I've never seen a black, yellow or brown Anti Fa.
They are invariably white, and are prepared, unlike the "alt-right" to do violence to further their cause
Are they perhaps, dare I hope it, /OurGuys/?
I've never seen a black, yellow or brown Anti Fa.
They are invariably white, and are prepared, unlike the "alt-right" to do violence to further their cause
Are they perhaps, dare I hope it, /OurGuys/?
You're right, why isn't Sup Forums with Antifa?
hate to say it but you're actually right. what the fuck this actually bogged my nog
There are some colored people antifa, but they are mostly white.
They also despise Jewish capitalism, unlike the kike loving alt right
And they aren't cowards, even their women are prepared to fight
There are plenty of minorities who participate in violent "activism" (or whatever), they just don't label themselves antifa. Look back at all of the trump rally protests, there were plenty of Latinos and blacks.
White people seem to be the only ones who care enough to form a "super cool kids club" about it while everyone else is content to just show up in plain clothes and pick fights with their enemies. That being said, I've seen non whites participate as antifa. Look at the guy who swung his skateboard at based stick man, he was a nog.
Fuck off shill.
They are pieces of shit
Viva Facism
Really? Because at Berkeley III there was ton of nig nogs and lots of beans blasting mexican rap. Lots of whites too, but lots of minorities. So fuck off
Antifa are faggot commie larpers, they should migrate to venezuela or kurdistan and enjoy their paradise
They arnt white they're mossad.
What? We're literally at war with them is this an attempt to slide threads? What the fuck is this?
Suck a dick in hell antifa
I'm talking about Anti Fa user, not assorted nogs and spics who cannot into Ideology. Antifa can understand complex ideologies - if course, they are WHITE
ashkenazi semen fair dripping off your chin
Entitled virtue signalling white bitches and their beta cuck orbiters
I've seen a black Antifa girl before or a mullato at least. Pic telated
Calm yourself keyboard commando
If electricticity was cut off for 2 months, it might fix this whole situation. Civilization is too comfortable for these sodomites, they need real problems in life.
thats what I'm saying, the Anti Fa, who ARE predominantly white. Of course, this board one big Israeli circle jerking cumpost
the anti fa ARE prepared to fight, unlike mr keyboard warrior
I would miss kazak wife bagging board but will survive
Po po shut them down in Auburn, expose them and they disappear. They themselves know they are wrong
They are protesting against themselves. They are the white privilege. Somehow they have to be a dick about it, whether they accept their privilege or renounce it. Assholes, fuck them
old fb friends with some brown "anarcho" bitch that showed up with antifa at berkley, she wrote a 5000 word essay how 4chin is doxxin moldylocks, calls everyone comrade and larps as a communist 24/7
Although admittidly she is a pale brown. funny when you see people legitimately arguing that moldylocks was culturally appropriating the dreads
Socialists aren't white
>I've never seen a black, yellow or brown Anti Fa.
Its because they're all kikes
They might be willing to attempt violence, but they sure as shit aren't "prepared" for shit. You understand that in the last week, we've had the two most significant events in Antifa history, and BOTH times they were effortlessly defeated by frog memers?
The Identity Europa lads tore them to pieces. McInnis's PrideParadeBoys tore them to pieces. They weren't even to stop Spencer and Enoch from shitting on them on a literal college campus.
Antifa isn't respectable at all. They're losers. They have succeeded thusfar only insofar as they've been tolerated by the far, far morally superior Right Wingers who give them the benefit of the doubt instead of simply beating them to death every time they show up. That game is now over, these cucks have nothing left.
Rhe brown ones are pets
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Spics eat up that liberal communist shit.
Part of me thinks Antifa are a biological defence mechanism of the white race. They're trying to start a race war by accusing American Conservatives of being racist. When SHTF they'll probably switch sides
White enablers make it possible
You might be right
>Antifa can understand complex ideologies
Since when?
All they do is shriek "nazi" at everyone they're told is bad by their handlers.
I think its funny how faggots and atheists will defend islam in white countries when they are the first to die under sharia law.
They are probably just militant contrarians, no matter what.
And they were all assaulting people.
Half of AntiFa are criminal illegal spics, and there is also quite a few niggers.
I will no longer stink up your parlour with my cigar smoke
willing to fight and prepared to fight are not the same. I've yet to see one prepared.
There are are alot of brown ones including fat female black ones. You just need to pay attention more.
>the antifa goofs are prepared to fight
The antifa is a bunch of trannys with thin arms that get kicked by niggers as well as by white people and police.
They get always fucked when they try to fight against "nazis", so hard, they dont even dare to fight them anymore
instead they fight against old people that protest against criminal immigrants and antifa calls them nazis.
picture related, proud antifa member.
Antifa is also wondering why their protest is 90% white, shall we inform them that BLM hate white people and are black supremacists? Would be a nice little redpill for those fuckers.
you havent been paying attention at all then. they are hooded masked up most of the time. you'll notice they are short goblins, which means they're mostly spics. plenty of niggers, and a berkeley chapter are led around by the nose from a 90lb 5ft tall asian bitch.
moldylocks changed her name to a spic name, and her personal chapter that her and her fag bf belong to are bigly supporters of la raza and illegal spic immigration
Literally zero on the frontlines in the videos, except for that black faggot beating that poor dumpster with a stick.
They already know, but antifa members are natural born cuckolds.
Notice from the vids Bushido Bro kicking ass with that stick? Notice how not even a single antifa tried to swing at him? They fear being a white oppressor. More redpilled blacks at these scrums the better, its a huge advantage using their delusional ideologies against them to neutralize them in combat, AND IT KILLS THE ANTIFA NARRATIVE.
>Literally zero on the frontlines in the videos, except for that black faggot beating that poor dumpster with a stick.
its because they bang the girfriends while the cucks are at the front.
They should beat the Filipino manlet to a pulp tbqhwy