70 billion is a lot, is it not?
Build schools, not walls
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Better than having Mexicans pour into your country.
If you don't have a wall to protect the schools, you will just be educating a bunch of illegals who want to send your money to a different country.
Compared to a trillion, not really.
I'll chip in $10.
Negligible for this country. Breadline Bernie wanted to spend $18 trillion on welfare.
Also how do senate dems know much it will cost?
> Senate Dems say
Kill yourself
>$12 billion for the wall + $58 billion in legal challenges
California spends almost 22billion on illegal immigration a year. defund California and its paid for.
>you will just be educating a bunch of illegals
Why don't you ask for ID before enrolling a kid in school?
But the wall won't help since almost all of them don't cross the border that way.
And even if they did, a $5 ladder would overcome it.
Schools for all the illegals cuz no wall
>I'll chip in $10.
Then build the wall based on donations. I wonder how far it would get.
Fuck no, these illegals cost us hundreds of billions a year. I would pay thousands out of pocket to make the wall even more deadly and taller. I just want a brick in the wall to have my name on it.
Doesn't matter how much it will cost, Mexico will pay for it you fucking kraut.
just more debt for the fat cats.
They don't and several contractors have already thrown prices out. It's actually quite cheap to make it out of polymer rather than concrete and is almost 10x stronger.
It can cost 1 trillion as long as it keeps the fucking Mexicans out
2/10 bait
>But the wall won't help since almost all of them don't cross the border that way.
And even those who cross the border mostly come through the Rio Grande Valley, where Trump does not want to build a wall.
I'd donate.
Burgers already have an "Adopt a Highway" programme. They should have something similar with the wall. For $100 a year, you get your name and any message written on the wall.
Either way, it's worth it.
Yeah walls don't keep people out of stuff. Oh wait.
>Mexico will pay for it you fucking kraut.
How? Explain how? Trump already backed off from punitive tariffs for Mexican imports.
>More like $70 billion
Because they'll make it as stupidly difficult as possible, wasting a crap ton of money and time to delay it?
Mexicain,here this is a lie.
45% of them come through the border. If you increase enforcement on those overstaying their visas, you'll just increase border traffic. You have to secure the border first.
Worth every penny
Well it seems the problem is, before Trump, were they planning to build walls and/or School?
Show me where he says he's backing off like you said mister dopels.
>You have to secure the border first.
How is a wall that has huge sections not including a wall securing the border? Seriously, half of the illegals come through the Rio Grande valley - there isn't even a fence there! And Trump does not want to build a wall or fence their as part of the wall project.
He isn't being paid a salary. US steel isn't being used because the pipe has already been bought. The Muslim ban is coming, now that SCOTUS is filled. And, he's working with Rand on a replacement healthcare bill.
Not really, it's all LITERALLY monopoly money anyway.
>a $5 ladder would overcome it.
Why not both?
Honestly all they need to do is gamify it, put a bunch of drone cams in the sky and let autists scour the feed all day every day.
Not really.
$7 billion a year over 10 years? We wouldn't even notice that on our budget.
3 months into Trump's presidency and Mexico hasn't paid a single dollar for the wall project. Seems to me, Trump is not fulfilling his promise on that one either.
This. Muh Chinese currency manipulation. As if we are any better.
Might be cheaper to triple ICE and the border guard instead of build the wall...
can school stop mexicans?
Will the wall come with trebuchets to return the anchor babies?
>Trump does not want to build a wall in the Rio Grande Valley
It's literally their top priority. That's where the first segment is going...
>The focus on the Rio Grande Valley region is because it is the "priority" for Border Patrol, CBP's briefing says. The decision to focus there is also supported by terrain and environmental analyses, a nearby urban center and roads, "short adversary vanishing times" and sector priorities.
this ain't a source nigga
Can a nigger?
You can go look at some of the proposals. You'll be shocked to see they actually have talented engineers that counter anything a dumbass like you will come up with.
Polymer antiblast material, slanted at a specific angle to fuck over ladders, grooves that will literally shred your hand if you try and climb it, underground sonar and upper ground sensors, etc.
>Trump says it will cost 12 billion
>Senate Dems demand to be allowed to embezzle 58 billion dollars of taxpayer money before they agree to co-operate with the wall building
Holy shit has corruption ever been clearer?
For what? More common core and left leaning political quizzes?
No, we're much worse.
We depose you if you refuse to deal in our currency.
He never said Mexico will pay for it right away anyway.
If California schools weren't filled with spics you could reduce the class size by 70%. Remove all the spics and you could remove the fence around the school.
It'll save money for schools if anything.
Of course it's not a source because I don't agree with it!
>Ever trusting a Dem ever again after the last election
Only the dumbest of the dumb would believe anything those genocidal power hungry manias say,
The wall is probably not happening as Trump has been hi-jacked by neocohens and is now a neocohen war president. I'm going to need a valid source on your claims that most do not cross at the border. The last I remember is that it's about 60 percent. But that doesn't matter.
The wall is off the budget, and the only plans right now are for a bunch of companies to showcase prototypes for sections of the San Diego Border area, to be completed by June. God knows when the actual wall will come, if ever. Given Trump's foreign policy betrayals, I think that it's over.
Trump will be Hillary lite, as Hillary would already have granted amnesty to all illegal immigrants and would be trying every single day since inauguration to dethrone Assad.
Build schools across the border
>Guy who wants to build wall (and has spent his whole life financing and building shit) says it'll cost $12 billion
>Retards who think his wall is stupid and want to prevent the wall from getting built so they can import more illegals to vote for them say the wall will actually cost 7x more
It could be 150 billion and it'd still be worth it.
Du Mongo
Why does that not work in Israel and Hungary? Why do their walls work?
He wants reelection. It's definitely happening.
>He isn't being paid a salary.
Actually, he is. He did not refuse the salary. He now says he will donate it all (the problem being that if his overall donations go down compared to prior years, then I'd say he kept the money overall).
> US steel isn't being used because the pipe has already been bought.
US steel isn't being used, because the pipeline is a private project and US steelmills are not competitive.
>The Muslim ban is coming, now that SCOTUS is filled.
Do you deny he tried 2 times and failed two times? And it wasn't even a Muslim ban, it was a temporary ban of citizens of some countries NOT including the worst offenders such as Saudi Arabians or dual citizens. 9/11 was planned in Germany, yet German Muslims are not subject to the ban. This is ridiculous.
>And, he's working with Rand on a replacement healthcare bill.
Yeah, good luck with that. Healthcare is toxic, they couldn't even get a small Obamacare defunding bill through the Republican congress. How do you think a real replacement bill that requires 60 votes in the Senate will be treated?
Funding for the wall could also be done by donation for something like "$50 to get your name on a brick in the wall."
kek this would actually be a good way to get people to contribute. The more you pay, the more bricks get your name on it, so the mexicans know exactly who wants them to fuck off. Hopefully you live in a castle law state.
Yeah, I'm honestly shocked they haven't talked about selling engraving rights.
>3 months into Trump's presidency and Mexico hasn't paid a single dollar for the wall project. Seems to me, Trump is not fulfilling his promise on that one either.
If the wall is paid with taxes collected from americans buying AMERICAN PRODUCTS instead of MEXICAN PRODUCTS isn't Mexico paying for the wall in a way? They're losing income and the wall is getting built.
This is the dumbest name for a thread I've ever seen. I hope to God Almighty this is bait and you're not really that insanely stupid and naive.
Trump is more frugal than democrates. no joke
even if it were only US$70b (which is still grossly exaggerated), it'd still pay for itself before Trump leaves office if he only gets 2-3 million of those fuckers out and keeps them out
you realize this, yes?
The cost of the wall is approximately $12B. When a bill goes through congress, they take they opportunity to tack on earmarks, budgets, and bureaucratic nonsense to go with the actual centrepiece of the bill, which is the wall. It looks something like this:
President's idea:
>Mortar: $500M
>Brick: $750M
>Shipping and transportation: $1B
>Engineering and Development: $1B
>Labour and wages: $5B
>Security during construction: $1B
Therefore it will cost around $10B.
Congress gets this bill put in front of them and they decide to take the opportunity to pay back some favours, and also to weigh it down because they're ideologically opposed to the president and don't mind if the whole thing fails; but if it doesn't fail, they better get something out of it instead of a more secure border.
From congress:
>All of the above: materials, planning, labour, security, etc.
>Providing bilingual signage at all construction sites: $500M
>Diverting fresh water along wall towards planned resort in brother-in-law's constituency: $1B
>Extra security for gated subdivision where Senator Joe Blow spends his winters in Arizona:$25M
>anti-discrimination curriculum for all public schools in border states: $150M
>Hot air balloons for Mexican migrants to elude border security: $500M
>Two-week summit for all sitting Senators to explain to Mexican president that they disagree with the president on this: $200M
>Having the ability to use taxpayer money to pay off your corporate overlords: priceless
>building walls
For like $2 billion dollars you can have 100 predator drones constantly in the air zipping along the border with infrared sensors
I'll see your $5 ladder and raise you a bullet that only costs $0.25.
First of all, nice slide thread. It won't fool the the user base, and I hope people don't bump it.
Second of all, I consider it an investment. Honestly, no matter how much it costs it will eventually pay for itself. Even if it was 100 Billion, how much do you think we spend on illegals, per year? Over 10 billion dollars.
So even if it only stops half of all illegals (it will stop more) and even if it cost 100 billion dollars (it won't even cost half that), it will have paid for itself in 20 years.
Honestly, I don't understand the big deal. If a country wants a border wall, why not let them have one? It's their right.
>demos over inflate costs and waste and metric fuckload of tax payers money because they cannot into deal making
Are you surprised? There is a reason Trump is a billionaire. Everyone likes to meme his "small loan of 1 million" and call him a TV celeb. Few take the time to read his books and realize his is a fucking GOD of business. He fucks with and causes company wide panics waves because he wants to toy with with a fortune 500 company. He had done his time and put in the effort. He knows how to get shit done without blowing money and making sure the job is done correctly.
>It's literally their top priority. That's where the first segment is going...
San Diego is in Texas?
nigga only 10B lol cali spends 2x that a year alone. the us spends 75-80B on illegal immigration a year.
>dems will take a 10 billion dollar wall and fill it with pork and graft for their backers and turn it into a 70 billion dollar wall.
thats what they should have said
He's not receiving the salary. He has to take an unreduced salary according to the Constitution. Kennedy donated his full salary as well. I'd venture to guess that Trump's income will go down quite a bit without him personally overseeing everything.
The steel for the pipes was already purchased. It wasn't feasible to have the companies buy a whole new pipeline-worth of steel.
The Muslim ban will go through now that a full SCOTUS is seated. They have been waiting to appeal the 9th Circuit opinion until after Gorsich was seated.
Republicans will have 60 seats in a year anyway, then they'll be free to pass whatever you want.
>2meter underground structure
>Hamas was building a tunnel network to Israel and Israel could not spot them initially
>thinks Murricans can find tunnels
You are delusional. Drug lords will and can tunnel through to Murrica. Or just use drones to get all the drugs to Murrica.
Immigrants will just use plane tickets to come or get through the Rio Grande. 60% of illegals are visa overstayers anyway.
you think you're smart but you're really dumb
It has the highest per-mile number of illegal crossings. 14 miles of wall are going there and the rest is going to the Rio Grande. It's the most efficient use of resources.
San Diego TX isn't near the wall Han- Abdul.
>I live in San Diego
Factory jobs exist, CEOs tell Trump. Skills don’t.
California more than pays for itself. Fuck off. Red states drain money.
All we need is a dash of pension reform and we'er set.
It's very difficult for Mexicans to get Visas here, for obvious reasons. Drug Lords will build elaborate, expensive tunnels to bypass the wall, sure. This will price out all but the wealthiest illegals who can afford to pay the higher costs to coyotes.
> yeah, just like Israel!
Not even hiding it anymore.
why they asked for money when all that rain came. sure.
>70 billion is a lot, is it not?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>sonar placed at bottom of wall
already countered. It's almost like some people makes millions a year designing ways to solve problems.
This, building a wall just WORKS.
I mean, look at China, they built a wall and hardly a goddamn Mexican in sight.
So does the wall get it's down payment or not?
>Drug lords will and can tunnel through to Murrica.
Good point, better just disband the police entirely too
Hey wait a second aren't you a fucking Kraut? Pay denbts damn it!
>>Mortar: $500M
>>Brick: $750M
It is concrete, dude. 2000 miles of concrete with a per yard requirement of 15 cubic yards, costs 5 billion alone in material costs.
>70 billion is a lot, is it not?
No, its still still 44 billion cheaper than
letting illegals in annually.
That tells you how much pork the Dems plan on stuffing the bill with.
your country owes over 300bn in NATO debt. have your jew leader pay up and we'll be set,