Thoughts on Dave Rubin?


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In the process of being redpilled and waking up to the left. Great interviewer, and the perfect first redpill for normies.

pretty much, this faggot is alright

Agreed. I was expecting hatred from Sup Forums.

A faggot lol

Comfy as fuck.

PJW-pill-tier channel that isn't specifically catered to underclass British boys with ADHD
They'll move onto Styx and Moly soon enough.
Good overall.

Stridently reasonable.
Would not shoot when the revolution comes.

He is an openly gay man that was once a liberal cuck for TYT and decided to take the redpill. Dave left TYT and now has his own show. He is currently one of the best non-partisan journalists out there today. Sup Forums stamp of approval

faggot kike, useless

but a good one, can stay in helicopter

He gets it.

Breddy güd, recently started watching him for laid back background noise.

My friend got pretty red-pilled by him when he found out he was gay, as my friend, which cemented the idea to him that being gay and progressive can be separate.

I'm pretty sure he gets paid every time he says "regressive left"

Leagues better than Kyle Kulinski

He's good, too good actually. I expect him to switch to a (((softer))) agenda when he gets a bit bigger or shill some light lefty message or something to that effect. Can't fault him at the moment though!

hes okay. honorary aryan.

no letting that faggot adopt any kids though when we form kekistan. we cant just mainstream degeneracy because hes polite and gives conservatives a fair shake. no, sir.

I love Rubin, but I am shocked by the reaction he's getting on Sup Forums. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't universal adoration, that's for sure.

not as good as the sandwich he was named after

That's because most of the fags on here aren't warriors for the white race but contrarians who not that far back supported some moderate liberal ideals, just like Rubin. They like him because he reminds them of better, simpler times when public discourse had a 80% propaganda/shill to 20% reason style of debate, not like now when it's gone full shill/propaganda.

He sells the show as a battle of ideas, but rarely asks challenging questions of his guests. And the guests themselves are more right leaning than not.

Filthy sodomite jew.

One of the few good centrists, which is needed when everyone seems to be radical left or radical right. Enjoy his interviews, though haven't watched much lately (last one was Lauran Southern).

1. He really gets to the bottom of how his guests think and what they think about certain topics, but doesn't try to argue or shut them down.
2. The left leaners won't come on his show dude. You really think he hasn't invited them?

Doesn't seem to have any real opinions of his own, not effective without the presence of others, but free discussion is his thing and all. Good first gateway to rejecting the left, nice enough dude, doesn't flaunt his faggotry. I see nothing wrong with him.

I hate /nu-pol/ le go back to r/ Donald pls and kys

He's alright

hes pretty cool, I think we can get him to full white nationalist eventually. maybe not since hes a jew

either way hes one of the best early entrance guys for a liberal to eat their first pill. then go on to milo or lauren southern, then jared taylor, then buying an AR15, then building your bugout prepper home

Hi Dave. I like you too. Quit pretending you are a liberal though

Who is this fuck and why does he get 360k/year?

I hate newfags like you that came to /pol in 2016. Really, I truly hope you perish today sir!


Literally a jew faggot.

he is alright generally i can agree with most of the stuff he says

The only kike/faggot I like

He is liberal just cause people cant remember what liberal was 20 years ago (or werent even alive lel) doesnt mean its suddenly something different ..the world didnt start with your birth lel.
What you call liberals are in reallity "progressives"/ marxists.


Dave's base is Sup Forumsack, I'm not even kidding

Dave was my first baby redpill and I recommend him to all my lib friends.

It's all shills that want us to follow and admire jew sodomites. Real Sup Forums knows he's cancer.

He did have Margaret Cho on. She's about as SJW as you can get. It was a terrible showing for the left. Try making it through the entire episode without screaming. She was a special brand of victimtarded.

He rarely even mentions his sexuality.

He acts how conservatives who were first coined as "cuck" acts. There is no such thing as a good liberal. He is a degenerate faggot who is pro regression. He tries to steal the term "regressive left" when he IS a part of the regression.

Although rarely when he has people on that I'm interested in listening to, I'll enjoy it compared to liberal shows. He's still cancer.

He is kind of like a kike that is for "white power".
Probably shilling for fame or is just plain stupid.
Either way, he gets the gas at the end of his ride.

Hes redpilled & really good at getting his points across without sounding like a racist like fucking Jontron

You ain't shit, pip, If stomp you AND you ideology.

Also, knock it off with this "nu-pol and r_the Donald". You're not an oldfag and you're not Sup Forums, never were, never will be.

Bill Clinton in the 90's was the same as Trump

he prolly swang right cuz he saw the opportunity for youtube shekels. at least most right wingers have jobs so just pander to em and collect

actually guess I just described most ecelebs

shoeonhead, armored skeptic, sargon, blondeinthebellyofthebeast, roaming millennial, barbara4u2c, kisara vera, some black guy.... all apolitical shills just larping for ytbux

Brittany pettibone & tara McCarthy seem to be real WN, along with red ice

This but his interview selection is getting repetitive.
I liked it when he got the priest on set I would like if he talked about issues other then free speech and atheism. Those seem to be is two favorite things to talk about.

>nu pol
>go back to redddit

Wow, so original, thank you for your input. Really makes you think.

you cant stay in the helicopter

>Literally anybody who doesn't openly goose-step is a shill
>Ignoring that becoming redpilled is a process
>Forgetting that libertarians are also the good guys

Just stop mah man

Kill yourself shill.

a gay jew and it shows. there are just things he cant accept/ consider because what he is.

>I hate logical and mild-mannered people on my websites!

pretty based, but still a faggot. Can't approve faggots.

He's like a more polite and mellow Joe Rogan, and I like Rogan a lot.

Rubin's definitely shaping up to be /ourguy/

#1 most based youtuber

sargon of akkad and molymeme & whoever are all cool, but they mostly just talk to people they already agree with. Dave Rubin talks to everyone, and allows them to influence his views

It's a CTR shill posing as a white nationalist caricature to create division.

A fucking faggot. Perfect for the alt-right's mascot

Basic bitch
Entriest of entry level redpills and useful in that regard

"oh shit he had a jewish center-left atheist talking negatively about identity politics last week, this week it's a based center-right black guy talking negatively about identity politics, DAMN HE GETS ALL PERSPECTIVES ON HIS SHOW"

the danny tanner of political commentators

He used to be a journo with his own segment at TYT, a fucking huge channel with millions of subscribers.

But he left to form his own independent organization without any certainty of success. He started off his show slightly before the 1st wave of youtube sceptics/antifeminists/conservatives/libertarians really got big.

Literal faggot. Hasn't disavowed Chunk Wigger. Fuck him.

>Brittany pettibone & tara McCarthy seem to be real WN, along with red ice
el oh el

so he can suc your dic lol

? He shits on TYT all the time

The bits I've seen here and there it comes across more a matter of non-approval than calling them out of being filthy pieces of shit.

I keep seeing people calling him "entry level redpill." Who are some example of more "advanced" redpill?

For a gay, he's pretty reasonable and also, for the most part, keeps his degeneration in the bedroom - unlike Milo, who I don't like at all and never will, though I'm glad he exists and acts as another (acceptable) source of information for those who seek the truth or parts of it.

Another thing about Rubin is that he seems to be a genuinely good person at heart, which I can't really say for any of the other alternative media personas on JewTube.
Molyneux is an arrogant (and unrightfully so), easily triggered prick working against his own principles and who also believes he can do no wrong ever; InfoWars, in a lot of cases, refuses to report on the jews - even though there is more than enough room to point certain things out in a natural, non-radical way - and also behave just like SJWs once they're confronted with the topic; Milo is a lost cause altogether and PJW I find annoying, though objectively he seems to be the most tolerable of the lot.

At the end, none of them are nearly perfect, but they're all necessary for the greater cause.


i didn't even know he was gay until a newfag tried to initiate a purityspiral.exe on him.

if ever we had /ourfag, it would be that fag. he sound like he still bangs puss on the sly.


>For a gay,
He is also a jew, and I saw him do an interview with Milo and it was pretty clear they had fucked each other. But I actually agree, he seems like a nice guy, I would still want him expelled to Israel if I were an american.


Goes like this:

"He's pretty good but he's not 1488 aryan trublood hammerskin, I only listen to based people"

"Oh he's pretty good but what's with his fucking hair and boyfriend. THE MOVEment needs better"

40% of his stuff is masturbation over how open minded he is compared to the "regressive left" or however he calls them now.

It's more effective to have a front of being reasonable and only occasionally mention the faggotry. Eventually people on the right will say check out the based faggot in the Trump hat. Bonus points if he can pull it off as a kike. A few years later we find based jew faggot leading us and we're fighting another war for Israel.

He is reasonable.
Which is rare nowadays, except on the right.

to be fair he's literally running a business

employees, rent, utilities, etc

>muh political awakening
>muh regressive left

Not a terrible interviewer, and he gets good guests, but most of what he brings to the table is obnoxious.

Fight with the army you have, not the army you want

aka what T_D faggots have been doing here lately to show they are true Sup Forumsacks

I like him

He INTERACTS with people in a logical way which is supposedly what we venerate in white males

If he had a disagreement with someone he would talk it out rather than character assassinate or smear

I don't know why all gays aren't like Rubin instead of mimicking female behaviour