Trump hasn't been an effective lea-
Trump hasn't been an effective lea-
Sup Forums, give me 3 (three) reasons why Islam is a bad religion. Go on...... I'm waiting
>implying le pol can think of any reasons at all
>inb4 le pol can't think of any reasons
>mfw smirking.jpg
>sex with minors
>women as slaves
>death to everyone because they think differently
>"this has zero to do with all the bombing and support for k*rds by the Obama administration. Absolutely nothing"
user asked why it was a bad religion..
#1 - My Dick
#2 - On your face
#3 - Makes you gay
That's it?
>mfw smirking.jpg once again
>oh the irony
>t. self centered cunt
Why should anyone do that you fucking clown
It's full of brown people.
>end of isis
>trying to destroy an ideology with force
retarded or trolling? kek either way
The fundamental problem with Islam is that it's built on a lie. Mohammed (piss be upon him) made up the entire story with his conniving wife and some supporters.
It's an organization, dipshit
>B-because the moderate Muslims are our friend, r-right?
youre right, i misspoke. doesnt really matter though because the organization is based off the radical ideology which is impossible to destroy by force. and if the ideology exists, the organization will never be truely destroyed
Break the backs of these militant organizations and we'll see what happens next.
>End of ISIS
Who will be the next bogeyman to justify further war in the Middle East?
>Trump defeats ISIS
>supports Al-Qaeda in over throwing Assad instead
>end result = Syria run by crazy Islamist's, Iran loses influence in region
Yep real effective, same result even if he supported ISIS like Obama tard
Another one will pop up.
If this is true this would be good news.
>remove kebab pls
NO Bacon means I would die before converting.
>I can dream.
>human shields
Where are they even getting all those white Europeans from?
>Trump hasn't been an effective lea-
No, he wasn't. (((Assad))) is still alive.
How ironic, the whole every one is a ((())) (and they are) can only and up in to total anarchy. after which communes will be created and the cycle continues.