ITT: We discuss how to get married, and not get cucked
ITT: We discuss how to get married, and not get cucked
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I like the cut of her bosom
I'm good looking, but im a poor.
and alos getting old, im nearly 40
ive been playing pc games and smoking weed for 25 yrs.
NO! uh, goys s=don't get married it's nto worth it! uhm, they weill stieal your stuffs.
I might join a Church, start shilling for God
Thanks senpai
Since there are no girls on the internet, I'm going to be writing for the men. First,
> Why get married
This will vary from user to user, but we can generally rely on a couple common assumptions
> You want to have kids
> You want a companion
Other arguments about saving money thru taxes, etc. are nonsense. These are the only two compelling reasons that I can think of which would incentivize a man to enter into a marriage contract/covenant at this time.
hear you bud. 41 here. just divorced my qt. fml
Marry a Muslim girl. Seriously, loyal as all fuck and you get sex whenever you want it.
9x7 inch dick
Fuck off woman. Getting married is the stupidest thing u can do
Implying your prenup will hold water in america now. Nigga pls if you get married and have money to lose they will just "throw out the prenup" because it was obviously forced by duress.
He wouldn't marry me without a prenup thus I was forced into a prenup.
just got out of an engagement due to some complications (no cheating or shit like that)
As you can see, the Jew attempts to plant doubt in the mind of the white man by attacking the second assumption. Be careful of (((them))).
Other motivating factors may include saving the white race, passing on a legacy, having someone to inherit your stuff, but these are all secondary to the concerns of
> having kids
> having a companion
Therefore, all our efforts are going to be focused on how we can do these two things successfully.
I dont think there is any full proof way not to get cucked.
Women's brains process the now.They arent thinking of the future. So when Jake the pool boy comes and flirts with your wife while youre slaving away at work.
Your wife could easily go all "omg he so hot, user will never find out"
and then youre cucked.
Speaking from experience?
Best way to not get cucked is not get married. Legal system isn't going to get better any time soon.
Did she cuck you?
wait to bag a lady in her 30's
How can i get a qt 3.14 white waifu?
Just be religious.
Fuck that.
Im not mixing with that shit gene pool.
Forgot pic.
Now, the PUA folks and fags at r/theredpill are correct in one regard- women are not men. This simple idea has profound repercussions, as it implies that you cannot expect to treat women the same as men, and expect the same results. For many who are bluepilled, this thought never enters their mind, as the cathedral/mainstream continually pounds into their heads that men = women (oy vey!)
Thus our strategy for how to meet, attract, and keep a woman will have to be built from the ground up, honing in on what (to the best of our understanding) women want. Although this question has stumped many individual thinkers for hundreds of years, through the collective autism and brainpower of the manosphere, we are close enough to be able to approximate what it is that a woman wants: a man.
>Avoid women with red flags out the ass
>Make enough money so she doesn't have to work (being around other men all day and degenerate women who will pollute her mind)
>Go to church to get your weekly dose of 'cheating is bad', 'don't be selfish', etc etc.
>Make the focus of your life together as being about raising a family and not about pretending your be 18 for the rest of your life
>Keep her away from social media or any media really.
All I can think of to keep you happy in married life and not become a cuck.
But user
You marry an Asian woman.
>not having a harem
>le tharja face
>marry a virgin
>marry someone with a similar set of values and life goals
>marry someone that you can get along with
pic related. gona marry this prime tiny teen.
so the answer is: just be me
There are white muslims you know.
I'm not converting to your shitty religion dune coon
>be white supremacist
>breed with non white
>marry a virgin
basically find a unicorn or marry your high school sweetheart at the age of 16
>don't be ugly
>don't be poor
>don't be lazy
>prove yourself as father material
>don't be Sup Forums
A man! How simple! How profound! But what kind of man? What makes a man? Evolutionary biology tells us that women want to be with a man that other men want to be, and other women want to be with. This means relentless self-improvement, hence r/theredpill's constant refrain to
> lift
But becoming a top 10% male is more than just about aesthetic and /fit/ bodies. That would be too easy. Its also about presence, influence, manners, habits, and the mental and philosophical maps that you carry around in your head. Ultimately, a woman wants to be with a man that is a leader worth following, while men want to have a good follower.
Then they have a mental problem.
even then. You have to survive her 20s. Which is the most reckless time for females.
Its like traversing a mine field.
>Knock your wife up within 18 months so shes tied to kids
>Let her balloon into a fat cow unattractive to other men
The tried and PROVEN method to keep her loyal
courts can over rule prenups
>Full nations of them; Bosnia, Albania, Chechnya have mental problems.
K den
Also this is very important!
>be rich
Women are hypergamous.
Sure, women these days are whores. Still, some virgins exists - usually religious.
Do this.
>be rich guy in your 30s (earlier is better but you have to be realistic)
>start dating 18 year old religious girl
Ignore the old whores.
Pretty much this.
Its a doubled edged blade, you'll have to accept her repulsiveness.
Find the most spineless, socially incapable woman you can. Someone who probably would die without someone supporting her and just wants to be a NEET for the rest of their life. And then, find a way to insert yourself into her life, get her to move in with you, get her to be financially dependent on you, fuck her, knock her up, convince her that it's a good thing and to keep the baby. And then, you get married so that the baby isn't born out of wedlock.
But I'm already married.
Pic related, my wife.
About to be past the mid-point of my twenties, how do I not end up like you?
The US is fucked up. In Norway and even fucking Sweden, prenups aren't even needed (but you can have one, it will not be overturned) because everything that is yours will still be yours if the marriage ends. It is next to impossible to be entitled to alimony too.
bretty much.
Albanians are the Somalis of Europe, absolute trash.
Pick a good one
That last point is worth repeating.
> If a man wishes to be attractive to a woman, he should be a leader worth following.
Due to their smaller physical stature, women have acquired psychological adaptations which make them predisposed to follow the most worthy leader, chasing after good genes and resources, because that was the most surefire way for them to survive.
So in order to ATTRACT a woman, you must first be attractive. This means meeting or exceeding the physical standards that are common for your area. Unfortunately, due to technology, women's standards have risen enormously, to the point where most women do not find most men attractive. Thankfully, anyone can become /fit/, and I encourage any anons who have not started becoming /fit/ to do so.
I reckon it largely depends on the girl. Avoid liberal commie girls with bad morals, go for 6-8/10 girls who are pretty enough to fall in love with but who'll appreciate the attention.
They also have nigger lever IQ. Usually criminals.
here's the cheat code: only marry a woman who's parents are still married
>fuck her good
Don't date girls on their period then
Just make her constantly preggo.
this is why MGTOW was started, not because of le tip bedora meme, but because women instantly win in the court system on marriage cases. the (((system))) is completely blatantly anti-men and people dont fucking see it. but those who do dont get married anymore which is in part to massive drop in marriage rates
>1.Be born Chad and/or to a rich family
>2.Just b urself
>3.Avoid single mothers
You have a tablet-sized dick?
Dude don't worry, I'm nearly 40 and fucking doing well and I can't get a piece of ass that I'd want to get.
A wise old man told me one time, "lower your expectations, raise your percentages"
Not really. Look at Brad Pitt or any other rich Hollywood actor.
he cut off his dick and molded all his shekels into a new one so he would never lose them
>falling for the monogamy jew
Lads, we all know Mormonism is the true redpill. Step up and do your part to ensure the future of the white race
Becoming attractive involves many things, everything from the clothes you wear to the way you smell, to the sound of your voice, and the way you walk. But there is no need to completely adopt what (((they))) say is attractive. r/theredpill has more advice about this, covering lots of things like frame control, metacommunication, and the inner beliefs that are necessary to become truly attractive with a zen-like attitude to your life, which is very attractive for girls, because it shows that you have confidence in the maps of reality you have developed. Other things which make men attractive are wealth, and social status, as both of these things demonstrate to a woman that you are capable of protecting and providing for her.
So, skipping ahead, we are now going to assume that you have done the hard work of getting in shape, reforming your inner beliefs, and acquiring some wealth. Now the question is- where can I meet a girl?
Enjoy mentally unstable beta hapa offspring
Jews. Always one step ahead.
Any pointers senpai? All I've got is hooahs these days.
Married my dream girl when she was 19 and I was 24. White collar lifestyle I worked my ass off but she stayed at home. We are unable to have children but I let her play housewife anyway. Always provided and sustained our middle class lifestyle. 11 years later find out that she has emotionally cheated on me multiple times and physically twice. I have literally been cucked. Make a shit ton of money now and if I divorce I will be fucked. Never get married anons it's not worth it. Love doesn't conquer all it will fuck you in the ass eventually. Stayed true and got fucked because she was "bored" and wanted emotional connection. I was busy climbing the corp ladder and making our lives better and she was busy with some overweight faggot.
in other words, you'll have to settle for worn out whores with beef jerky pussies or fat desperate cows.
Fuck your wife regularly and well. If you bang your wife properly and indulge each others fantasies she'll always be happy with you.
A woman who's getting excited about what you are going to do with her when the secret box you've order arrives is not a women who's having degenerate thoughts about Tyrone because she's that sexually frustrated.
It can be hard work keeping a women sexually entertained but it's better than getting divorce raped.
T. A happily married man with 2 kids.
22 and waiting until I finish college to get married, still on my last year of UG and going to grad school
feels good to know that I can be like 70 and just pump cum into some broad to make little mes
don't really have anything to contribute to this thread but that thought.
REDDIT GET OUT /r/theredpill is just a lot of virgin wannabe alphas larping that they have "cracked the women code", it's laughable and pathetic how detached from reality these wetcuntrags are
Women are no more a mystery than men, they will do the minimum amount of work for the maximum amount of reward, it just so happens that men will do a fucking shit load for pussy.
As for warning signs
>Spends too much time taking selfies
Means she might be vain
>Spends too much time with girlfriends
Means she's not ready to settle down
>Has guy friends
She will probably cheat on you
>marrying a woman you can't have kids with
This is what happens when you marry someone who has no ambitions in life and just wants to be a housewife.
Only marry people who are in the same socioeconomical class as you or above it and make sure they keep working.
Housewives were a mistake.
women aren't capable of true love, maybe only when it comes their children if they can have them. Husband's they don't truly care about.
sorry to hear it user
asian counts as white now. So not a problem.
marry a woman with trad values who thinks exposing herself is bad and who is a virgin and who is opposed to abortion.
she mustn't hook up with men in bars or clubs, and she must be really really prudish.
any hint of slut is a risk
but her prudishness must be her natural state, not a mask she wears to hide her sluttiness.
Save a qt korean girl from the boonies, waifu for laifu
>Stay in shape
A household where you are not more fit or at least on par with her in terms of a fitness lifestyle is one where she will eventually find some other man who takes his body seriously(which is good, otherwise a bunch of beta faggots would reproduce)
Staying fit is not a choice or a way of life, it is a duty. A duty to yourself and your family. You stay fit and you will always retain her respect in that regard, and it also sets a good example for your children.
>earn a decent living
earning a decent living is vital. A man without a job is a man without a purpose. A man without a purpose is not worthy of respecting.
It is not necsessary to earn more than your woman. Nowadays it is becoming more commonplace that women outearn men, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Women tend to seek upward mobilization when looking for a partner. Someone on a higher income or a level one. They do this not because they seek the most amount of money, they do this because men that earn less than them often act vindictive or have serious cracks in confidence about it all.
Confidence is the most attractive trait after the physical, and training + having a decent job will give you a ton of confidence.
>be nice but dont be a pushover.
>be strict but not an authoratarian.
>Dont get married to a girl that dont have her shit together.
>be dominating in bed unless she asks otherwise.
>Learn when to lead her, and when to let up.
I'm 27, about to get involved with a 17 year old. Gotta get em while their fresh and malleable and not corrupted by Marxist propaganda schools famalamadingdong
marry an african american, they usually have daddy issues meaning they will basically do as you say so you can turn them into loyal childbearing whores
Yes goy, don't be a moral person, wait for marriage to have sex, and settle down
get yourself a (((tinder))) and stick your goystick in every pleasure hole you can find!
>A happily married man with 2 kids
Until you aren't. Enjoy the surprise.
>planning on getting married
>thinking he will be able to cum at 70
you've already failed .
Read the Bible every day with your wife, and while discussing it, bring up important, deep issues. This will help ensure you're on the same page.
Also, keep an eye on her friends, and help her find honorable friends. (Degenerate friends can lead a person astray, both men and women.)
Worked for me.
Don't marry, its racist towards all of the minorities. You must give them a chance to find love as well.
>implying I knew she had a bent cervix before we were married
If you want to have leave it to beaver make sure you are able to conceive because after time a woman that has no children to rear becomes feral again. Sorry drunk af and sad
1. convert to Islam and move to Islamic country
2. get married
3. ????
The problem with the so-called "alphas" is that by definition, they are few of them.
We can't all be alphas, we can be upper betas for most of us, or just lone sucessful omega could be right too.
As long as you're not zetas, things should be okay.
Only the japs.
>be a controlling religious nut
what could go wrong?
>what is hyperbole
>implying I won't find a young college girl to get prego in a few years
House wives used to actually have to work, maintaining the house hold used to take most of every day. Convenience in technology has freed up the time for them to get bored and look for chads behind your back, while you're still stuck at work most of the time.
If they don't have children to raise of course they'll get bored and cheat, they spend most of the day sitting there reading magazines and facebook, which I'm sure doesn't the your relationship.