Redpill me on black pills. Are they more or less red pilled than red pills
Redpill me on black pills. Are they more or less red pilled than red pills
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They're pessimist pills
pessimists are often more rational and correct than optimists though.
But since red-pill has been associated with truth itself its less redpilled because pessimism can be wrong at times.
>living comfortably on the blue pill
lmao fuck outta my way faggots
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Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
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The black pill is a bleak and nihilistic point of view.
Everything is meaningless, people are inherently shit, there is nothing after death, etc.
you realize that nihilism is correct and then you either kill yourself or survive long enough to make an awkward peace with it
White pill is best pill
Well, we are heading towards an ecological disaster. 3rd world countries are fucked and the ability of the 1st world's to handle it is questionable. The elite are building doomsday bunkers so they may very well just decide to up and abandon society. Blackpill worthy in my opinion
Nihilists are petty and materialistic.
They don't want to believe in anything beyond what they can see.
I fucking hate nhilists... I want to beat them with a piece of concrete lol, so fucking annoying.
Seriously the most annoying worthless people out there, always complaining and suicidal. Fuck you life has a meaning and there is life after death... go fucking kill you self and find out real quick that consciousness isn't generated by the brain.
Anyway cheerio m8s
>Redpill me on black pills
it's propaganda.
>people are inherently shit
which is totally true
say that again
Maybe to a degree, but mankind also has plenty of redeeming qualities.
Have you ever been in love, user?
Has a random stranger ever acted out in kindness for you?
please im not a nigger
t. one of god's chosen
On what you mean charcoal pills? only do them occasionally on cycles not everyday.
The black ones are often times filled with charcoal, may seem off putting at first but its worth considering incorporating them into your supplement regimen
I don't know if I'm blackpilled. But I don't believe there's nothing after death. I don't know if there is anything. Belief wise probably leaning towards there is something. I just believe people are idiots and especially those who reproduce. Reproducing is for bacteria. If you reproduce you've got shit for brains.
Nothing brings me more joy than the laughter of my five year old son.
Having children will change your life.
For the better.
Unless you're a sociopath incapable of loving, which, if you are, that's not your fault.
There won't be enough clean drinking water for the world population by 2050. We are poisoning it at a faster rate than we are building cleaning plants. Nearly none of the those cleaning plants are being built outside of Europe.
So basically an emo?
Nah, nihilists usually repress their emotions.
Reminds me of the closing scene on "the big short"
The dude that saw the GFC coming 5 years in advance now does nothing but invest in water related stocks
Whilst our narcissism focus' on A.I.'s potential effect on OUR jobs, we've ignored the facts that 80% of the world's jobs at threat from automation are in the 3rd world. Those people are going to be coming to Europe soon after.
Your image.
I honestly believe I'm way more evolved than you.
>Progress is bad mkay
>Freeing up labour is bad mkay
We need to get rid of the wheel now
black pill is the next step after the red pill , you are woke , but you realize nothing will chnge and the KIKES will always win
Well, I suppose it's a shame your bloodline won't be evolving any further then.
The black pill is really blue pill in disguise
>there's no point in anything you do
>nothing matters in this world
>might as well be dead
>who cares about anything
>who cares about the white race being attacked goyim
>just kill yourself goyim there's no hope
>there's no point in keeping your culture alive since there's no life after death
>you'll make no impact on this earth just let Mohammed infest your home
Not saying it's bad, m8. I'm saying that the unintended consequences will be bad for the average human, and especially bad for the average white person.
Unless you happen to be a globalist corporation owner, technological unemployment, and mass immigration is gonna give you a hard time. The third world has developed no skills, and what skills they developed we imported.
So our choices will be to build a wall to to stop the mass immigration, and let them starve. Or to just let them come and fuck our shit up famalon.
>mkay is for Melbourne faggots, cunt.
>black pill is really the blue pill in disguise
This is the true red pill on the black pill. It's utter faggotry to sit back and do nothing.
because it doesn't need to. you're so dumb you need to keep crawling in the mud together with niggers for a few more thousand years.
I think it is safe to say that yes, you are black pilled (blue pilled).
people are even too dumb too understand the pill analogy. it was taken from the matrix movie. the blue pilled people were the ones that were fighting to protect the system, yet that's exactly what dumbasses have adopted to be the red pill.
>duh I'm a chad so im gon fight for my existence because living on is the greatest purpose because im just like a worm
isnt the black pill just shit that makes you rage and have no compromise mentality
confusing all of those 3 brain cells a chad's got
All these random pills that have shown up like black pills and iron pills are hilarious. Don't get me wrong, retarded, but also hilarious.
Too be fair, m8. Not everywhere is as stark as Sweden. I wouldn't feel to confident of a change either, if I was there. But think that there is a larger continent, and world.
There are still places to influence the system. We are one more global economic crisis to full chimp out in the Mediterranean. Things can still turn around.
I don't think so.
Logic alone doesn't that much of a lick on truth.