what ethnicity is sam hyde?
What ethnicity is sam hyde?
Other urls found in this thread:
Germanic most definitely. Possibly Northern European.
Anglo mix, it is known.
He's black but nobody notices it because he suffers from a skin condition that makes his skin appear white. In reality, he's a nigger.
He reads a newspaper called the "jewish voice" tho so it's not looking good for him.
Ashkenazi Jew((50%))
Euro mutt(40%)
I think he said in some video his mother was Italian, the father I have no idea. Ask him?
Anglo. Pure Anglo.
Ashkenazi. He is cousins with Schultz, the Germany for Israel guy.
ive always wanted sam to tongue fuck my asshole
I think his mom is part Jewish or something. He's part of the tribe but he talks about the JQ. He is also probably part Scandinavian, on account of his scat fetish. Only Scandinavians ever get that.
Just fucking look at him
>he doesn't know about the Germans
Italian/ Irish
Yeah but the Germans don't talk about it whereas the Scandinavians actually come out about it and talk about it. And look at his big forehead Definitely Scandinavian. They all have big flat foreheads, I do too.
He looks like a hasidic jew
He looks like a Slavic Jew
Germans can have that too, they are literally cousins. And I've seen Germans/Austrians talk about their poo fetish. Mozart even, he loved shit. Especially shit jokes. It's so fucked up.
But who are the only ones saying now that it is okay to eat your own shit? It's those damn Norwegians.
>person that i don't like is jewish
>0 evidence
every time, Sup Forums
Neanderthal. He's the last of his kind.
You guys are all retarded, you've literally guessed every ethnic group in existence
I like Sam, he's a self hating Jew.
On top of having some anglo, black and chinese blood
Albino Aborigine
White Supremacist
Notice the facial hair? Partly Arabic too.
What the fuck are you retards on about. I love guessing ethnicity but at least fucking try
I mean come on
Dude looks like he just walked out of a synagogue
He looks exactly like the jews I saw when I was traveling through the east coast. They wear long black coats in the winter, always on the cell phone
Samuel Hyde is probably at least partially jewish. But he is a really funny guy, and an overall good person, based on some video I watched where he wasn't doing comedy but just venting about stuff after his show got cancelled.
He's one of our true eternals.
WASP Master race
Chaotic Evil
Yep, I thought it was his asian side but it could well be middle eastern
>I wonder who could be behind those posts
White enough.
I like Sam! I don't really think he's Jewish. But he does freakishly resemble that German guy who is an Israel first Jew.
He's Jewish (look at his facial features, it's a dead giveaway), you've all been had.
>partly Arabic
And fully autistic.
Here's a proto-Jew
Definitely not white. Probably Irish or jew
>The origins of haplogroup R1b are complex, and shrouded in controversy to this day. The present author favours the theory of a Middle Eastern origin (a point upon which very few population geneticists disagree) followed by a migration to the North Caucasus and Pontic Steppe, serving as a starting point for a Bronze-age invasion of the Balkans, then Central and Western Europe. This theory also happens to be the only one that explains the presence of red hair among the Udmurts, Central Asians and Tarim mummies.
he's Ukrainian
The burgers who live in the north eastern US just had an epiphany
How fucking dumb are you people?
>knowing what white is
Basically every American has Irish in them.
>German guy who is an Israel first Jew
Martin Schulz is not Jewish.
All the blood from his victims soaked in his body.
He absorbed the souls of the people he killed. He's all races and genders combined. He's the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.
Euro mutt. For those calling him Jewish, he's probably got a bit of an admixture, but I can't see anything past that.
>Make a claim
>Provide source
Not too difficult.
possibly mongolian descendant of ghengis khan
He's American (anglo-saxon) with a small amount of Jewish admixture.
>Werenigger Samuel "Sexual Chocolate" Hyde was spotted in a McDonalds Parking Lot last night
>He only can stay white by drinking the blood of Michael Jackson
>Michael Jackson died from Sam Hyde overdosing him, not Big Pharma
>Killed Goose that lays Golden Eggs
>Now permanently out of Reverse-Vitiligo Blood
>Change Begins
>Face looks like a monochrome Jackson Pollock Painting
>Muhfuggin, goddamn bix nood TRAYVON WAS INNOCENT
>New Name: Steve Stevens
>He stops getting away with it.
What now?
I've said otherwise?
He said on his twitter he's from an old new england family. His middle and surname are english. He's said in stand up that his mom is partly jewish.
>what ethnicity is sam hyde?
The dick sucking one.
oh fuck link
Dude looks anglo af
>Martin Schulz is not jewish
what did he mean by this?
Fake. That's not Sam.
Sam is a happa, probably part jewish also
pst sam pls work out
Why is Sam sucking cock?
No shit senpai
His real name is Uncle Cornrow "Sam" Wallace
Definitely has a bit of jew in him with those jew lips
Dude looks 0% latin
The irish tend to have potato heads and red hair, I don't really think that's his mixture. He's got hasidic jewish ancestry, that's a given
the most dangerous ethnicity
What about Charls?
Charls is irish, I know that
Nevermind he's got that irish forehead admixture
Don't confuse being ugly with being Jewish. Sam is white.
Slav, from the dinaric alps
>implying Sam isn't white
Why does Charls looks so good crossdressing?
I don't know but bring back World Peace already
That shit was hilarious
He's a Slav. Here he is doing a cultural dance.
Is she north Italian or south Italian? IE brunette or blond?
if blond, northern.
He's white like /ourguy/ Milo and based h3h3. SJWs BTFO kek ^^
Tbh I don't know. His show was cancelled by a Jewish hitjob.
But then again, why would he have been given a show in the first place?
He's a fucking clown anyways. Like Alex Jones. It's funny but you have to be retarded to take him as more than a meme/joke.
Middle Eastern
I do not know, leaf.
Samuel Heidelberg. Is an entertaining guy.