If communism doesn't work why do so many people support it?
If communism doesn't work why do so many people support it?
because they dont work either
they want free shit
Who thinks what "works" depends on whose Ox is gored.
People who don't own property want communism.
Referring to economic systems as "working" or "not working" makes no sense absent of a goal and goals are found in moral value systems.
You can't detach eonomics from morality.
post lewds pls
Australia on the ball tonight
Because it's simplistic propaganda for the simpleton and it plays to basic human emotions.
people like to think that they are helping poor people by making everyone poor somehow
proud of you bro
>tfw the first post happens to be the best post
Hello kanna leaf
abhorrent picture
If heroin kills the user, why do so many people willingly use it?
Why can I pee without pooping, but not poop without peeing?
What color does a Smurf turn if you choke it?
Why do 24 hour stores have locks on the doors?
Because they don't consider their past failures to be "True Communism".
Because the current system isn't perfect but communism claims to be.
24 hour stores have locks cause of holidays
>inb4 burger town 24/7 quickie mart doesn't close on holidays cause its run by godless faggot
Absolutely nuts
I don't know what's worse for OP: that he is as weak-minded as this, or that he is a paid shill working at almost 2 in the morning.
Stupid leafs
fpbp brother
>paid shill
Your evidence for this claim being what, again?
zoom my words please.
kek fpbp
it's a very romantic thing, the whole "working class struggle muh oppressors muh fight to overcome" shtick. the aesthetics of all the old cold war era gommies is kind of cool. that probably draws a lot of them in. i don't want to sound like one of them, and i won't say communism hasn't been tried, but most governments that exist currently and have existed throughout history have been right wing, so they're the perenniel underdogs and losers, so that also adds to the romanticizing of it.
Is this ok ?
Clearly their country wasn't run by commies for 40 years
Absolutely wrecked.
Also, they're only taking after their leader, after all.
Your flag makes you seem like an expert on kid-fucking, so I'll take your word for it.
OP confirmed broken
>If communism doesn't work why do so many people support it?
There are a lot of stupid people in the world desu.
Because the supporters weren't alive during the red scare or even the late Soviet Union so they think communism is some great new invention that would probably work. It's a system based entirely on getting free shit, it's enticing to bottom feeders.
RIP commies
Not a proxy?
Apu doesn't believe in the easter bunny. What does this have to do with anything? I think you've huffed enough petrol tonight, tuk-tuk
No Sup Forums
And leaf pic related
Non im free mason findin papal cooking for free nigger. Feel free to check 4plebs for timestamp
>If communism doesn't work why do so many people support it?
Not everyone can be smart, user.
No! Bad user! Kanna-chan is for warm cuddles and headpats. She's not for sexual.
Unicorns and cars powered by farts exist in minds too.
Okay I won't even bother with some elaborate post, you're good.