What do you say to people who say "Britain deserves to have refugees from Sryia, since Britain invading Syria is the reason it's war torn"?
I'm seeing the like a lot on twitter and Facebook
What do you say to people who say "Britain deserves to have refugees from Sryia, since Britain invading Syria is the reason it's war torn"?
I'm seeing the like a lot on twitter and Facebook
We invaded Syria? When?
"what do you mean "deserves"? are refugees some kind of punishment? are you implying they are bad for britain?"
or maybe
"sure, ISIS had nothing to do with it"
more like invading iraq with america for saudi arabia and oil and the petrol dollar destabilizing the whole area and making all this hit possible is what they mean.
Isn't their narrative that Syria is at war with itself because the population rose up against an evil and oppressive dictator?
They'll have to decide on one story. If they don't, just keep forcing them to pick one side and then attack the other.
The only way the west can actually make amends for the instability in the middle-east is by killing the terrorists we indirectly helped to bolster. That's it.
(((Anyone))) who suggests that the only way to redeem ourselves is to take in rapefugees is an obvious shill and an agent for the globalists/white genocide project.
Pathetic anglo retard, his country is raping the planet and he has no idea.
‘’ I’m going to tell you something. I was in England two years before the violence in Syria on other business. I met with top British officials, who confessed to me that they were preparing something in Syria.
This was in Britain not in America. Britain was organizing an invasion of rebels into Syria. They even asked me, although I was no longer minister for foreign affairs, if I would like to participate.
Naturally, I refused, I said I’m French, that doesn’t interest me.’’
‘’This operation goes way back. It was prepared, preconceived and planned… in the region it is important to know that this Syrian regime has a very anti-Israeli stance.
Consequently, everything that moves in the region- and I have this from the former Israeli prime minister who told me ‘we’ll try to get on with our neighbours but those who don’t agree with us will be destroyed.
It’s a type of politics, a view of history, why not after all. But one should know about it.’’
You did, you filthy white people.
That only makes sense if you believe in a "self-flagellation" model of running a society.
I would add that people who believe in such a model are too traitorous and retarded to be running countries.
Invading country for petrol!?
Thats terrible!
But when i see the price of the petrol at my country, Id say why dont we take it all.
You trust a Frenchie, given the current climate regarding Brexit?
What Britain deserves is irrelevant, it should be shamelessly hypocritical and act in it's best interests regardless of the individual situation as this is how natural-selection is won. Unfortunately it doesn't do this as it's a cucked slave to Globalism and has no future as a result.
uk was also part of the air strikes that destabilized libya, and got Qaddafi killed .. a lot of the weapons that flowed to syria came from libya .. also uk's assad must go screwed syria by tying assad's hands in dealing with rebels etc. ..
the defense is simple .. for the uk, the refugees will become a burden .. language and cultural barrier, assimilation cost, etc. .. but for syria, the refugees are the cream of the crop .. engineers, doctors, etc. .. its' the more affluent syrians that are fleeing because they have the means (i.e. a brain drain) ..
the argument is easy .. uk needs to stop stealing their best after first supporting the destruction of their country .. otherwise the only people left in syria will be jihadists and then it will turn into a permanent shit show ..
I show them the perfidious Albion article from when we told Obama to suck a dick for trying to get us to join him in invading Syria.
"I'm going to tell you something. There was these boys. Big boys. And they had sticks. It was them that did it. They took my sandwiches and my train fare, then they made me do horrible things and laughed when I cried. It was ages ago and stuff"
Your nigger Kenyan Shia muslim ape, Obongo, created and armed ISIS. You win.
More like creating Israel
During the Crusades.
tony blair created george w. bush .. you win
No, that was Injun Joe and Muff Potter
absolutely correct. you also owe reparations to (for starters) Jamaica and India.
pay denbts.
>What do you say to people who say "Britain deserves to have refugees from Sryia, since Britain invading Syria is the reason it's war torn"?
"By that standard, we should probably start gassing the Syrian refugees if the people are to be held accountable for the actions of their government"
That is the reason why Britain should NOT have refugees: They have a motivation to directly or indirectly harm the British people and British society.
Why are you so focused on what britain deserves you eurocentric bigot? Why don't you care that syrians deserve their own safe prosperous country?
The only people I blame for Syrian refugees is the Jews in charge of the open border policies and the welfare state. This bullshit reasoning that because some country bombs another country, it's responsible for the refugees is some brand new Islamoleftist bullshit, echoed by some very Sup Forumstards today, who pretend like they are some anti-Zionist anti-neocon redpilled users but most of the time are just Arabs under foreign flags.
Refugees only come to your countries, regardless if they're fleeing war, famine or even their own economies (economic migrants), ONLY if your country gives them money to stay. Refugees aren't staying in Eastern Europe for a reason, because those countries aren't socialist, they're not giving free welfare and an apartment to any random Ahmed that shows up saying he's 13 years old.
There were refugees coming into Europe all throughout the 90s because of the Balkan wars, which America and the UK didn't even start (in b4 the eternal anglo wants to keep the slavs from uniting and caused the wars we dindu nuffin). There was refugees escaping their communist shitholes all the time. There were refugees from Somalia and Ethiopia escaping the famines, which the EU gladly sheltered and gave gibs too.
This bullshit that le big bad US/UK is responsible for Europe's refugee problem by bombing Syria and killing Gaddafi ;_; is just a fucking copout by pussy Euros who can't take control of their immigration policies. Most of the Syrian refugees end up in Turkey. The ones who don't like it there because they don't give enough gibs go straight for Europe. In this way most of them are economic refugees. How the fuck can you explain refugees from the oh-so-wartorn countries of Eritrea, Kosovo, Pakistan?
Start taking responsibility for your cuck policies, Euros. There's always going to be wars somewhere, regardless if le imperialist Anglo starts them or not, and it's not your job to take care of the scattered afterbirth that escapes the wars.
Britain deserves to be flooded with Pakis because this is what your grandpa fought for. You don't want to be a Nazi racist do you? Churchill and his cabal of Jewish financiers would be so disappointed
>I'm seeing the like a lot on twitter and Facebook