Serious answers only:
Explain to a newfag, why is the US attacking North-Korea really? What's the goal behind fighting them?
Serious answers only:
Explain to a newfag, why is the US attacking North-Korea really? What's the goal behind fighting them?
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Our nations function through debt.
We need debt for economic growth.
Our nations simply print the currency we use an it adds to the national debt.
The people see debt as a bad thing, but they go out and a get paid for their labour in national debt - directly if they are in the public sector.
War is an endless business opportunity if you dont destroy your opponent and keep scaring the shit out of your population with propaganda.
Our nations print the currency (or create it digitally on computers these days), pay arms manufactrers (Lockheed martin, BAE Systems, Raytheon etc. etc.) for weapons and planes etc. pay the soldiers and pilots we invade resource rich countries in particular (Iraq) take their natural resources (oil) and use that to boost the economy in real terms and shareholder get a fatter dividend.
North Korea will have some natural resources but propagandizing them as an immediate threat has more to do with boosting the military budget.
War is Business
they arent its fake news.
good pr for trump, no one likes kim and the threat of north korea nuking japan or south korea is beginning to outweigh the immediate threat posed by weapons systems already in place like the artillery on the south/north korean border
And Killary's donors will get that war they paid for one way or another.
nothing's gonna happen, tards
>our nation's print money
That's where you're wrong kiddo. The privately owned IMF prints money in exchange for debt.
swear every single person on this website is retarded. The US wants to attack because they are holding everyone pretty much hostage with shitty nukes.
Since 1953, (((US Gov))) has invaded over 60 countries.
Since 1953, the DPRK has invaded 0.
The only people holding everyone hostage are the Jews running America
Stupid fuck.
The goal is to remove a china-friendly government in NK and replace it with a western-friendly one, like the one in SK. Then America will build military bases in NK and will have a better military position against China. China is the real big enemy.
Smart fuck.
because they ran out of nigger dick to suck
You're doing God's work user, keep it up. DPRK redpills are desperatly needed here.
Hello monkey man
But seriously if NK gets ICBMs that can reach the US they join the big boys club. Iran will get nukes then and Isreal doesnt want that.
1) North Korea is threatening to attack the United States.
2) They had no atom bomb.
3) They built an atomic bomb.
4) They are developing an intercontinental missile capable of reaching the United States and are ever closer to that.
That is, it is better to attack Korea before it has the power to attack the United States.
Hahahaha look at bookoo dinky-dow here on 4skins...what's up dickless? You know we are going to give your clay to China right?
If Iran gets nukes, then Saudi Arabia will get nukes. Then we have two more Muslim countries with nukes. It's bad enough that Pakistan has them.
you know we're going to coat DC in cobalt60 right?
They hate us for our freedoms
Do it, I fucking dare you.
You can't even reach DC faggot LOL,
ps. nukes are obsolete:)
DC's a shithole anyway, do your worst, fiend!
indeed, the world will thank us for eliminating the great imperialist
We probably deserve it anyway.
>why is the US attacking North-Korea really
From a humanitarian perspective, the world has a duty to free the NK people from their oppressive dictatorship that literally puts them into concentration camps.
Don't forget California too senpai
Please don't nuke Long Beach, it's not nearly as bad as LA.
>to a newfag, why is the US attacking North-Korea really? What's the goal behind fighting them?
the goal is to topple one of the only countrys without a Rothschild controlled bank
G_G after this one, GOOD JOB USA! At least with Killary would had been faster
stfu nonwhite, go back to your cows
they are not. US-South Korean trade is too valuable and US companies have lot of investments there. Seoul is in range of North-Korean's artillery and NK has chemical weapons. ( Kim Jong Nam's assassination)
Seoul will be destroyed in first hour. So US would lose lot of money. But NK domestic and foreign policy is dick waving to US. And US have to react to it as it would look really bad to it's Asian allies not to react. (you have to know something about Asian cultures)
If you invade about 40% of the population here in California will join your side
Post tits and timestamp or gtfo Kim Jong Un
No - Our central banks print the money (Federal Reserve for USA, Bank Of England for UK, European Central Bank for Europe)
If you can show me where you are reading, "The IMF prints USD or GBP or EUR" from, id be interested to read it.
Also, theres the Bank Of Internatinal Settlements and the World Bank.
The BIS, World bank and the IMF deal with SDRs (Special Drawing Rights). They facilitate debt, but they dont print the actual currencies
If you are really from NK, what do you think about this:
How do DPRK citizens view Israel and the Jews
we dont want your aidsfaggot losers, you can keep them
like this
>leaving out that the central banks are privately owned
>subtle corporatist shilling
kys faggot
Blows my mind that people are dumb enough to actually believe this
We are going to send every one of Japans troops
strap-ons so they can rape you like they raped Nanking faggot.
Please just nuke Vancouver. You can sneak a nuke in a Chinese container.
this is your "leader"
go, feel proud
ppl is amazed you can post thing in the internet
ps: bomb something so we can start this shit for once
I didn't leave it out intentionally.
Its true that all our central banks are privtely owned. I assumed this was well known.
I obviously can't include all information regarding international finance as that wouls be an impossible achievement.
Wait, where did Supreme Leader go?
Come back.
oh no the faggot self-pleasuring forces will come and masturbate to hentai. whatever will we do
im in that pic
I do have to say I don't think I've seen one fat north Korean woman yet.
But China and Russia buy almost as much oil from Iraq individually as the US does? You sure those wars are not simply about keeping as many free trade zones open as possible? According to your argument it would make no sense to let US rivals to gain access to those precious resources, especially if the entire goal is to offset one's massive debts. No?
fat women are executed
Hi Kim, what's the next step of your master plan?
this. It's last holdout last regional area holdout against american influence once we crack North korea then can start launching into china ITT influence style. desu im for western dominance here i can say it so nk falling would be huge boost for western influence.
너의 초코파이는 어디있어?
Rogue state with nukes that is openly hostile towards USA.
Also it would be just resuming of hostilities, the Korean war never "ended" s to speak, they have just had one long seace fire between them.
You the guy shitposting from the top right corner?
we think that
all people in
piece of shit
because of
democrats party
and their
picked by
government and
number of
with the
media in
Democrats Party
controled opposition
genetically engineer virus that kills all niggers
Yes, the jews made the Norks continually shoot nukes and threaten their neighbors. Yep.
Nork is the niggerest country.
Hey, maybe you guys aren't so bad after all.
no im the one with the legs and fuck me pumps
If you dont att NK dont cry when they nuke you
NK is to the US what Iran is to Israel.
Kill them first or they kill you
nice proxy
pls defect and be my gf
They repeatedly threaten to attack the US and their neighbors while pursuing the nuclear materials to follow through with their threats. It wasn't so bad before fatty took over. The other Kims could at least act diplomatically. Fatty isn't tactful at all and he's burning his bridges at both ends. He's not only pissing off the US, he's pissing off China as well by ignoring their envoys. China liked NK because they are a craw in the side of the US, but they don't like unpredictability towards themselves.
Demanding gibs or else threatening violence.. you are spot on
It was a lot worse under Kim Jong-il than it was under fatty. We were getting kinda close to war in 2010. Sinking of the Cheon'an, shelling of Yeonpyeongdo, etc.
they are "technically" privately owned.
It's really fucking confusing the the government denies it.
than it is under fatty*
Are there best korea proxies? Thats almost more impressive then someone being online from NK
What the fuck I love North koreans now. Friendship with japan ended, north korea is my new best friend.
Nice trips. Your mother will die in her sleep
North Korea is bad
So we're attack
Hey man, no offense but you should have seen this coming what with the awkward trap fascination and america slowly making a return to traditional western values.
at least you will always have Zynkyoku Haku
Not if they nuke your shit out of existence first
I don't know man, I think North Korea just wants to be loved, that's why they don't make a nuke that can work at long ranges, I mean shit we had those in the 70s, it's not like it's hard to make.
what, like add another rocket or some shit right?
Hug a Nork day should totes be a thing though
Don't mess with the Japs, they'll send a ninja after your relatives.
pretty much, I dunno, ask nazis, they're good at rocket science.
America is a perpetual war economy; it constantly needs enemies to function.
they have nuclear weapons and are saying they are going to launch one
i mean india and pakistan both have nuclear weapons but neither would be dumb enough to launch one at the other.
North korea sees itself as them vs the world so they would launch a nuke if they felt their was no alternative.
What is quatatitive easing if nations aren't creating money from nowhere?
Sewol ferry captain
anyone have the non-thumbnail?
It's never about the actual oil, it's the currency you are trading it with. America force the rest of the world in to using their currency, they trade hundreds of billions of US dollars to other nations, essentially exporting their inflation and giving the (((federal Reserve))) the green light to print more money. If US dollar was dropped as the oil standard they would be flooded with billions of cash and it would become worthless overnight, the USA would be Brazil tier. All the middle eastern conflicts coincide with threats to the petrodollar
>Saddam announced he would be trading oil in euros instead of USD, in 2000
>Ghaddafi wanted to start his own gold backed currency that would be used in North Africa and the middle east. Hillary's emails confirmed he had billions in gold to back it up.
>Assad Drops USD and signs off on Iran/Russia pipeline blocking The US/Qatar gas pipeline in 2012
The American economy depends on this and it's probably the reason Trump has had to adopt a neocon agenda because there is no other option other than letting it collapse.
Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea are the only other countries that trade in Euros.
>Completely wreck the basic civilian infrastructure of a country
>Lol look at how backwards NK is
Amerilardia is shameless and despicable.
Hold up, you're forgetting that might makes right, and that your opinion doesn't matter because you're part saracen, faggot.
>you're forgetting that might makes right
Good, as long as we agree the US is a rogue state you are allowed your petty jingoism.
You sure it's not just about "forcing" foreign countries who accumulate large amounts of US currency to buy US goods/invest in US companies as to avoid losing monies by pushing through their earned dollars through the forex and netting a loss in the process?
I don't agree with shit, I'm the one from a super power, now get back to making me spanish ham nerd.
North Korea confirmed Best Korea.