Islam will rule the West soon, inshallah.
White Muslim Convert here AMA
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allah is pig
I look forward to the genocide of your faith.
How many dicks do you suck daily
>Checks flag
No, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is God.
I look forward to restoring the glory of the West from a land of godless degeneracy that lacks a purpose to a land of righteousness and virtue.
Just like Christianity liberated the savages, Islam will liberate the degenerate and dying West.
Why are you speaking Arabic?
Because Arabic is a holy language. You need to understand it in order to fully understand the Qur'an.
I admit I am not that well-versed but I am learning daily.
Aren't convicts black and brown?
i drew mohammed dudes
>Not revert
Oh it's Australia
Are you a ginger?
rofl kiwi
My family were not convicts, they were Italian immigrants.
First Australian transgender muslim convert?
Alhamdulillah you have chosen to walk the right path my brother.
A revert is someone who left the religion then comes back to it. People who were born into another faith and converted to Islam most refer to as converts.
I find you to be one of the most revolting things on Earth. I don't think about race when it's an Arabic, African, Southeast, or any other non-white race Muslim (hell, I've made friends with Hispanic ones). But White Muslims morally revolt the fuck out of me. Pic related is literally my face when I see, meet, and hear about one.
islam is looking better every day with the degeneracy that is considered normal in this country.
allahu ackbar habibi.
I'm white and I tried to be a muslim. Got tired of all the niggers and sandniggers and felt I had nothing in common with them. Have you ever considered that you might just be a nigger and don't know it?
So still not white. Also what were they? Prison guards?
Isn't drawing people a sin?
> Islam
> ruling the west
And here I thought they had no sense of humour.
Traitors die first.
Fucking towelheads worse than the fucking greens party i swear on ned kelly
You stupid faggots. A good picture of Muhammad should have at least one dick blowing its load all over his face. Get it right next time
Give up your degenerate nigger """religion""" and accept Jesus Christ into your life
No. I have light brown hair.
I am a heterosexual male. Planning to get married soon.
Why is that?
I completely agree. Look at the degeneracy around you on a late night stroll through the city and you'll see that Islam can only improve this country.
There are billions of Christians in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Just sayin'. Focus on the religion itself.
>when you're bosnian but also shia
truly the masterrace
If it is for religious purposes they allow it, or he is Shia, they don't care even if you draw Muhammad
That's because it's not a religion meant for whites.
What led you to this?
Were you adherent to any other religion before this?
Are you ginger?
all i heard was
Drawing people is haram, behead yourself.
>Planning to get married soon.
pls show picture of 9 year old wife
You're a retarded piece of shit. That's all.
We already converted our Palestinian "Refugees" into Catholics over here circa 1950.
Islam will never be allowed here you invasive zealot bastards.
Part of the hubris of muslims is that they consider the "natural state" of every human as muslim. So when a former non-muslim converts, they often refer to it as reversion.
>There are billions of Christians in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Just sayin'. Focus on the religion itself.
nah man, you're a nigger in denial. just sayin'
I'm considering converting to Islam.
So I can VERY publicly commit blashemy, heresy and apostasy.
I think everyone, everywhere, should do this. Just as a big 'fuck you' to that pedophile death cult.
I'm an ex-Muslim, don't do it, leave while you can.
Drawing the prophet (PBUH) is a sin, yes.
Islam will rule over Russia one day.
>Supporting the green party over traditionalism
in islam Isa ibn Maryam (PBUH) ia well respected prophet second only to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), we accept that he was the Messiah and will come back in the end times.
I sought for years for the truth and I felt that Islam answered my questions better than the rest of the religions. It came down to choosing between one of the Monotheistic religions, I feel that the trinity and Jesus being God just made no sense to me, Judaism didn't feel right since I am not a Jew.
Grew up as an atheist. Parents were divorced. Dad was an atheist, mum was an apathetic
I have light brown hair.
Why do you have to change your name to sound more sand niggardly? I'd never expect a Christian convert named Mohammed to change it to Michael or anything.
I'd rather die in the hell fire of nuclear.
Hail the all mighty god "nuclear" !
>atheists BTFO
Your false prophet muhammad (curse and death be upon him) is a pedophile who is burning in hell right now. Islam has brought nothing but misery and death everywhere that has had the misfortune of being plagued with it.
Catholic here. There is nothing inherently bad about Islam. It's better than atheism, agnosticism, or the other crap that modernity has produced. Just quit killing civilians you crazy fucks.
You know, you're right in a round-about way. When the west finally gets tired of the constant attacks from mudshits and we oven you and your filthy degenerate marxist handlers, then we will finally be free.
I have my own religion, way better than subhuman islam. the main point of my religion is to not breed. anyone who breeds is a total fucking nigger.
Atheism started in ancient Greece
I can't. Every one of the 5 mandatory worhips gets in the way. I would if I could, but I can't.
>believing in fucking fairytales
Go blow yourself, you attention-seeking kid
Yes, yes.
we know you enjoy goats just like any of your kind, but do you have any prospective pre/post op candidates?
On to this day, there is no Prophet after Jesus. Those who say otherwise sin in the idolatry of False Prophets and False God(s)
Atheism started when the first Hominid learned to use language, fuckhead. I mean modern atheism. Try to keep up.
Motherfuckes /Pol is a Cristian Board, that means no goat fuckers or swearing you dumb fuckin kikes. Now hail our lord
Why on earth would anyone want to convert to the Mohammetan faith? you've basically decide to join a band of savages and bandits.
You've gone backwards.
Many Muslims don't even pray once in their life.
Mashallah brother
>not just being a shia and rolling it into 3 times a day
>not just being like a bosnobro, an azeri, or most turks and iranians and just ignoring it
how to get qt3.14 azeri gf
>Part of the hubris of muslims is that they consider the "natural state" of every human as muslim
I don't understand how that makes one a revert. But regardless I am simply telling you that most muslims will call a convert a convert.
So you can commit open apostasy to inflame them.
Really? I remember about 3 years ago in highschool that all the Muzzies got a special club to go and pray in, but they just socialized instead. Wtf is going on?
The word Atheism and the idea of not believing in any god or gods (Modern Atheism) started with ancient Greek philosophy.
Even the buddhists don't want you.
And don't lie about your respect toward Jesus.
ahahahahahahahah, your so fucking weird you did that to try and get someone to accept you, how accepted do you feel beyond the shitshow greetings we give everyone.
I had a somali workmate who was muslim. totally arrogant asshole. literally told me with his nose up he knew the truth, implying I didn't. I hadn't even implied I did. I've met a ton of muslims. they really are subhumans. the only good thing with it is that subhuman women in some ways are better than other women, but it's not like you convert and all of a sudden a ton of hot babes are gonna crave your dick. they're still gonna be sucking nigger dick 24/7. oh and you are a nigger so.
My gf is a beautiful Albanian 22 year old. We're going to have beautiful white babies together ;)
Nice proxy.
Why did you leave? No. I am pretty content with my deen, senpai.
>He doesn't know about Al-Andalus
>He doesn't know about the Ottomon Empire
Sad desu
The West should stop creating the conditions for terrorism by bombing Middle Eastern countries. Terrorism is a relatively new phenemonen started by the West who backed Al-Qaeda against the Soviets and backed Daesh rebels against Assad. It's your fault.
The West created Marxism.
*tips fedora*
Nobody cares what Shia does.
muslims are a breed of cancer far worse than anything the christcucks could have ever conceived
i only wish we had glassed the entire middle east for this
Why are the cartoon characters white, to make Islam more palpable to us? Go eat pork.
I would love to answer that question but i don't know the answer, just know that marrying her means marrying her entire family.
I'm really interested why you chose Islam over Christianity?
kek so true
>religion of any kind
Not even once.
So, why don't we all convert to Islam and just generally be ourselves and pretty poorly practicing Muslims?
Or better yet, why don't we all have Muslim twitter accounts and spread pro-Muslim, anti-gay propaganda at universities?
I left because i noticed how it turned my friends in to idiots.
why do moslims like to fuck goats?
I hope we get Cronulla 2.0 soon and kill all Muslims in Australia.
Go fuck yourself, OP.
You capitalize atheism so you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Atheism is not a movement, it is a lack of belief.
>Muslims are genocidal terrorists
>Let's just kill hundreds of millions of people including men, women and children mercilessly
>america logic
I-I-I'd be okay with that
Gotta be better than being turbocucked by the eternal anglo
>if he is Shia, they don't care if you draw Muhammad
Kek yes we do. Those pictures you see are of Ali, not Mohammad.
Are you forgetting the fatwa Khomeini issued calling for the head of Salman Rushdie?
can i convert to islam for the social benefits without being a true believer
so he can rape little boys
So you're a Jew, basically
I imagine leftists hate you for "cultural appropriation," don't they?
what tf get me in on that
it's ok, we hate you kikeslaves too
watch out cunt .. your next
>image of a (cartoon) pre-pubescent girl
The mark of islam.
>Islam will rule the West soon
No it wont, liberal degeneracy always wins in the end
>Islam will rule the West
Thats an odd way to say the chinese
Just make sure she doesn't come from some rich government official's family.They are some of the worst things i have seen in my life.
Sup Forums needs to be more accepting to muslims and remove all forms of offensive material, indecent images, jokes, and irony.