Any of you guys wanna debunk this?
Black lives matter
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Why debunk when it does it for you
>Eighty-four percent of white murder victims are killed by other white people
are these niggers lying?
I just wanna see pol's ridiculous responses
Ok I'm doing some other stuff (vidya) right now so I'll only put some input on #1
people say the movement doesn't care about black on black crime they say they do but the truth is they focus on police
they say that bringing up black on black crime is a diversionary tactic but the truth is that it's actually way more of a problem then police shootings of innocent people
it says black people are not inherently more violent than other people and that crime is because of them being poor that is completely false many crimes which they commit at a highly disproportionate rate have nothing to do with money like rape or murder or assault there is no financial gain in doing these things not only that but poor whites do not have very high crime rates like blacks even though they are just as poor as poor blacks.
Niggers gonna nig.
I'll see if I can responses to this tomorrow
From who?
I meant to say responded and I have to got to bed for work tomarrow
no but they are ignoring that the 16% of the population that get killed by minorities is a huge number compared to the number of black people that get killed by other races, a 10%. And you should also consider other violent crime like battery where they are out of proportion.
I meant will there be responses from the site or you? Or is that the same thing?
I'll also look at the responses in the comment section on the blacklivesmatter site
Will it be an article that I can find?
Bye m80.
Btw if this is archived I'll just post another one
The 3/5 compromise pretty much explaines it