feminists have tried to make it look less atrocious and more as an uncontrolable disease(Ow poor pedophile he can't do anything about it jpg.).

It is good to question your own beliefs.

I agree. A 70 year old man is set in his ways, no matter how accustomed he is to a certain public presentation.

I think it was financial; enough to be impeached and prosecuted.

Obama was a real populist with potential but was compromised early from his history in Chicago. From what I hear, a real chill dude.

Controlled opposition.

2. Yes, Sup Forums has many lurkers and participants with access to many different social media platforms to spread dank memes, even some more unsavory memes.

It worked.

This is the most likely scenario. But it's not just those mentioned, it serves a purpose for the big bear and the big box.

Rand is controlled. He's far from his dad.

I don't think the trend started as simply as you say it started, but yes it serves as another divide and conquer technique and tool for the police state.

Many of these decisions serve more interests than one. It's about control, or power, and money.

Shit LARP. Smolensk was an actual plane crash and Kaczynski was a kike.

How do we defeat (((elites)))?
Is there a way?

But honestly, society needs standards and some of those laws are absolutely warranted.

Nevertheless, they can be a tool of control; especially at the top.

Is the Intelligence Community as incompetant as other areas of the federal govt? Did you ever see any instances of the IC culture having an ideological blindspot?

Forgot to answer this:

Thanks for the answer, spook-bro. Hope to see you here again sometime.

I always like to hear if Sup Forums was as effective as we like to believe.

>divide and conquer technique

>less atrocious and more as an uncontrolable disease

No, the current perception was entirely created by feminist academia. Child sexuality was redefined as primitive and primordial, and all sexual encounters were that of the male rapist extracting power and privilege from the relationship. Prior to this, judges would often acknowledge that children would be the initiators of the activity.


You see, if you were a spook I'd count on you being aware of those pre-Assange whistleblowers being charged under Obama with rape or CP possession.

What do you mean by actual plane crash? It was just a proposition, I was willing to hear and share evidence either way.

Taking steps to ensure easy to access easily digestible information. Saw something on reddit today about a database publication on, like, police expenditures around the country. good stuff

for the most part. Imagine that asshole boss you used to, or currently, work for and think of that when it comes to national security. Maybe slightly more negotiable for the deadline and money shit is similar

There is infighting in the sense of rival fraternities at an affluent American college. There are fights, but most often it's paying poor scholarship kids to fight each other,

So the gist of this LARP is that you were a CIA operative who had real shit back in the day but you don't work there anymore and you're giving us your worldview informed by said time with the agency?

That database on cops is done by Steve Ballmer. Usafacts. Heard about it on MPR

You forgot the drunk part.

It's a red herring anyway man.

Well, I said in the other thread I was gone by 2008. So my info from then is sketch, but I was aware of the tactic prior to O's election and Wikileaks' creation.

It's been informative and enjoyable. You think we got in WWII purposefully for war industry profit?

In regards to W and Iraq, was it made clear that you guys were to dig up info to make a case on going in to Iraq from the onset? Was evidemce that Iraq would be a bust ignored or swept under the rug because it was known that it wasn't what Cheney and Rummy wanted to hear?

Are you implying pedos don't deserve to hang user? Because I'm pretty sure they due. I'm pretty sure also that Simone de Beauvoir and he husband Jean-Paul Sartre, both heavy feminist influences, where sexual predators with a taste for the young.
Not saying Obama using CP to get rid of his enemies isn't true, in fact it probably is (although there are claims Putin did the same thing to a journalist in london) But that doesn't mean degeneracy like pedophilia should be tolerated in any circumstance. Note we are talking about pedophilia, not having sex with a 16yo or some moderate stuff like that, I mean below 14yo and shit.

Don't fall for (((alcohol))), user.

But again, this also goes back to the police state and it's own presence in the public's sphere. It's also a major influence in these social divides

It was a clusterfuck. The problem with evidence is who controls it. We had objectives and the information was deliberately manipulated in an attempt to control the outcome.

But again, it seemed like chaos, however I'm convinced it was for profit. There are big players and long time members of the club, and then there are useful actors like Saddam

Did the Jews really do 9/11?

What are your opinions on /sg/ Do they get the gist of it? Or are they as lost as /ptg/? They seem to get it pretty clear although if I have learned something in this place is that the only thing I know for certain is that I know nothing.

Have you ever known someone to laugh at killing someone? Ever meet a real psychopath in whatever you do?

9/11 was the result of a collection of intersts. It wasn't just one group.

They are increasingly shilled but there are users that have done impressive things.

Shilled in what way? And yeah I remember some time ago they helped Russia bomb some ISIS sand monkeys, kek good times.

Yes. But they exhibit human qualities at occasions which leads me to believe they experince some emotion. They are around but it is important to keep them in check.

We haven't done a very good job.

if nothing else, it encourages active discussion and learning of current geopolitical events. the pursuit of truth is always noble.

I thank you all for your participation. I doubt I'll do this again.

Just continue and encourage deep and meaningful anonymous dicussion. You never know how reads these things, you know.

Also sorry if I'm asking too many questions but since you claim to be a spook and we only have 92 posts in here I'm trying to get as much out of this as possible.

how did they fake the first moonlanding

I'm bored so why not enjoy the LARP...

How does Hollywood/the entertainment industry fit into all this?

Well yeah I guess that's part of the charm of this place, you never know who's reading and nobody ever cares. That's why the whole pissing on an ocean of piss thing came from, you can't change a place that's constantly changing and where opinions can't be easily stopped/buried.


What is the CIA SAD?
What do they do?
How do they recruit?
How could I get a job in the IC. Is it even worth it?

Thank you.