Why do people believe you can't be racist towards white people?
Reverse Racism
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cause fuck whitey yo we wuz kangz till they made us be slaves
evil ass crackas
They completely and utterly lack self-awareness.
They think that because they look up to white people it's not racist
Self awareness is a trait only white people have.
Some white people take it too far though, they are called leftists and SJWs then.
Because they're niggers.
It's just called "racism". The term "reverse racism" is retarded.
They want to feel special and not gives whites the same respect they feel they lose when people call them names. I'm not even white but if you're offended by words that are just insults and not a call to action to cause you harm then your skin is just too thin, and probably dark like a nigger's.
Who here /proudwhite/?
Because morons like yourself think racism has an inherent direction. It's just racism, you fucking tard.
I think they say that racism is about power and sense white people are in power so therefore you cannot be racist to whites. It is completely stupid and I dont understand why we dont turn it against them by saying that we cant be racist to Jews cince so many Jews are in powerful positions.
Ah, thanks anons.
Racism is a construct of societal power. You cannot be racist unless you are in power.
Blacks in America can be prejudiced toward whites, but not racist.
However, in South Africa where whites are a minority and blacks are in power, blacks CAN be racist toward whites. And often are, too.
t. cuck
no, racism is the belief that the division of humans into subgroups called races is meaningfull. there is nothing inherently bad with racism.
my roommate claims this is because white Americans have been the most oppressive race, in all of of fucking history
What black people don't seem to understand is the more they do this they breed what they actually think racism is. So yeah, i think its funny i found this thread. I was listening to richard spencers speech today and some black girl went up and asked him "Why don't we just work together?". That shit was funny as hell.
kill yourself.
Blacks are not human.
>1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
>2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
When people complain about racism, they are using the second definition.
If you disagree that such a system exists or operates in that manner, that's fine, but telling yourself what they're saying doesn't make sense because you're deliberately and disingenuously using the first limited definition isn't clever, it's pedantic and intellectually dishonest.
Next time, try a more refined and academic response like this guy
yeah cause commies redefining words to suit their agenda is such a rare event..
No its not you moron you literally repeating propaganda that commmunists shit in you brain.
you mean racism
and they do it because it's socially beneficial and they get away with it consistently
This is wild.. and I am lead to believe Sup Forums is the unspeakable furnace of hate.
>3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Oh, you forgot to put that one... it wouldnt fit you narrative that blacks arent racist and they are just "prejudiced" in US.
>Why do people believe you can't be racist towards white people?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Because its taught in schools and by media. You dont really think about until you're older unless your parents already talk about why its retarded.
In my leaf social studies shit in high school, whenever racism came up they'd always say 'reverse racism is also bad and you shouldnt do it' which separates the terms and makes one seem less bad since its more of a footnote. I do remember the first time I heard the term I felt it didnt make much sense for the obvious reasons, but I didnt dwell on it too much as I figured race issues were more or less in the past (this was in 07). Then as I got older and saw more and more open hostility towards white people up to what we see today. I imagine its probably easier for white people to notice that kind of shit, I'm only half white so it took a while to sink in.
The kicker was within the last year I've heard my mother (white) use the term reverse racism out of simple ignorance to the fact that reverse racism is not a thing. When I told her that, she thought about it for a minute and said that I made sense, she just used it because thats what media calls it as well. I'm fucking brown and even I think that all this anti white shit is bullshit, its disgusting.
technically the formula for racism is R = P + p when P = prejudice and p = power.
So just by the strict dictionary definition you can't actually be racist against white people even if you prejudge them, because white people have institutional power in society.
Language evolves. Whether or not it's the result of propaganda is irrelevant.
Have you used the word fag any time in the last month? Well, if you weren't referring to a cigarette, you've used a new definition that the word didn't previously have.
Selectively allowing new uses for words while claiming new uses for other words as incorrect and the result of propaganda is, once again, intellectually dishonest.
I still can't believe Obama unironically used the term reverse racism in a presidential speech.
It's kind of funny. They think that we cannot be discriminated against. It means they think we are some how superior to them and immune to insult or threat. Maybe it's because we conquered the globe while their ancestors perfected their shit and mud huts.
Has anyone ever heard a criticism of whites other than we're "racist" or "evil"? I read this hate but I never see a point to it.
Funny how that was never the "formula" up until a couple years ago. Matter of fact, it still isn't
You'll notice the ones calling white people ugly are black girls.
>le tyrone aint want me
>le whitey aint want me
This, calling hating whites for their skin colour "reverse racism" gives credence to the idea that racism comes from whites by default.
No moron, that would mean you can be racist but an ultra racist white is more racist than an ultra racist black.
>Proud to be white
>Posts an image from a Taiwanese after school special on a Japanese origami enthusiasts board
This explanation is completely made up by the far left, just like the 6 gorrilion genders.
Racism has nothing to do with power and all to do with prejudice. The fucks in OPs pic are prejudiced against white people. According to minorities they have no power in the US or very little. In no way does power factor into hating somebody else for an inane reason like race. The only way power factors is in when the "little" guy or in this case minorities use it or try to use it as a shield.
Yeah, black girls are the other victims of the black-man-white-woman meme because it turns white women into trophies. At least we can pick up sluts in the Old World, but what can black girls do?
there are evolved modern humans and subhuman niggeroids. based brit has it correct
>I'm not even white but if you're offended by words
The problem is not that, the problem is that only one side has the right to offend.
If you want the honest answer, it's because at some point in the mid/late 2000s, the intellectual elite in academic circles decided that racism wasn't going to be about John being an asshole to Tom, it was going to be about the ways Tom is systemically disadvantaged. They decided to change the meaning of the words. When someone says "you can't be racist against white people," what they really mean is "white people in North America are not systemically discriminated against on the basis of race." Which I think is true, but equating that with "you can't be racist against white people" depends on accepting a specific definition of racism that would have been laughed at 15 years ago.
Also, the part that becomes logically incoherent is when people arguing about how whites don't experience racism start saying that "I" can't be racist against white people. At that point I think they've given up the game they were playing about systemic racism because system discrimination isn't something that "they" can do on their own anyway. So INDIVIDUALS can be racist towards white people in the sense of being prejudiced assholes (which is how most people are going to parse "racist" anyway).
>words only have meaning in Marxist context
The only institutionalized racism in America is affirmative action. It is an explicitly anti white and anti male policy
"White privilege" is unmeasurable and unfalsifiable post modernist nonsense
Asians don't have a problem succeeding in a "white supremacist" society, so many it's not me, its you
>Selectively allowing new uses for words while claiming new uses for other words as incorrect and the result of propaganda is, once again, intellectually dishonest.
That's bullshit.
Of course you can be selective, otherwise any word could be used to mean anything you want, which is nonsense.
We have a very clearly defined definition of "racism": discrimination based on race.
Just because a few fucking loons try to revision the mean doesn't suddenly make that new interpretation valid. It has to be accept by the greater community which it is not.
for fuck sake, its not reverse racism, its just racism, and blacks have it worse, just look at the shit said here on a minute by minute basis
>formula for racism
wtf you guys are some gullible sons of bitches.
this divisive propaganda is as a clear as broad daylight.
Then answer me this fag, what is that nigger doing in Africa with white farmers? Removing white privilege?
>but what can black girls do?
a better question is who cares
If a bunch of black people murder a couple of Chinese immigrants because they happen to hate "chinks" - the murders can't be considered racially motivated?
>implying a tibetan basket weaving forum is the same as the real world
nice try potatofag
I don't mean to propagandize I'm just memeing. Anybody on Sup Forums who didn't instantly cringe at that comment is a fucking retard
We can still care about our fellow (wo)man even if some of us are white separatists, at least that was what I took away from Spencer's talk today. But yeah the "fuk uu whitebooiiis" doesn't help their cause.
got em
because they want to abuse whites without having to admit they're racist
unfortunately, people here are actually people. and believe it or not there are probably racists off the internet too... or so iv heard...
racism is not endemic to black people...
i cant believe i have to tell someone that.
But he meant that in the kinda of way where a nation (like america) can be isolationist but that doesn't mean stop talking to everyone forever. We need other countries to continue. That's a fact. Doesn't mean we need to be world police either. It was more in the kinda of way like "Well help you build a new nation is africa and give you (((reparations))) as long as you agree to (((peaceful))) leave.", he didn't mean it like we should try and help them with their abyss of a culture which has destroyed them. tl;dr fuck you but we don't wanna have to kill you to get you to leave either
> im so glad im not white, imagine having lines for lips & eating unseasoned food all the time, must be sad!
> sad!
nice try trump, stop false flagging
Im black and recognize my privilege.
the media is pushing this shit, and I frankly didn't wanna date crazy white women this way...
but they read salon and believe any crying weomans story so don't be suprised...
I went mgtow because I got sick of being treated as a sex toy because of my (((bbc)))
It's insane how subtle the racism has become to these people that they don't know how fucked they sound, I honestly prefer you guys calling me a nigger. At least I know it'a not born of ignorance and hate.,
In fact, he brought up their culture and differences from us and he literally laughed in her face when she said "Why don't we just work together?", which granted was fairly funny.
>Why do people believe you can't be racist towards white people?
because they have never used a dictionary. They just listen to their teachers who tell them that hating whites is good.
Fuck off, kike. Your day in the oven is soon. Your responsibile for the hatred and murder of whites.
Your kind peretrated 9/11. Your days are numbered jew.
That's a bullshit definition.
Racism is hating another race.
Like I'm racist against niggers and jews.
because, the kikes, who are only """white""" when they are advocating against white interests
>Racism is a construct of societal power. You cannot be racist unless you are in power.
brainwashed.. try using a dictionary.
found the kike
Yes, another tl;dr run every country something like Switzerland or Japan.
That is funny. That's like asking oil to mix with water.
>You cannot be racist unless you are in power.
what power am I in? Are you implying that I'm somehow above you? Are you implying that your race is below mine? You might be right.
Yeah, its pretty funny how fast they're giving up ground.
>"Lmfao i can't wait to white people no their STOLEN culture are gone forever! haha!"
>"Omg, How could MY nation have come to racism? Why can't we just work together?"
your roommate doesn't know much history. In fact I bet he can't name where slavery still exists today.
wrong person also i dont get your post
so are we to believe that there are no white racists in South Africa.. because we both know that is a laugh.
>"Reverse" racism.
You realise that implies that all white people are racist, right? Get ya head around it.
>You cannot be racist unless you are in power.
No matter how many times I ask, this point is never elaborated on
So, just kill all the niggers...I'm sorry..."people of color," to make things easier.
>Got it.
If a gang of blacks are holding down a white man and beating him, he is calling for help but no one is coming, then THEY have power over him. It doesn't matter if he's wealthy or well-connected, right there that doesn't assist him at all.
Power is a very relative term
this formula only exists in liberal colleges and its only existed for about 6 years. It is justification for non whites to hate whites openly without fear of being labeled as a racist, which is what they are if they hate another race than their own.
Stop redefining words to fit your narrative you white guilt ridden fucktard
Just pointing out examples of successful, nationalistic countries that are hard to become citizens of.
>Language evolves. Whether or not it's the result of propaganda is irrelevant.
fine.. from now on, Nigger means friend.
What the fuck are you even on about? If you pick some biased newage dictionary definition yeah sure stop redefining words cuck
You allowed this type of behavior when you agreed that whites arent allowed to say nigger but blacks are. That was the moment when you enabled double standard thats now used by niggers who can say anything and not be in trouble, because you all have white-guilt and too cucked to do anything about it.
It's all in preparation for when you become a minority
Sorry its a bit late so my mind isn't all the way there. I love switzerland. GREAT country. Japan too. Neither would let me in though
Difference there is 'fag' wasn't changed to normalise racism against white people you cretin. Your new 'definition' of racism is simply made to push your political anti-white agenda.
Because then they would have to acknowledge that they're fucking hypocrites, and reevaluate their worldview. It's just a lot easier to change the definition of a word to fit their agenda.
You know (((why)))
>Racism is a construct of societal power
no dumbshit, racism is hating another race or claiming that certain races are better than others.
No shit they're real people. But you honestly think your average Sup Forumstard is going go go up to a black person and call them a nigger to their face? I don't think so