What is it about California that makes people behave like Californians? Do they have lead in their water or something?
What is it about California that makes people behave like Californians? Do they have lead in their water or something?
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Flag hijab, artists, gay everything.
the californians that matter are too good and sexy for this country
A real person.
An education.
the weather is great year round, makes em soft
They're from the liberal east coast
It's all the Mexicans. California was a red state before 1986. That cocksucker Reagan sold us out.
Not sure, i like living here. Some of the people are absolute animals but its nice for the most part. Still like Alaska and Maine more.
Just came up with this but is California the America of states? They're both the most culturally, econonically, and politically significant but are hated by everyone else despite being the prominent in many fields.
>What is it about California that makes people behave like Californians?
You know how everything around Chernobyl site is basically an irradiated dead zone? Well imagine that instead of a fucked up nuclear reactor, it's a bunch of (((Hollywood))) studios - and while there is no radiation, it still causes cancer.
Yes. And they export their degenerate media everywhere.
Or I guess I should say we, but I have no hand in this shit
Might be the chemicals in the city water. All the people in the county are fine.
>it's the damn commies and their floride again
All the things he said is the exact reason LA has no soul
And just like the world hates Americans but loves the inventions and product of America, Americans hate Californians but love Californian music, movies, and technology.
>is California the America of states?
NorCal: Everyone is crammed together and poor, being dependent on each other because they have no other options while jobs and homes become a shrinking commodity thanks to silicon valley. The cream that floats to the top consists of trust fund babies who have no value in society.
SoCal: Everyone is a spoiled rich attention whore, leading to a cycle of virtue signaling that has started since the 60's and continued to this very day. Mexicans work for and coddle everyone into complacency while collecting their tax dollars.
Anywhere else in between: Either actual red counties, brown people, or DUDE WEED LMAO
In general: The regressive leftist media lives here, and uses its financial power to gain influence by any means necessary.
Immigrants... it all starts there and bleeds out.
Prolly all the money, weed, and hot bitches I guess
this whole video made me want to throw up, its so much pandering in one video that i can't take it
LA really is a strange place. Besides just being a giant strip mall, there didn't seem to be anything about it that was a unifying factor that gave it a feeling of being in LA, at least not one that exists anymore.
>t. Northern Californian
People seemed to automatically hate me when I visited other states. Probably because Californians brag about our state a lot. I tried not to, but people still hated me.
Texas is great but honestly it's Cali.
>Cultural product, probably America's biggest export, is predominantly from Cali
>Largest economy
>Most innovation
Most shit that makes America exceptional is found in spades in California.
Well, except freedom, but all the measurable stuff does.
you got your geography learned all wrong. Nor Cal's the sparsest. Only big urban center is the bay and after that it's like Redding or Chico.
>farms n shit
>god tier national parks
Damn shame it's now liberal and filled with spics because the place is based.
And Santa Rosa, don't forget about this shithole
I grew up in LA and this is true. I've been to a lot of big cities around the world, and all of them were more similar to each other than to LA. It's not unique in being a conglomeration of smaller cities/neighborhoods but it's unique in how it has no overarching LA vibe or sense of unity whatsoever
>Sacramento, the state capitol, does not exist
I mean it already feel like we don't but c'mon.
I fucking hate California. The culture is shit, black culture shit is worshiped by everybody. Women are just as bad as the Kardashians. Dealing with it on a daily basis, I want to die
>Mumps outbreak
literally 3rd world
The large amount of smug that exist in California, it's like radiation poisoning. Coupled with one of the worst education systems in America. They are just too dumb, you know that they are dumb.
It's a dunning Kruger effect, unique to California.
Fun California news
They can't even agree, so they fracture into smaller groups, all trying to do the same thing,.
Run by kikes.
Populated by spics and mongrels.
As for water, Californians are running out of it.
Just moved to Idaho and the second you say where you're from after THEY ask the smile slides right off
some one explain to me how the state of California can sue the federal government, if they fed don't give them money?
Are you from California?
If not... why stay?
just remember california when you run out of water, we own your ass.
>t. resident of country with the most fresh water supplies
wishful thinking
This again. Look, NOBODY come here. EVER. Our women are ugly, our weather is awful, the scenery is hideous, and we don't have anything you want. We're FULL. THERE'S NO ROOM.
I got family there. I moved the fuck out and now live in Montana trying to keep other Californians out by saying how racist it is and shit
t. Oaklander
>t. LEAF who has at least three states between him and CA at all times.
I see constant hate for California here but what is your state doing? At least California is fighting against the commies. Consistent wins for the right over and over the last 8 months.
kek, fair enough.
also fuck Jerry Brown and fuck the state legislature.
Californian here. Ask me anything.
Fuck is wrong with you
Conservatives "everyone should mind there own and states rights except the blue states"
If your not in Cali shut up. If you are put your money where your mouth is and leave
Did Silicon Valley accelerate the changeover to Blue State?
I did you faggot. Stay cucked in Cali
The Mexicans and faggots helped that.
The motivation for posting the thread was because you smug brainless parasites keep escaping your quarantine state and shitting up the south.
Believe me, if you retards were content to just shit up California, we wouldn't mind.
Only two states have more Trump voters than CA.
Good states aren't filled with commies, dingus.
What god awful hellhole do you live in now so I know not to move there?
faggot times infinity.
Chinks and spics
We use to be solid red till population of mud races
This is what the democrats are waiting for. Fir whites to become a minority so they turn the rest of the country blue
Bozeman, MT
stay out faggot
>Most shit that makes America exceptional is found in spades in California.
Apparently it's largely due to startup funding, even Australian companies end up moving to CA because people will throw investment money at anything provided you move the business to CA.
I don't quite understand how or why they are doing it. The US gov should really look into what is happening.
Oh shit, I actually like Montana. Bozemans cool but Missoula is super neat.
I fought fires there one summer and was impressed by the beauty of that part of the country.
You're still wrong about Cali though faggot times infinity + 1.
If you are from Cali, chances are you are a spic, nigger, mongrel of both, gook, Muslim, or half white. That includes all of you cali posters, and you know I'm right.
>That feel when I'm one fourth potato nigger
Yeah Montana is awesome.
Cali is shit and you know it. Every girl wants the BBC and are fake ass bitches. Thug culture is the best thing it has. Cali needs to be nuked.
California is seen as one of the best and most advanced states
Because of this, Southern Californians have become all smug and arrogant because of this supposed superiority. They start to see themselves as better and more progressive to other ameicans and they don't need those "primitive" conservative values. It's mainly LA, San Francisco, and the coast that have this attitude. Despite state's deteriorating infanstructure and terrible education system, Southern Californians still believe in this superiority to rural and surburb America. This is one of the reasons why they vote blue overwhelmingly. Another reason is a lot of spics
Hollywood attracts all those weird starving artist types who always vote left.
And yet I would rather live in Cali. I mean Montana is like def. top 10 states though.
Faggot times infinity plus infinity squared.
Im from California and I'm not really a liberal. A majority of us are fine. After all in Berkeley, everyone on both sides is a Californian. Don't rip on us too much, there's 40 million of us.
I've never seen a flag hijab because no muslims give two shits about this country. They're scum.
spoiled children, mostly
Western Montana is best, Eastern Montana is alright, but has like no population. You only like Cali because you're in a good spot, so you probably don't deal with the coast.
This, the ones in rural CA are decent.
t. Rural Californian
I just moved out of sacramento (out of state) and I've found that it's just because California is an echo chamber. People are glued to their phones which means they get their news from buzzfeed and salon and everyone just repeats the headlines in conversation to the point where rumors and opinions become undisputed fact.
That's it. It's basically brainwashing.
It's only the large cities like San fransisco, and LA
We have been overrun by carpet baggers that come here because of their leftist beliefs causing us to be more leftist than we would if there was not so much immigrations from other states
>jobs and homes become a scarcity because of silicon valley
You realize people are buying homes to be closer to where they work? It's because of white collar jobs, not despite it.
The far Northern part isn't so bad. There's no more than 800,000 people there and most of it is still forest. It's the most republican part.
They were always too good for the rest of America. They kept traveling west to get away from everyone else, they are America's jews, the "chosen". It is also the people that abandoned their people and families to go in search of gold during the rush. They will never be 'American', they don't need to secede from the states as they've already done so, and Hollywood is their global propaganda arm.
It is buried deep in their for many generations, they will always, always fight against the rest of America. Their fruedian love of far-east religion is to sate deep abandonment issues from forsaking their east coast families.
Fuck off with this shit. Liberal indoctrination via the schools in every state is the problem.
5% of Texa's population is transplants from all states west of the Rockies COMBINED
43% of the vote in Texas went to Hillary
Texas : USA :: North Korea : China
From California to Bozeman? I feel like I know who you are.
Geology major?
We value cultural diversity and believe in meritocracy over nativism. Maybe if the red states stopped mutilating themselves with tax cuts and tried liberalism again they'd be surprised at how much better things get.
Besides, we are really good at making people into Californians. So it's like race ceases to have meaning after some point. You forget who is asian or hispanic. The nation-state cage vanishes and true humanity exists once more.
Do you have any idea how fucking depressing it is observing what's happening to this state as a Virginia transplant? It terrifies me to think of this eventually happening to the Old Dominion.
Fuck all these shitskins and spics who refuse to fucking assimilate. I fucking hate it so god damn much. Why the fuck does the South Bay have signs on transit in Tagalog when the fucking language of instruction in the Philippines is god damn American English? They fetishize virtue signaling how paternalistically kind hearted they are by the mere act of bringing over hordes of the unwashed, unskilled third world drones and ruining this geographically beautiful paradise.
I have befriended people here who are members of fifth and sixth generation California families and ALMOST ALL of them are planning on leaving to Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, Washington State, etc. The backbone of this state is being ripped vertebrae by vertebrae and leaving it as a quivering heap of curry and taco-scented shit.
So much potential. So much beauty. Fucking wasted. Few more years until I get my degree and head back east to defend the homeland. Fucking heartbreaking.
All the fags fr ok m evwry other state plus Mexico flock there and shit it up.
Truth be told it's mostly Yankees shitting everything up again.
The native hicks are based af.
The majority tend to assimilate.
You're utterly delusional. Diversity for diversity's sake is putrid. And "making people into Californians?" No. This state just bends over, spreads its buttcheeks, and lets itself get fucked into cultural submission to the next wave of immigrants.
The US is not Europe, the US doesn't need to conform to European conceptions of nationality or ethno-statism.
Lifetime Califag here. I'm more or less classically liberal, though I'd be happy to see rabid SJWs and Communists rounded up.
LA is much better than people make it out to be. I know you guys hate diversity and multiculturalism, but it seems to work well here surprisingly. We have our fair share of cucks, but we have a fair share of based people of every color, religion, and sexual orientation. There's lots of fun to be had there.
Orange County is somewhat based and filled with gorgeous White women in the nicer parts. It's a great place to raise kids if you have the money to do so.
SD is nice weather-wise, but is otherwise pretty boring.
SF and Oakland should be nuked. Doing so would eliminate the worst of the delusional, rich White Liberals and filthy Communists in this state.
I think most of the Texas worship on Sup Forums have never lived in Texas.
It's filled with niggers and spics everywhere. The cities are impoverished, and filled with libtards. I hate it here it fucking sucks.
What water?
This state will collapse in two decades. The productive whites are emigrating en masse and the parasites are only growing. It will be America's Brazil very shortly -- some Jews and a few white mutts ruling over the Indio and nigger hordes.
They destroyed my state, I feel like a foreigner on my own fucking hometown. I can't read half the signs around town because they're in Spanish.
Hollywood sets the trends & the attention whores follow them because they need others approval to feel good about themselves, become popular & advance their entertainment careers. LA is so full of these types that it starts to become part of the culture. People don't think for themselves anymore
Isn't Brazil doing okay though?
Yeah things are a political mess there but the country as a whole seems like it may improve... one day...
Their economy is doing fine for instance.
Cal imports their water from other state's, I just assumed those States where just shitting in the water before it went, bit of stewing in the sun, drinkable neurological tardness'
Live in the bay area and want to move to the northern parts of the state.
main issue is bay area californians in general have way too much influence over the mainstream internet so they have extreme arrogance, they feel it is their duty to shove the "truth" down people's throats, oblivious to other opinions outside of the liberal echo chamber
Would you want to live in Brazil?
Also I don't use that anaology lightly, the crime throughout the state and especially in my area has risen to levels never before seen. I won't go into details but it's so bad that it's prompted me and my family to resettle out of state...we've been here 3 generations so it's a big deal to pack up and leave. But I've already made emotional detachments so I'm ready to go.
>the crime throughout the state and especially in my area has risen to levels never before seen
This is true. It has to do the the ever increasing PC culture and lefty influence in the state as well as the police not enforcing laws. Also the vote in which some non-violent criminal offenses are misdemeanors instead of felonies.
Oh and Jerry Brown deciding to let out tens of thousands of felons back on the streets.
What is left of us white conservatives in California should either move to the North where people are more of the right due to the more rural landscape, or move to a red state. But don't bring any California culture to their state otherwise they'll get mad.
L.A is a shithole. It was cooler when we had a car chase on the news every week. Now every time you walk down the street there's some skinny faggot with colored hair and fake glasses.
My father grew up when there were gang members everywhere. I met people from Europe who said that there were places around that looked like favelas. At least there are no more drive-by killings but the culture here is complete shit.
I bet you think we legalized Child Prostitutes too.
Also to note, Hawaii has been a minority majority state for a while and has been doing fine. And it turns out that minorities do not vote as a bloc seeing how they had a scottish man as governor back in 2010:
And California isn't going to ever be more than 50% Hispanic and of that 50% the majority culturally assimilate. We have a large share of Asians too.
>Destroy true diversity and creates a melt that really destroy true diversity.
>Dedtroy cultural diversity and turn everyone into "Californians"
>The californication will bring us humanity while you are promoting anti-values that turn people into degenerated beasts via mainstream entertainment media
What a buch of shit I have read.
Californian vission of the USA, Californian made USA propaganda and anerican intrussion into the rest of the world matters are the reasons of why the rest of the world hates you so much.
>an (((education)))
Yeah, it looks like you hadnt latino gangs, muslism terrorist attacks, or asian and narco mafias issues yet.
Multicultural societies dont work and will never do. You had even racial issues before latino and muslism immigration. Dont forget that you already have cities into the top 50 most dangerous ones:
You only have to take a look into the world and see how "multicultural" societies like South America failed States or South Africa runs. Or the tension between muslism and other religions or fight between tribes im Africa.
Multiculturalism wont work in your country but not anywhere
I don't understand what you mean at all.
It is just the progression of things. Spain is just a mixture of French People and Muslims, would you call your country a cultureless shithole over that?
There still will be cultural diversity as culture isn't tied to race. It's much more fluid than that.
For instance, we have blacks who are weeaboos, chinese people who like to be cowboys, hispanics who practice buddhism and much, much more. It's a very amazing sight to see.
It's because you are expected to follow the consitution. For our idenity is a civic one more than a ethnic one even if there's lots of racial tension in US history.