Can you fucking believe this shit

can you fucking believe this shit.

I decided to do some research on my blatantly communist feminazi teacher after being fed up with her (((propaganda))) all semester long. Stumbled upon her Twitter and would you look at that utter garbage.

This is what passes as a fucking professor these days, AT A GOD DAMN HONORS COLLEGE IM PAYING EXTRA FOR THIS DEGENERACY.

>Spelled Dyck wrong

>he's not studying engineering at a big 10 school

lol why even go to college



pick up a useful skill, perform the skill in exchange for money, don't get caught in the idea that everyone should do 4 years by default

this whore is unironically using Slate as a fucking source for her lectures

>paying money to be indoctrinated by commies

kys my man

The STD epidemic is very easy to figure out. You just need to stop sticking your unprotected dick inside of people who live their lives to suck dicks in bar bathrooms.

Did you just assume their genitals?

It's so funny how people entertain the idea that the HIV epidemic in the gay community is somehow complex.