How can you be smart enough to develop and program a video game, but be dumb enough to let this shit happen?
How can you be smart enough to develop and program a video game, but be dumb enough to let this shit happen?
Intelligence and common sense don't seem to go hand in hand all that often.
Social justice
wow real mature you alt right racists. this what is sure to be fantastic game deservces great reviews. how dare you
>be a lefty faggot
>try to virtue signal against trump for good reviews and game sales
>people stop buying your game and give you shit reviews
>can't possibly fathom that people might disagree with you
>alt-right neo Nazis brigaded us REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>thirty seven
Think your game is just shit.
>this summary
Game sounds like a load of shit anyway.
t. Alt-right troll
well, you don't really have to be smart to make a video game. especially when you just remake games that have already been made.... 3 decades ago
2064 is an indie retro adventure game. it would be like making a custom interface for solitaire and release it on your aunts myspace page and then call yourself a programmer
these people need to be shot in the head, they are essentially just wasting processing power for the sake of having a hobby
>37 ratings
>phoenix wright but made by shitty socjus indie developers
Haha, yeah what a great game!!!!!
They try to cache in on sjw crowd by they fail to realize that they don't play games, they only complain about them.
People who run social media accounts for companies aren't doing any coding.
>develop and program
there are a tonne of engines out nowadays
>Help! We pissed off the Internet and now our careers might be in the shitter!
>look in the comments of that second tweet
>see this
Is their social media guy actually braindead?
>but be dumb enough to let this shit happen?
You are doing exactly what they want you to do. Your emotions have been taken advantage of and hence you have been triggered and done exactly what they wanted you to do.
You have given them attention which they are so desperately seeking , good or bad, So now i ask you this OP who is the dumb faggot really? The attention seeking whores? Or the damn stupid idiot that is you who has gotten ever so easily manipulated by them?
I will answer that for you since obviously aint to bright faggot. You are OP your the fucking retard here for being manipulated by attention whores into getting them some attention. god i knew alot of Sup Forums was retarded but god damn are people like OP the dumbest and most retarded of them all i swear. fucking faggots letting your emotions get the better of you just like the faggots you claim to hate who do the exact same gay as fucking thing.
Fucking off yourself OP since you'd do the world more good with you genes out of the gene pool than in it since geneticly our obviously a fucking failure.
Dear God that actually hurt to read. I actually feel embarrassed just from reading it out in my head.
Sounds like an 4 year old who just learned not to scream and cry and now tries to twist words,like a 4 year old.
It's probably some mid twenties guy who still thinks he's 15. Like an early mid life crisis.
The thing is that, social media seems like such an incredibly easy job. Maybe I'm missing something but uh, don't you have to literally just not be retarded? And yet the company chooses a guy that is retarded.
It's because they are not actually intelligent user
Most people are retarded.
Also social media management does take some skill if you want it to be remarkable in anyway. Doing 08/15 inoffensive stuff is easy, but if you want to actually attract costumers you need to be an entertaining person and know exactly how far you can go.
Well yeah I'm sure of that. But they not only chose a rep without all those outstanding features, but they then go a step further and choose one that's actually a certified retard.
I think those are actually pretty cool responses to the angry anime dude. Too bad the rest of their social media presence is such an unmitigated disaster.
We will not play your game but you will play our game.
It used to be universally accepted that one's political beliefs should be kept to one's self. Then the Internet happened and any industry that markets their product on the Internet needs to relearn the lesson.
>program a game
Isn't it a VN?
Which is lowest of low trash as far as programming knowledge goes?
It's a VN slammed together with freely available tools. Except unlike a nip VN all the porn is swapped out for SJW bullshit. And voice cast consists of people that were hired because they got assblasted by Sup Forums on twitter.
>Lash out against conservatives
>Ha ha eat that trumpfkins
>Conservatives bite back
>Oh I am so poor please help
It's almost like those people have no knowledge of how real world works
Counter question:
Why do you expect a communist to understand the capitalist priciples of supply and demand?
In communist societies there is only 1 videogame, so everyone has to play it. In capitalist societies where there are 1000s of videogames you have to convince comsumers to play your game and that includes being nice to potential costumers.
Wow thanks for stealth marketing this game to me. I better go buy it now.
>if you are part of the group of millions of people who support this world leader fuck off
>p-pls buy our game :(
they deserve failure for being such cunts
the pretentious retards
I'd say Malta is uncommon, but certainly not rare or common.
Rude desu
who's being a fascist now
1. It's a pixel-art, 'choose your own adventure' style game, so it probably doesn't have a lot of sophisticated programming.
2. They probably had some Pajeet do the coding for them.
they are super SJW/lgbt "activists" that founded the Gaymer x convention
the game is complete shit and shoehorning their gender/social politics into a dystopian cyberpunk setting makes no fucking sense at all
How is it not "fascist" to label anybody as fascist over a slight disagreement? Calling someone fascist in many sense is equivalent to sub-human, and when you label someone as unequal or worthless, you are the real fascist.
That's fucking bullshit.
Stop talking sense. If we let the left do its thing, eventually they will turn everyone into real right wing fascists, because they will keep screaming and screaming that word and over time even normies will start to associate the word 'fascist' with 'not a batshit lefty.' As this SJW shit nears its end and becomes less and less popular the normies will turn to the right as a sort of default. And if they're already being called a fascist for that why do they give a fuck if they outright go ahead and be one?
Updated and and another 0 on me.
>neo-san Francisco
Holy shit. I can smell the degeneracy rise up from my screen. Disgusting.
>struggling [lefty white collar job]
>colorful cast
>"quirky" character
>overcome challenges
Games don't take risks anymore. A 17 year old game is so much fucking better. Deus Ex is still astounding because of how good the story and player interaction is, even tho it looks like origami. This is just your run of the mill propaganda game, just like mass effect, call of duty and battlefield.
Holy shit. What other games are around that score?
>Deus Ex
What did they mean by this
>smart enough to develop and program a video game
/agdg/ says hello from behind uncontrolled laughter
>aint to bright
New vidya is for the most part fucking terrible, no real shock there.
Occasionally you get the odd gems here and there like Dark Souls but they invariably end up getting buried underneath a mountain of autistic memespouting fanboys.
Propaganda (that includes affirmative action hires that lower quality) and reboots are the things killing vidja. If we didn't have political correctness and the fear of any retaliation (you get 5 death threats and you cower and fear for your life as if theyre real) we would have a great society and with it great vidja... Image the types of games they could have made in the 40s-50s-60s. People would probably still play them today same way people still love casablanca or Frankenstein, or the thing.
I'd hate to meet this person irl.
As Dexter Jetster said, there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom.