Justify the death penalty

Justify the death penalty

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Some people deserve to die.

Die cis scum.
See i just justified it.

World's overpopulated

What else do you do with pedophiles?

some faggot goes out and kills a bunch of people in cold blood for no reason

justify keeping him alive

Population control. Personally I think any sort of felony should be punished by death.

Some crimes are so bad that killing the offender is the only rational response, long-term

Jails are crowded

muh deterrent

The current one we have is no good... simply falling asleep is weak. We need to have the death penalty be something like what happens in a Saw movie or Hostel.

It's the most humane thing do with them.



I'm against the death penalty

An ounce of marijuana is a felony in some states. Death penalty?

What's the deal with the microphone?

People have been using it since the dawn of time. Only recently have people lost their spine on this issue.
I think it is you that needs to justify why millennia of death penalties should no longer take place.

"Last words?"

Or at least be public.

What's there to justify? It sounds terrific.
They should extend the service to non-criminals as well.

>1 post by this ID

These slide threads are ridiculous tonight.

Kill yourself (through the legal system over 30 years).

Prisoners can escape

Hottest take of today?

Not any, but repeating ones for sure.

I mean come on, death penalty for petty theft? What if someone slips an item into your bag and you're convicted of theft? That's vile.

But if you've been thieving for the 10th time, sure, just kill the fucker. Also:

>someone steals from you
>he gets in jail
>now YOU, the taxpayer, have to pay even more for his stay

Wow, makes perfect sense.. oh wait. Restitution should be the way of things - the thief should pay you twice the amount of what he has stolen and then some. If he can't pay, make him work in a uranium mine or something.

Depends on which philosophy you follow but one of the easiest arguments to make if you believe in god is that by not wasting the tax payers dollars on keeping some useless fuck alive and letting him face judgement in the express lane is less cruel than keeping him alive. This of course only make sense if the death penalty actually saves the tax payer money which our current system does not. A single 223 round and an hour of pay is all it should cost.

Because the death sentence is cool

This if I'm honest

>tfw you're a liberal and you support the death penalty

I dunno, some faggots just deserve it. [spoiler]Like 90% of the people on Sup Forums.[/spoiler]

its stupid when fx. ted bundy was willing to give advise about other serial killers. also many crimes are solved using confessions by convicted criminals.

fuck why did that not work

Eye for an eye
>murderers should be killed (firing squad is most efficient and humane way desu)
>rapists and pedophiles should be castrated (lgbtq fags too possibly)
>thieves should have a hand cut off

Guards can be bribed, prisons can be broken out of, judges can have a "change of heart", juries can "disappear". Some people are simply too dangerous to be allowed to live.

>justify keeping

He may have been a faggot, but he has some good ideas on this.

Another form of monetization. They release CDs of dying anguished souls and their hopeless pleads for mercy. Bought a few online to help me get to sleep at night. They're very relaxing.

Some thiefs and corrupted officials don't know when to stop. Death penalty is for them.

People exist that are willing to hurt their peers by committing crimes and such. They should be removed from society the cheapest and most profitable way possible.


Because I'm not a pussy who can't stand the idea of criminals getting zapped.

>Justify the death penalty
"eye for an eye" seems reasonable to me.

This, all of this. I absolutely support the death penalty, but not in its current state.

Do you trust the government?
Do you trust lawyers?
Are you capable of trusting someone, regardless of their race, gender or religion?
If you answered no to any of these questions, it would stand to reason that at least some of the people prosecuted by government-appointed lawyers are innocent, or over charged. It's better a hundred guilty men go free then one innocent man lose his freedom.
Just last year, 156 people were exonerated and removed from death row. How many more are innocent, but can't prove it with DNA?
In cases such as Steve Stephens', where the proof is overwhelming and there is a confession, I support the death penalty. But I believe the threshold for the death penalty should be much higher than the threshold for conviction. Proven beyond a reasonable doubt? Prison. Proven beyond all possible doubt whatsoever? Death.

We must take the UTMOST caution in giving our own government the authority to kill us. Especially when the reliability of a condemned man's conviction oftentimes hinges on the legal maneuvering of SJWs and Neolibs who have a vested interest in maintaining a high conviction rate.

This is what is known as a classically liberal stance on the death penalty, and is the official stance of the libertarian party

We talking self-governed isolated slave camps here (with some net profit food/benefit incentive to keep it all working) or do we go straight to PPV death shows?

most criminals are blacks and niggers must die

Because assholes won't kill themselves.

Sand-nigger shitskins

>wants justification for death penalty
>can't even justify abortion

Atleast the death penalty is for someone who committed an actual crime.

It's been around longer than prison, and it works really well.

>It's better a hundred guilty men go free then one innocent man lose his freedom.
>have 100 potential serial killers
>let them go because one of them is innocent
>those 99 serial killers go on to kill 1000 people
>it was the right thing :)

The Catholic Church always said the death penalty is OK.

Can't believe nobody mentioned the most obvious reason: the deterrent effect. Anyone who claims the death penalty doesn't have a deterrent effect should have a gun put to their head then asked again a second time.

Straw man. Serial killers are infinitely rare


I always hated that name...


why does this exist?


Statistics show that 0% of people executed reoffend.

>Anyone who claims the death penalty doesn't have a deterrent effect should be perhaps suspected of a crime, perhaps charged with a crime, perhaps convicted, perhaps not appealed, etc. etc.

Plus, the death penalty isn't on people's minds when they're pissed or drugged out.

That's some cute hyperbole, but there aren't hundreds of serial killers and some of the clowns in this thread are proposing execution for incredibly trivial reasons. The best argument against the death penalty is that bloodthirsty lunatics like the ones in this thread want it or other forms harsh punishment imposed on people who may well be innocent of the thing they are accused of or are only guilty of a trivial crime. I mean seriously, cutting the hands off of thieves? Executing people for repeated thefts? Castrating rapists sounds nice in theory, but what about false accusations and the fact that certain insane ideologues on the left are trying to redefine what rape is to the point that any man can be considered guilty of it.

Who is that caped man and why do I want him in me?


Ultimately I support it but I do struggle sometimes due to the fact I don't necessarily think the state should have a right to kill you. I guess you can abstract it if you're the victim in the case of murder by the prosecution representing you therefore the state is representing you vis a vi you are killing the criminal for crimes committed on you posthumously...

this is too easy

Hierarchy of hazard control

The offender is a hazard to the public. The most effective way to reduce the hazard is to eliminate it.

If the crime is severe enough that the person poses a serious risk to the public the only responsible thing to do is remove them from existence.

It kills people.

The death penalty is ok to use and should be used more often and shouldn't be so complicated to arrange, or to use. Justify housing tens of thousands of criminals at yours and my expense.

Anyone with multiple life sentences should get the death penalty tomorrow in the form of a bullet in a room with no audience. Their body should then be cremated and ashes delivered to relatives; otherwise disposed of.

> using exceptions to imply that the general principle holds no truth

There do in fact exist people who have admitted their only reason for not committing a crime in a particular state because of the death penalty there. You can cry about the consequences outweighing the benefits all you want, but that doesn't change the benefits, and the fact that they do in reality exist.

Less strain on states to move inmates and the force required to monitor them. Less niggers in the wild. No repeat offenders. Real consequences for harsh crimes. Less niggers in the wild. Less money spent to feed and house inmates.

the only 100% certain way that an individual deemed too dangerous to be alive will never kill anyone again.

It's overused but the fundamental need for it still exists. There are prisoners who continue to murder inside the prison, organized crime leaders and terrorist leaders who can still send messages out that get people killed, and people with a history of escaping from prison.

Ted Bundy almost escaped from Death Row. He'd escaped from prison 2x previously and went on additional murder sprees.

He'd have had another 20 years now to figure out how to get out, and he'd have killed more if he hadn't been electrocuted.

Some people just can't be salvaged.

Easy way to get rid of retards


I'm against the death penalty. Seems rather primitive to me.

I once read a funny court transcript in the past involving a trial where the man could potentially receive the death penalty. The judge got mad at the man during the proceedings and said he would hold him in contempt.

The man replied, "You're threatening me with death and think I care about contempt?"

That line made me laugh.

Death is too kind a punishment.

At least they have a relationship with their father...

Eh. He's being harsh but if you are living in somewhere you are supposed to obey their laws. If you don't you forfeit your citizenship rights.

Pain is for correction, When there is no hope for correction inflicting further pain is cruel.

Not executing life term inmates is unconstitutional under the 8th amendment "cruel and unusual punishments [shall not be] inflicted."


Death penalty does not save money. When you factor in the legal costs, it becomes much more expensive than life without parole.

Sentence them to life without the possibility of parole. Give the money you would have spent on sentencing them to death and use it to fund law enforcement so that they can solve and prevent more crimes rather than killing people who would probably prefer a painless death than the idea of spending a lifetime in an American prison (why many murderers choose to kill themselves before getting caught).

Also 4% of the people executed are innocent.


An eye for an eye. I have no problem with it in principle.

But, you have to be 100% sure of the conviction. You have to drag the family of the victims through countless appeals, you have to keep death row isolated from general population, you have to grant no bail (which undermines innocent until proven guilty). There's so many problems with the implementation that it's not worth it.

If I was murdered I would want my killer dead.

Complete waste of everyone's money to keep those people alive with draining prison bill. Shit give me a handful of .22 bullets I will wipe out the entire line of deathrow.

i'll take "cost effectiveness" for $400, alex
if you've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they raped or killed another human being, do the world a favor and spend the ₪ on a bullet rather than US$5-10M on housing, securing, feeding, educating, clothing, and otherwise providing for that motherfucker


shill thread or not, it's always nice to find like-minded individuals on here




you probably don't know it, but the symbol i gave for the cost of a bullet was the currency symbol of a shekel
which is actually pretty close
good times

one word: democrats. duh. can't let em out if they're dead.

Over population of the planet. The worst of us have to go.

>read through dozens of replies before finally finding a non retard non shill post
God I hate nu pol

Now this is a slide thread

Plan A: send some deliquent commie to jail for 20+ plus years, pretend he's not complete human scum and maintain him with taxpayer's money that could otherwise be destined to children healthcare or something.
Plan B: drop the subhuman fucker from an helicopter and be done with it. Just a little spending in helicopter fuel.

B>>>>A. There.

>Praise kek.

Some cunts are so shit that they don't deserve life, it's fucking simple.

Give them jobs at Salon?


Everybody dies in the end, so it won't matter much whether there's death penalty or not